534 lines
17 KiB
534 lines
17 KiB
// Downloads latest .tl schemas from TDesktop repo,
// fetches documentation from https://core.telegram.org/schema
// and builds a single .json file from all of that,
// while also changing default types (they suck) to ts-like
// disclaimer: code sucks because tl itself sucks :shrug:
const fetch = require('node-fetch')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const cheerio = require('cheerio')
const { applyDescriptionsFile } = require('./process-descriptions-yaml')
const yaml = require('js-yaml')
const { snakeToCamel } = require('./common')
const { asyncPool } = require('eager-async-pool')
const SingleRegex = /^(.+?)(?:#([0-f]{1,8}))?(?: \?)?(?: {(.+?:.+?)})? ((?:.+? )*)= (.+);$/
const transformIgnoreNamespace = (fn, s) => {
if (s.includes('.')) {
let [namespace, name] = s.split('.')
return namespace + '.' + fn(name)
return fn(s)
const normalizeGenerics = (s) => {
if (!s.includes(' ')) return s
let [base, ...args] = s.split(' ')
let ret = base
let depth = 0
args.forEach((arg) => {
depth += 1
ret += '<' + arg
while (depth--) ret += '>'
return ret
// all result types must be different to allow differentiating wire format
// (we could make int128 = Buffer, int256 = Buffer, but we would have no way to determine which is which after building json)
const _types = {
int: 'number',
long: 'Long',
int128: 'Int128',
int256: 'Int256',
double: 'Double',
string: 'string',
bytes: 'Buffer',
boolFalse: 'false',
boolTrue: 'true',
bool: 'boolean',
Bool: 'boolean',
true: 'true',
null: 'null',
Type: 'any',
// this will be removed by generate-reader/writer script and replaced with flags calculation
'#': '$FlagsBitField',
// override Long to RawLong type for some mtproto types
const overrideLongToRawLong = Object.entries({
mt_bind_auth_key_inner: [
mt_bad_server_salt: ['new_server_salt'],
mt_future_salt: ['salt'],
mt_destroy_session_ok: ['session_id'],
mt_destroy_session_none: ['session_id'],
mt_destroy_session: ['session_id'],
mt_new_session_created: ['server_salt'],
}).flatMap(([obj, args]) => args.map((it) => `${obj}#${it}`))
function getJSType(typ, argName) {
if (typ[0] === '!') typ = typ.substr(1)
if (typ === 'long' && overrideLongToRawLong.includes(argName))
return 'RawLong'
if (typ in _types) return _types[typ]
let m = typ.match(/^[Vv]ector[< ](.+?)[> ]$/)
if (m) {
return getJSType(m[1], argName) + '[]'
return normalizeGenerics(typ)
async function convertTlToJson(tlText, tlType, silent = false) {
let lines = tlText.split('\n')
let pos = 0
let line = lines[0].trim()
const padSize = (lines.length + '').length
const pad = (i) => {
const len = (i + '').length
if (len < padSize) {
let pre = ''
for (let i = 0; i < padSize - len; i++) {
pre += ' '
return pre + i
} else return i
const state = {
comment: '',
annotations: null,
type: 'class',
extends: null,
blankLines: 0,
stop: false,
const unions = {}
let nextLine = () => {
state.stop = pos === lines.length - 1
if (state.stop) return
line = lines[++pos].trim()
if (line === '') {
} else {
state.blankLines = 0
if (line && line.startsWith('---functions---')) {
state.type = 'method'
return nextLine()
if (line && line.startsWith('---types---')) {
state.type = 'class'
return nextLine()
if (!silent) process.stdout.write(
`[${pad(pos)}/${lines.length}] Processing ${tlType}.tl..\r`
const ret = {}
function getNamespace(name) {
if (!ret[name]) {
ret[name] = {
classes: [],
methods: [],
unions: [],
return ret[name]
if (!silent) process.stdout.write(
`[${pad(pos)}/${lines.length}] Processing ${tlType}.tl..\r`
while (!state.stop) {
if (line === '' || line.startsWith('//')) {
// skip empty lines and comments
const match = SingleRegex.exec(line)
if (!match) {
console.warn('Regex failed on:\n"' + line + '"')
} else {
let [, fullName, typeId = '0', generics, args, type] = match
if (fullName in _types || fullName === 'vector') {
// vector is parsed manually
args = args.trim()
args =
args && !args.match(/\[ [a-z]+ ]/i)
? args.split(' ').map((j) => j.split(':'))
: []
if (state.type === 'class') {
let [namespace, name] = fullName.split('.')
