import { describe, it } from 'mocha' import { expect } from 'chai' import { BaseTelegramClient, bufferToBigInt, defaultDcs, randomBytes, tl } from '../../src' import { sleep } from '../../src/utils/misc-utils' require('dotenv-flow').config() async function createClientPair( session1: string, session2: string ): Promise<[BaseTelegramClient, BaseTelegramClient]> { const client1 = new BaseTelegramClient({ apiId: process.env.API_ID!, apiHash: process.env.API_HASH!, primaryDc: defaultDcs.defaultTestDc, }) if (session1.indexOf(':') > -1) { // bot token await{ _: 'auth.importBotAuthorization', apiId: parseInt(process.env.API_ID!), apiHash: process.env.API_HASH!, botAuthToken: session1, flags: 0 }) } else { client1.importSession(session1) } const client2 = new BaseTelegramClient({ apiId: process.env.API_ID!, apiHash: process.env.API_HASH!, primaryDc: defaultDcs.defaultTestDc, }) if (session2.indexOf(':') > -1) { // bot token await{ _: 'auth.importBotAuthorization', apiId: parseInt(process.env.API_ID!), apiHash: process.env.API_HASH!, botAuthToken: session2, flags: 0 }) } else { client2.importSession(session2) } return [client1, client2] } describe('e2e : receiving updates', function () { if (!process.env.API_ID || !process.env.API_HASH) { console.warn('Warning: skipping e2e updates test (no API_ID or API_HASH)') return } if (!process.env.BOT_TOKEN || !process.env.USER_SESSION) { console.warn('Warning: skipping e2e updates test (no API_ID or API_HASH)') return } this.timeout(60000) it('receiving from user by bot', async () => { const [actor, observer] = await createClientPair( process.env.USER_SESSION!, process.env.BOT_TOKEN! ) await observer.connect() await observer.waitUntilUsable() let updatesCount = 0 observer['_handleUpdate'] = function() { updatesCount += 1 } const bot = await{ _: 'contacts.resolveUsername', username: process.env.BOT_USERNAME! }).then((res) => res.users[0]) expect(bot._).eq('user') const inputPeer: tl.TypeInputPeer = { _: 'inputPeerUser', userId:, accessHash: (bot as tl.RawUser).accessHash! } await{ _: 'messages.startBot', bot: { _: 'inputUser', userId:, accessHash: (bot as tl.RawUser).accessHash! }, peer: inputPeer, randomId: bufferToBigInt(randomBytes(8)), startParam: '123' }) for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { await{ _: 'messages.sendMessage', peer: inputPeer, randomId: bufferToBigInt(randomBytes(8)), message: `Test ${i}` }) await sleep(1000) } // to make sure the updates were delivered await sleep(5000) // 5 messages + /start = 6 // it is assumed that there were no gaps expect(updatesCount).gte(6) await actor.close() await observer.close() }) it('receiving from user by user', async () => { const [actor, observer] = await createClientPair( process.env.USER_SESSION!, process.env.USER_OTHER_DC_SESSION! ) await observer.connect() await observer.waitUntilUsable() let updatesCount = 0 observer['_handleUpdate'] = function() { updatesCount += 1 } const user = await{ _: 'contacts.resolveUsername', username: process.env.USER_OTHER_DC_USERNAME! }).then((res) => res.users[0]) expect(user._).eq('user') const inputPeer: tl.TypeInputPeer = { _: 'inputPeerUser', userId:, accessHash: (user as tl.RawUser).accessHash! } for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { await sleep(1000) await{ _: 'messages.sendMessage', peer: inputPeer, randomId: bufferToBigInt(randomBytes(8)), message: `Test ${i}` }) } // to make sure the updates were delivered await sleep(5000) // 5 messages // it is assumed that there were no gaps expect(updatesCount).gte(5) await actor.close() await observer.close() }) })