609 lines
17 KiB
609 lines
17 KiB
import { readFile, writeFile } from 'node:fs/promises'
import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'
import { createInterface } from 'node:readline'
import * as cheerio from 'cheerio'
import { asyncPoolCallback } from 'eager-async-pool'
import jsYaml from 'js-yaml'
import type {
} from '@mtcute/tl-utils'
import {
} from '@mtcute/tl-utils'
import {
} from './constants.js'
import { applyDescriptionsYamlFile } from './process-descriptions-yaml.js'
import type { TlPackedSchema } from './schema.js'
import { packTlSchema, unpackTlSchema } from './schema.js'
import { fetchRetry } from './utils.js'
export interface CachedDocumentationEntry {
comment?: string
arguments?: Record<string, string>
throws?: TlEntry['throws']
available?: TlEntry['available']
export interface CachedDocumentation {
updated: string
classes: Record<string, CachedDocumentationEntry>
methods: Record<string, CachedDocumentationEntry>
unions: Record<string, string>
function normalizeLinks(url: string, el: cheerio.Cheerio<cheerio.Element>): void {
el.find('a').each((i, _it) => {
const it = cheerio.default(_it)
let href = it.attr('href')
if (!href) return
if (href[0] === '#') return
href = new URL(href, url).href
it.attr('href', href)
let m
if ((m = href.match(/\/(constructor|method|union)\/([^#?]+)(?:\?|#|$)/))) {
const [, type, name] = m
const [ns, n] = splitNameToNamespace(name)
let q = camelToPascal(snakeToCamel(n))
if (type === 'method' || type === 'constructor') {
q = `Raw${q}${type === 'method' ? 'Request' : ''}`
} else {
q = `Type${q}`
const fullName = ns ? `${ns}.${q}` : q
it.replaceWith(`{@link ${fullName}}`)
function unescapeHtml(text: string) {
return text
.replace(/</g, '<')
.replace(/>/g, '>')
.replace(/"/g, '"')
.replace(/ /g, ' ')
function extractDescription($: cheerio.CheerioAPI) {
return $('.page_scheme')
.map(el => $(el).html()?.trim())
function htmlAll($: cheerio.CheerioAPI, search: cheerio.Cheerio<cheerio.Element>) {
return search
.map(el => $(el).html() ?? '')
// from https://github.com/sindresorhus/cli-spinners/blob/main/spinners.json
const PROGRESS_CHARS = ['⠋', '⠙', '⠹', '⠸', '⠼', '⠴', '⠦', '⠧', '⠇', '⠏']
async function chooseDomainForDocs(headers: Record<string, string>): Promise<[number, string]> {
let maxLayer = 0
let maxDomain = ''
const index = await fetchRetry(`${domain}/schema`, { headers })
const layerMatch = cheerio
.load(index)('.dev_layer_select .dropdown-toggle')
.match(/layer (\d+)/i)
if (!layerMatch) {
throw new Error(`Failed to parse layer from ${domain}`)
const actualLayer = Number.parseInt(layerMatch[1])
if (actualLayer > maxLayer) {
maxLayer = actualLayer
maxDomain = domain
return [maxLayer, maxDomain]
function lastParensGroup(text: string): string | undefined {
const groups = []
let depth = 0
let current = ''
for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
if (text[i] === ')') depth--
if (depth > 0) {
current += text[i]
if (text[i] === '(') depth++
if (current && depth === 0) {
current = ''
return groups[groups.length - 1]
async function fetchAppConfigDocumentation() {
const headers = {
'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) '
+ 'Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36',
const [, domain] = await chooseDomainForDocs(headers)
const page = await fetchRetry(`${domain}/api/config`, { headers })
const $ = cheerio.load(page)
const fields = $('p:icontains(typical fields included)').nextUntil('h3')
normalizeLinks(`${domain}/api/config`, fields)
const fieldNames = fields.filter('h4')
const _example = $('p:icontains(example value)').next('pre').find('code')
const example = JSON.parse(_example.text().trim()) as Record<string, unknown>
const result: Record<string, unknown> = {}
function valueToTypescript(value: unknown, record = false): string {
if (value === undefined) return 'unknown'
if (value === null) return 'null'
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
const types = new Set(value.map(v => typeof v))
if (types.size === 1) {
return `${valueToTypescript(value[0])}[]`
return `(${value.map(v => valueToTypescript(v)).join(' | ')})[]`
if (typeof value === 'object') {
if (record) {