if (!name) {
name = namespace
namespace = '$root'
if (!unions[type]) unions[type] = []
namespace === '$root' ? name : namespace + '.' + name
let r = {
id: parseInt(typeId, 16),
type: getJSType(type),
arguments: [],
if (generics) {
r.generics = generics.split(',').map((it) => {
let [name, superClass] = it.split(':')
return { name, super: getJSType(superClass) }
if (args.length) {
r.arguments = args.map(([name, typ]) => {
let [predicate, type] = typ.split('?')
if (!type) {
return {
name: snakeToCamel(name),
type: getJSType(
tlType === 'mtproto'
? `mt_${fullName}#${name}`
: ''
return {
name: snakeToCamel(name),
type: getJSType(
tlType === 'mtproto'
? `mt_${fullName}#${name}`
: ''
optional: true,
} else {
let [namespace, name] = fullName.split('.')
if (!name) {
name = namespace
namespace = '$root'
let r = {
name: snakeToCamel(name),
id: parseInt(typeId, 16),
returns: getJSType(type),
arguments: [],
if (generics) {
r.generics = generics.split(',').map((it) => {
let [name, superClass] = it.split(':')
return { name, super: getJSType(superClass) }
if (args.length) {
r.arguments = args.map(([name, typ]) => {
let [predicate, type] = typ.split('?')
if (!type) {
return {
name: snakeToCamel(name),
type: getJSType(
tlType === 'mtproto'
? `mt_${fullName}#${name}`
: ''
return {
name: snakeToCamel(name),
type: getJSType(
tlType === 'mtproto'
? `mt_${fullName}#${name}`
: ''
optional: true,
Object.entries(unions).forEach(([type, subtypes]) => {
let [namespace, name] = type.split('.')
if (!name) {
name = namespace
namespace = '$root'
type: name,
if (!silent) console.log(`[${lines.length}/${lines.length}] Processed ${tlType}.tl`)
return ret
async function addDocumentation(obj) {
console.log('[i] Parsing documentation entries')
// structure: { type: 'class' | 'method' | 'type', name: string, target: object }
let tasks = []
Object.entries(obj).forEach(([namespace, content]) => {
if (namespace === '$root') namespace = ''
else namespace += '.'
content.classes.forEach((cls) =>
type: 'class',
name: namespace + cls.name,
target: cls,
content.methods.forEach((cls) =>
type: 'method',
name: namespace + cls.name,
target: cls,
content.unions.forEach((cls) =>
type: 'union',
name: namespace + cls.type,
target: cls,
async function parseDocumentation(task) {
const { type, name, target } = task
let path = {
class: 'constructor',
method: 'method',
union: 'type',
const url = `https://core.telegram.org/${path}/${name}`
function normalizeLinks(el) {
el.find('a').each((i, it) => {
it = $(it)
it.attr('href', new URL(it.attr('href'), url).href)
let href = it.attr('href')
let m
if (
(m = href.match(
) {
let [, type, name] = m
if (type === 'method')
name = transformIgnoreNamespace(snakeToCamel, name)
it.replaceWith(`{@link ${name}}`)
let html = await fetch(url, {
headers: {
'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) ' +
'Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36',
}).then((i) => i.text())
let $ = cheerio.load(html)
if ($('#dev_page_content').text().includes('has not been saved')) return
target.description = $('#dev_page_content')
let parametersTable = $("h3:contains('Parameters')").next()
parametersTable.find('tr').each((idx, el) => {
el = $(el)
let cols = el.find('td')
if (!cols.length) return // <thead>
let name = snakeToCamel(cols.first().text().trim())
let description = cols.last().html().trim()
target.arguments.forEach((arg) => {
if (arg.name === name) arg.description = description
if (type === 'method') {
