64 lines
2.4 KiB
64 lines
2.4 KiB
const KNOWN_DECORATORS = ['memoizeGetters', 'makeInspectable']
module.exports = ({ path, glob, transformFile, packageDir, outDir }) => ({
esmOnlyDirectives: true,
esmImportDirectives: true,
final() {
const version = require(path.join(packageDir, 'package.json')).version
const replaceVersion = (content) => content.replace('%VERSION%', version)
transformFile(path.join(outDir, 'cjs/network/network-manager.js'), replaceVersion)
transformFile(path.join(outDir, 'esm/network/network-manager.js'), replaceVersion)
// make decorators properly tree-shakeable
// very fragile, but it works for now :D
const decoratorsRegex = new RegExp(
const replaceDecorators = (content, file) => {
if (!KNOWN_DECORATORS.some((d) => content.includes(d))) return null
const countPerClass = new Map()
content = content.replace(decoratorsRegex, (_, name, args) => {
const [clsName_, ...rest] = args.split(',')
const clsName = clsName_.trim()
const count = (countPerClass.get(clsName) || 0) + 1
countPerClass.set(clsName, count)
const prevName = count === 1 ? clsName : `${clsName}$${count - 1}`
const localName = `${clsName}$${count}`
return `const ${localName} = /*#__PURE__*/${name}(${prevName}, ${rest.join(',')});`
if (countPerClass.size === 0) {
throw new Error('No decorator usages found, but known names were used')
const customExports = []
for (const [clsName, count] of countPerClass) {
const needle = new RegExp(`^export class(?= ${clsName} ({|extends ))`, 'm')
if (!content.match(needle)) {
throw new Error(`Class ${clsName} not found in ${file}`)
content = content.replace(needle, 'class')
`export { ${clsName}$${count} as ${clsName} }`,
return content + '\n' + customExports.join('\n') + '\n'
for (const f of glob.sync(path.join(outDir, 'esm/highlevel/types/**/*.js'))) {
transformFile(f, replaceDecorators)