const inner = Object.values(value)[0] as unknown
return `Record<string, ${valueToTypescript(inner)}>`
return (
.map(([k, v]) => ` ${k}: ${valueToTypescript(v)}`)
return typeof value
function docsTypeToTypescript(field: string, type: string): string {
let m
if ((m = type.match(/(.*), defaults to .+$/i))) {
return docsTypeToTypescript(field, m[1])
if ((m = type.match(/^array of (.+?)s?$/i))) {
return `${docsTypeToTypescript(field, m[1])}[]`
switch (type) {
case 'integer':
return 'number'
case 'itneger':
return 'number'
case 'float':
return 'number'
case 'string':
return 'string'
case 'string emoji':
return 'string'
case 'boolean':
return 'boolean'
case 'bool':
return 'boolean'
if (type.match(/^object with .+? keys|^map of/i)) {
return valueToTypescript(example[field], true)
if (type.match(/^strings?, /)) {
if (type.includes('or')) {
const options = type.slice(8).split(/, | or /)
return options.map(o => (o[0] === '"' ? o : JSON.stringify(o))).join(' | ')
return 'string'
if (type.includes(',')) {
return docsTypeToTypescript(field, type.split(',')[0])
if (type.match(/^numeric string/)) {
return 'string'
if (type.includes('as described')) {
return valueToTypescript(example[field])
console.log(`Failed to parse type at ${field}: ${type}`)
return valueToTypescript(example[field])
for (const fieldName of fieldNames.toArray()) {
const name = $(fieldName).text().trim()
const description = htmlAll($, $(fieldName).nextUntil('h3, h4'))
let type = 'unknown'
let typeStr = lastParensGroup(description)
if (!typeStr) {
typeStr = description.match(/\s+\((.+?)(?:\)|\.|\)\.)$/)?.[1]
if (typeStr) {
type = docsTypeToTypescript(name, typeStr)
} else if (name in example) {
type = valueToTypescript(example[name])
result[name] = {
description: jsComment(description),
return result
export async function fetchDocumentation(
schema: TlFullSchema,
layer: number,
silent = !process.stdout.isTTY,
): Promise<CachedDocumentation> {
const headers = {
'cookie': `stel_dev_layer=${layer}`,
'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) '
+ 'Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36',
const [actualLayer, domain] = await chooseDomainForDocs(headers)
console.log('Using domain %s (has layer %s)', domain, actualLayer)
const ret: CachedDocumentation = {
updated: `${new Date().toLocaleString('ru-RU')} (layer ${actualLayer}) - from ${domain}`,
classes: {},
methods: {},
unions: {},
let prevSize = 0
let logPos = 0
function log(str: string) {
if (silent) return
const oldPrevSize = prevSize
prevSize = str.length
while (str.length < oldPrevSize) str += ' '
process.stdout.write(`\r${PROGRESS_CHARS[logPos]} ${str}`)
logPos = (logPos + 1) % PROGRESS_CHARS.length
async function fetchDocsForEntry(entry: TlEntry) {
const url = `${domain}/${entry.kind === 'class' ? 'constructor' : 'method'}/${entry.name}`
const html = await fetchRetry(url, {
const $ = cheerio.load(html)
const content = $('#dev_page_content')
if (content.text().trim() === 'The page has not been saved') return
normalizeLinks(url, content)
const retClass: CachedDocumentationEntry = {}
const description = unescapeHtml(extractDescription($))
if (description) {
retClass.comment = description
const parametersTable = $('#parameters').parent().next('table')
parametersTable.find('tr').each((idx, _el) => {
const el = $(_el)
const cols = el.find('td')
if (!cols.length) return // <thead>
const name = cols.first().text().trim()
const description = unescapeHtml(cols.last().html() ?? '')
if (description) {
if (!retClass.arguments) retClass.arguments = {}
retClass.arguments[name] = description
if (entry.kind === 'method') {
const errorsTable = $('#possible-errors').parent().next('table')
let userBotRequired = false
errorsTable.find('tr').each((idx, _el) => {
const el = $(_el)
const cols = el.find('td')
if (!cols.length) return // <thead>
const code = Number.parseInt($(cols[0]).text())
const name = $(cols[1]).text()
const comment = $(cols[2]).text()
if (name === 'USER_BOT_REQUIRED') userBotRequired = true
if (!retClass.throws) retClass.throws = []
retClass.throws.push({ code, name, comment })
const botsCanUse = Boolean($('#bots-can-use-this-method').length)
const onlyBotsCanUse
