import { describe, it } from 'mocha' import { expect } from 'chai' import { parseTlToEntries } from '../../src/parse' import { generateWriterCodeForTlEntry } from '../../src/codegen/writer' describe('generateWriterCodeForTlEntry', () => { const test = (tl: string, ...js: string[]) => { const entry = parseTlToEntries(tl)[0] expect(generateWriterCodeForTlEntry(entry)).eq( `'${}':function(w${ entry.arguments.length ? ',v' : '' }){w.uint(${});${js.join('')}},` ) } it('generates code for constructors without arguments', () => { test('topPeerCategoryBotsPM#ab661b5b = TopPeerCategory;') }) it('generates code for constructors with simple arguments', () => { test( 'inputBotInlineMessageID#890c3d89 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = InputBotInlineMessageID;', "h(v,'dcId');", ';', "h(v,'id');", 'w.long(;', "h(v,'accessHash');", 'w.long(v.accessHash);' ) test( 'contact#145ade0b user_id:long mutual:Bool = Contact;', "h(v,'userId');", 'w.long(v.userId);', "h(v,'mutual');", 'w.boolean(;' ) test( 'maskCoords#aed6dbb2 n:int x:double y:double zoom:double = MaskCoords;', "h(v,'n');", ';', "h(v,'x');", 'w.double(v.x);', "h(v,'y');", 'w.double(v.y);', "h(v,'zoom');", 'w.double(v.zoom);' ) }) it('generates code for constructors with true flags', () => { test( 'messages.messageEditData#26b5dde6 flags:# caption:flags.0?true = messages.MessageEditData;', 'var flags=0;', 'if(v.caption===true)flags|=1;', 'w.uint(flags);' ) }) it('generates code for constructors with optional arguments', () => { test( 'updates.channelDifferenceEmpty#3e11affb flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int = updates.ChannelDifference;', 'var flags=0;', 'if(|=1;', 'var _timeout=v.timeout!==undefined;', 'if(_timeout)flags|=2;', 'w.uint(flags);', "h(v,'pts');", ';', 'if(_timeout);' ) }) it('generates code for constructors with vector arguments', () => { test( 'contacts.resolvedPeer#7f077ad9 peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ResolvedPeer;', "h(v,'peer');", 'w.object(v.peer);', "h(v,'chats');", 'w.vector(w.object, v.chats);', "h(v,'users');", 'w.vector(w.object, v.users);' ) }) it('generates code for constructors with optional vector arguments', () => { test( 'messages.getWebPagePreview#8b68b0cc flags:# message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = MessageMedia;', 'var flags=0;', 'var _entities=v.entities&&v.entities.length;', 'if(_entities)flags|=8;', 'w.uint(flags);', "h(v,'message');", 'w.string(v.message);', 'if(_entities)w.vector(w.object, v.entities);' ) }) it('generates code for constructors with generics', () => { test( 'invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d {X:Type} layer:int query:!X = X;', "h(v,'layer');", ';', "h(v,'query');", 'w.object(v.query);' ) }) })