
60 lines
1.8 KiB

const fs = require('fs')
const { getLatestTag, getCommitsSince, parseConventionalCommit, findChangedFilesSince } = require('./git-utils')
function generateChangelog(onlyPackages) {
const byPackage = {}
for (const commit of getCommitsSince(getLatestTag())) {
const parsed = parseConventionalCommit(commit.msg)
if (!parsed) {
console.warn('[warn] Failed to parse commit message: %s', commit.msg)
const { type, breaking } = parsed
if (!type || ['chore', 'ci', 'docs', 'test'].includes(type)) continue
const changed = findChangedFilesSince(`${commit.hash}~1`, commit.hash)
const line = `- ${commit.hash}: ${breaking ? '**❗ BREAKING** ' : ''}${commit.msg}`
for (const file of changed) {
if (!file.startsWith('packages/')) continue
const pkg = file.split('/')[1]
if (onlyPackages && !onlyPackages.includes(pkg)) continue
if (!byPackage[pkg]) byPackage[pkg] = {}
byPackage[pkg][commit.hash] = line
// console.log('including %s in %s because of %s', commit.hash, pkg, file)
let ret = ''
for (const [pkg, lines] of Object.entries(byPackage)) {
ret += `### ${pkg}\n`
ret += Object.values(lines).join('\n')
ret += '\n\n'
return ret
if (require.main === module) {
let onlyPackages = null
if (process.argv[2]) {
onlyPackages = process.argv[2].split(',')
const res = generateChangelog(onlyPackages)
if (process.env.CI && process.env.GITHUB_OUTPUT) {
const delim = `---${require('crypto').randomUUID()}---${require('os').EOL}`
fs.appendFileSync(process.env.GITHUB_OUTPUT, `changelog<<${delim}${res}${delim}`)
} else {