= botsCanUse && (Boolean(description.match(/[,;]( for)? bots only$/)) || userBotRequired)
if (onlyBotsCanUse) {
retClass.available = 'bot'
} else if (botsCanUse) {
retClass.available = 'both'
} else {
retClass.available = 'user'
ret[entry.kind === 'class' ? 'classes' : 'methods'][entry.name] = retClass
async function fetchDocsForUnion(name: string) {
log(`📥 union ${name}`)
const url = `${domain}/type/${name}`
const html = await fetchRetry(url, {
const $ = cheerio.load(html)
const content = $('#dev_page_content')
if (content.text().trim() === 'The page has not been saved') return
normalizeLinks(url, content)
const description = extractDescription($)
if (description) ret.unions[name] = description
await asyncPoolCallback(
({ item, error }) => {
if (error) {
console.log(`❌ ${item.kind} ${item.name} (${error.message})`)
log(`📥 ${item.kind} ${item.name}`)
{ limit: 16 },
await asyncPoolCallback(
({ item, error }) => {
if (error) {
console.log(`❌ union ${item} (${error.message})`)
log(`📥 union ${item}`)
{ limit: 16 },
log('✨ Patching descriptions')
const descriptionsYaml = jsYaml.load(await readFile(DESCRIPTIONS_YAML_FILE, 'utf8'))
applyDescriptionsYamlFile(ret, descriptionsYaml)
log('🔄 Writing to file')
await writeFile(DOC_CACHE_FILE, JSON.stringify(ret))
if (!silent) process.stdout.write('\n')
return ret
export function applyDocumentation(schema: TlFullSchema, docs: CachedDocumentation) {
for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
const kind = i === 0 ? 'classes' : 'methods'
const objIndex = schema[kind]
const docIndex = docs[kind]
for (const name in docIndex) {
if (!(name in objIndex)) continue
const obj = objIndex[name]
const doc = docIndex[name]
obj.comment = doc.comment
if (doc.throws) obj.throws = doc.throws
if (doc.available) obj.available = doc.available
if (doc.arguments) {
const args = doc.arguments
obj.arguments.forEach((arg) => {
if (arg.name in args) {
arg.comment = args[arg.name]
for (const name in schema.unions) {
if (!(name in docs.unions)) continue
schema.unions[name].comment = docs.unions[name]
export async function getCachedDocumentation(): Promise<CachedDocumentation | null> {
try {
const file = await readFile(DOC_CACHE_FILE, 'utf8')
return JSON.parse(file) as CachedDocumentation
} catch (e: unknown) {
if (e && typeof e === 'object' && 'code' in e && e.code === 'ENOENT') {
return null
throw e
async function main() {
let cached = await getCachedDocumentation()
if (cached) {
console.log('Cached documentation: %s', cached.updated)
const rl = createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout,
const input = (q: string): Promise<string> => new Promise(res => rl.question(q, res))
while (true) {
console.log('Choose action:')
console.log('0. Exit')
console.log('1. Update documentation')
console.log('2. Apply descriptions.yaml')
console.log('3. Apply documentation to schema')
console.log('4. Fetch app config documentation')
const act = Number.parseInt(await input('[0-4] > '))
if (Number.isNaN(act) || act < 0 || act > 4) {
console.log('Invalid action')
if (act === 0) {
if (act === 1) {
const [schema, layer] = unpackTlSchema(
JSON.parse(await readFile(API_SCHEMA_JSON_FILE, 'utf8')) as TlPackedSchema,
cached = await fetchDocumentation(schema, layer)
if (act === 2) {
if (!cached) {
console.log('No schema available, fetch it first')
const descriptionsYaml = jsYaml.load(await readFile(DESCRIPTIONS_YAML_FILE, 'utf8'))
applyDescriptionsYamlFile(cached, descriptionsYaml)
await writeFile(DOC_CACHE_FILE, JSON.stringify(cached))
if (act === 3) {
if (!cached) {
console.log('No schema available, fetch it first')
const [schema, layer] = unpackTlSchema(
JSON.parse(await readFile(API_SCHEMA_JSON_FILE, 'utf8')) as TlPackedSchema,
applyDocumentation(schema, cached)
await writeFile(API_SCHEMA_JSON_FILE, JSON.stringify(packTlSchema(schema, layer)))
if (act === 4) {
const appConfig = await fetchAppConfigDocumentation()
console.log('Fetched app config documentation')
await writeFile(APP_CONFIG_JSON_FILE, JSON.stringify(appConfig))
if (import.meta.url.startsWith('file:')) {
const modulePath = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)
if (process.argv[1] === modulePath) {
main().catch((err) => {