82 lines
2.9 KiB
82 lines
2.9 KiB
module.exports = ({ fs, path, outDir, packageDir, jsr, transformFile }) => ({
buildTs: false,
buildCjs: false,
final() {
// create package by copying all the needed files
const files = [
fs.mkdirSync(path.join(outDir, 'binary'), { recursive: true })
for (const f of files) {
fs.copyFileSync(path.join(packageDir, f), path.join(outDir, f))
if (jsr) {
// jsr doesn't support cjs, so we'll need to add some shims
// todo: remove this god awfulness when tl esm rewrite
transformFile(path.join(outDir, 'index.js'), (content) => {
return [
'/// <reference types="./index.d.ts" />',
'const exports = {};',
'export const tl = exports.tl;',
'export const mtp = exports.mtp;',
transformFile(path.join(outDir, 'binary/reader.js'), (content) => {
return [
'/// <reference types="./reader.d.ts" />',
'const exports = {};',
'export const __tlReaderMap = exports.__tlReaderMap;',
transformFile(path.join(outDir, 'binary/writer.js'), (content) => {
return [
'/// <reference types="./writer.d.ts" />',
'const exports = {};',
'export const __tlWriterMap = exports.__tlWriterMap;',
transformFile(path.join(outDir, 'binary/rsa-keys.js'), (content) => {
return [
'/// <reference types="./rsa-keys.d.ts" />',
'const exports = {};',
'export const __publicKeyIndex = exports.__publicKeyIndex;',
// patch deno.json to add some export maps
transformFile(path.join(outDir, 'deno.json'), (content) => {
const json = JSON.parse(content)
json.exports = {}
for (const f of files) {
if (!f.match(/\.js(on)?$/)) continue
if (f === 'index.js') {
json.exports['.'] = './index.js'
} else {
json.exports[`./${f}`] = `./${f}`
return JSON.stringify(json, null, 2)