68 lines
2.3 KiB
68 lines
2.3 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env node
import { basename, dirname, join } from 'node:path'
import process from 'node:process'
import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'
import * as colors from 'colorette'
import { askForConfig } from './cli.js'
import { installDependencies } from './dependencies.js'
import { MtcuteFeature } from './features/types.js'
import { PackageManager, getExecCommand, getPackageManager } from './package-manager.js'
import { runTemplater } from './templater.js'
import { exec } from './utils.js'
const projectName = process.argv[2]
if (!projectName) {
console.error('Usage: create-mtcute-bot <project-name>')
const packageManager = getPackageManager()
if (packageManager === PackageManager.Bun) {
console.log(`${colors.red('‼️ Warning:')} ${colors.yellow('Bun')} support is ${colors.bold('experimental')}`)
if (packageManager === PackageManager.Deno) {
console.log(`${colors.red('‼️ Warning:')} ${colors.yellow('Deno')} support is ${colors.bold('experimental')}`)
const config = await askForConfig(packageManager)
config.name = basename(projectName)
let outDir = process.env.TARGET_DIR || projectName
if (!outDir.match(/^(?:[A-Z]:)?[/\\]/i)) {
// assume it's a relative path
outDir = join(process.cwd(), outDir)
const __dirname = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url))
await runTemplater(join(__dirname, 'template'), outDir, config)
await installDependencies(outDir, config)
if (config.features.includes(MtcuteFeature.Linters)) {
await exec(outDir, ...getExecCommand(config.packageManager, 'eslint', '--fix', '.'))
if (config.features.includes(MtcuteFeature.Git)) {
await exec(outDir, 'git', 'init', '.', '--initial-branch', 'main')
await exec(outDir, 'git', 'add', '.')
await exec(outDir, 'git', 'commit', '-m', 'Initial commit')
console.log(`✅ Scaffolded new project at ${colors.blue(outDir)}`)
console.log('🚀 Run it with:')
console.log(` ${colors.blue('$')} cd ${projectName}`)
if (config.packageManager === PackageManager.Deno) {
console.log(` ${colors.blue('$')} deno task start`)
// for whatever reason, deno keeps hanging after the we finish
// and doesn't even handle SIGINT. just exit lol
} else {
console.log(` ${colors.blue('$')} ${config.packageManager} start`)