{ abs, pkgs, config, ... }@inputs: let containers = (import (abs "lib/containers.nix") inputs); in { desu.secrets.qbt-dl-webhook.mode = "777"; desu.secrets.torrent-proxy-env.mode = "777"; imports = [ (containers.mkNixosContainer { name = "torrent"; ephemeral = false; ip = ""; private = false; config = { ... }: { imports = [ (import (abs "services/qbittorrent.nix") inputs { port = 80; serviceConfig = { AmbientCapabilities = "CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE"; }; setup = { config, ... }: '' mkdir -p /var/lib/qbittorrent/temp dl_webhook=`cat /mnt/secrets/qbt-dl-webhook` sed -i "s|%DL_WEBHOOK%|$dl_webhook|g" ${config} ''; config = { Preferences = { # auth is managed by oidc proxy "WebUI\\AuthSubnetWhitelist" = ""; "WebUI\\AuthSubnetWhitelistEnabled" = "true"; "WebUI\\ReverseProxySupportEnabled" = "true"; "WebUI\\TrustedReverseProxiesList" = ""; "WebUI\\HostHeaderValidation" = "false"; "WebUI\\CSRFProtection" = "false"; }; BitTorrent = { "Session\\DefaultSavePath" = "/mnt/download"; "Session\\DisableAutoTMMByDefault" = "false"; # puffer is an hdd, which bottlenecks the download speed # upload speed doesn't matter that much "Session\\TempPath" = "/var/lib/qbittorrent/temp"; "Session\\TempPathEnabled" = "true"; "Session\\Port" = "13370"; }; Network = { "PortForwardingEnabled" = "false"; "Proxy\\IP" = ""; "Proxy\\Port" = "@Variant(\\0\\0\\0\\x85\\x1e\\xd2)"; # 7890 "Proxy\\Type" = "SOCKS5"; "Proxy\\HostnameLookupEnabled" = "true"; }; AutoRun = { enabled = "true"; program = "/run/current-system/sw/bin/curl \\\"%DL_WEBHOOK%\\\" -X POST -d \\\"%N\\\""; }; }; }) ]; networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 13370 ]; networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ 13370 ]; }; mounts = { "/mnt/download" = { hostPath = "/mnt/puffer/Downloads"; isReadOnly = false; }; "/mnt/secrets/qbt-dl-webhook" = { hostPath = config.desu.secrets.qbt-dl-webhook.path; isReadOnly = true; }; }; }) ]; desu.openid-proxy.services.torrent = { clientId = "torrent"; domain = "torrent.stupid.fish"; upstream = "http://torrent.containers"; envSecret = "torrent-proxy-env"; }; services.nginx.virtualHosts."torrent.stupid.fish" = { forceSSL = true; useACMEHost = "stupid.fish"; locations."/" = { proxyPass = "http://torrent-oidc.docker$request_uri"; }; }; }