{ abs, pkgs, ... }@inputs: let qemu = import (abs "lib/qemu.nix") inputs; macAddress = "b6:dc:95:aa:21:8e"; initDisk = qemu.mkCloudInitDisk { user = { ssh_pwauth = false; hostname = "bnuuy"; users = [ { name = "teidesu"; groups = "users,wheel"; shell = "/bin/bash"; sudo = "ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL"; ssh_authorized_keys = [ (builtins.readFile (abs "ssh/teidesu.pub")) ]; } ]; }; network = { version = 2; ethernets = { id0 = { match = { macaddress = macAddress; }; wakeonlan = true; dhcp4 = true; addresses = [ "" ]; gateway4 = ""; nameservers = { search = [ "" ]; }; }; }; }; }; in { # ubuntu vm for random ad-hoc garbage that i don't want to litter my host with systemd.services.bnuuy = qemu.mkSystemdService { name = "bnuuy"; qemuOptions = { cores = "2"; disks = [ { name = "ubuntu"; path = "/etc/vms/bnuuy.img"; } initDisk ]; inherit macAddress; }; }; networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 5901 ]; }