let errorsTable = $("h3:contains('Possible errors')").next()
errorsTable.find('tr').each((idx, el) => {
el = $(el)
let cols = el.find('td')
if (!cols.length) return // <thead>
let code = parseInt($(cols[0]).text())
let name = $(cols[1]).text()
let description = $(cols[2]).text()
if (!target.throws) target.throws = []
target.throws.push({ code, name, description })
let botsCanUse = !!$("h3:contains('Bots can use this method')")
let onlyBotsCanUse =
botsCanUse && (
!!target.description.match(/[,;]( for)? bots only$/)
|| target.throws.some((it) => it.code === 'USER_BOT_REQUIRED')
target.available = onlyBotsCanUse
? 'bot'
: botsCanUse
? 'both'
: 'user'
let count = 0
for await (let { idx, error } of asyncPool(parseDocumentation, tasks, {
limit: 5,
})) {
if (error) {
if (error instanceof fetch.FetchError) {
'Network error %s while downloading docs for %s %s, retrying',
} else {
'Error while downloading docs for %o: %s',
if (++count % 50 === 0)
process.stdout.write(`Downloading documentation: ${count} so far\r`)
// converts telegram's json to tl
function convertJsonToTl(json) {
// their json schema uses signed integers for ids, we use unsigned, so we need to convert them
const signedInt32ToUnsigned = (val) => (val < 0 ? val + 0x100000000 : val)
const lines = []
const objectToLine = (cls) => {
let line = `${cls.predicate || cls.method}#${signedInt32ToUnsigned(
.map((p) => ` ${p.name}:${p.type}`)
.join('')} = ${cls.type};`
// i honestly have no idea why http_wait is a function in schema.
// it can't be a function.
// there's literally no way.
// and it is a type in tgdesktop schema.
// (see https://t.me/teispam/998, in russian)
// durov why
let httpWait = json.methods.find((it) => it.method === 'http_wait')
json.methods = json.methods.filter((it) => it.method !== 'http_wait')
return lines.join('\n')
async function main() {
const descriptionsYaml = yaml.load(
await fs.promises.readFile(path.join(__dirname, '../descriptions.yaml'))
console.log('[i] Fetching mtproto.tl')
// using this instead of one in tgdesktop repo because tgdesktop one uses strings instead of bytes in many places
// idk why, i don't wanna know why, maybe some memes with strings in c++ or smth...
// seems like in api.tl there's no such thing (hopefully?)
// and also tl-schema inside the docs is outdated, unlike json (wtf???)
// so we basically convert their json to tl, just to convert it back to json immediately after that
// thank you durov
let mtprotoTl = await fetch('https://core.telegram.org/schema/mtproto-json')
.then((i) => i.json())
.then((json) => convertJsonToTl(json))
let ret = {}
ret.mtproto = await convertTlToJson(mtprotoTl, 'mtproto')
console.log('[i] Fetching api.tl')
let apiTl = await fetch(
).then((i) => i.text())
ret.apiLayer = apiTl.match(/^\/\/ LAYER (\d+)/m)[1]
ret.api = await convertTlToJson(apiTl, 'api')
await addDocumentation(ret.api)
await applyDescriptionsFile(ret, descriptionsYaml)
await fs.promises.writeFile(
path.join(__dirname, '../raw-schema.json'),
JSON.stringify(ret, 4)
// update version in README.md
let readmeMd = await fs.promises.readFile(
path.join(__dirname, '../README.md'),
readmeMd = readmeMd.replace(
/^Generated from TL layer \*\*\d+\*\* \(last updated on \d+\.\d+\.\d+\)\.$/m,
`Generated from TL layer **${
}** (last updated on ${new Date().toLocaleDateString('ru')}).`
await fs.promises.writeFile(path.join(__dirname, '../README.md'), readmeMd)
module.exports = {
if (require.main === module) {