/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-declaration-merging, @typescript-eslint/unified-signatures */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument */ /* THIS FILE WAS AUTO-GENERATED */ import EventEmitter from 'events' import Long from 'long' import { tdFileId } from '@mtcute/file-id' import { tl } from '@mtcute/tl' import { MemoryStorage } from '../storage/providers/memory/index.js' import { MaybeArray, MaybePromise, PartialExcept, PartialOnly } from '../types/index.js' import { BaseTelegramClient, BaseTelegramClientOptions } from './base.js' import { ITelegramClient } from './client.types.js' import { checkPassword } from './methods/auth/check-password.js' import { getPasswordHint } from './methods/auth/get-password-hint.js' import { logOut } from './methods/auth/log-out.js' import { recoverPassword } from './methods/auth/recover-password.js' import { resendCode } from './methods/auth/resend-code.js' import { run } from './methods/auth/run.js' import { sendCode } from './methods/auth/send-code.js' import { sendRecoveryCode } from './methods/auth/send-recovery-code.js' import { signIn } from './methods/auth/sign-in.js' import { signInBot } from './methods/auth/sign-in-bot.js' import { start } from './methods/auth/start.js' import { startTest } from './methods/auth/start-test.js' import { isSelfPeer } from './methods/auth/utils.js' import { answerCallbackQuery } from './methods/bots/answer-callback-query.js' import { answerInlineQuery } from './methods/bots/answer-inline-query.js' import { answerPreCheckoutQuery } from './methods/bots/answer-pre-checkout-query.js' import { deleteMyCommands } from './methods/bots/delete-my-commands.js' import { getBotInfo } from './methods/bots/get-bot-info.js' import { getBotMenuButton } from './methods/bots/get-bot-menu-button.js' import { getCallbackAnswer } from './methods/bots/get-callback-answer.js' import { getGameHighScores, getInlineGameHighScores } from './methods/bots/get-game-high-scores.js' import { getMyCommands } from './methods/bots/get-my-commands.js' import { setBotInfo } from './methods/bots/set-bot-info.js' import { setBotMenuButton } from './methods/bots/set-bot-menu-button.js' import { setGameScore, setInlineGameScore } from './methods/bots/set-game-score.js' import { setMyCommands } from './methods/bots/set-my-commands.js' import { setMyDefaultRights } from './methods/bots/set-my-default-rights.js' import { addChatMembers } from './methods/chats/add-chat-members.js' import { archiveChats } from './methods/chats/archive-chats.js' import { banChatMember } from './methods/chats/ban-chat-member.js' import { createChannel } from './methods/chats/create-channel.js' import { createGroup } from './methods/chats/create-group.js' import { createSupergroup } from './methods/chats/create-supergroup.js' import { deleteChannel } from './methods/chats/delete-channel.js' import { deleteChatPhoto } from './methods/chats/delete-chat-photo.js' import { deleteGroup } from './methods/chats/delete-group.js' import { deleteHistory } from './methods/chats/delete-history.js' import { deleteUserHistory } from './methods/chats/delete-user-history.js' import { editAdminRights } from './methods/chats/edit-admin-rights.js' import { getChat } from './methods/chats/get-chat.js' import { getChatEventLog } from './methods/chats/get-chat-event-log.js' import { getChatMember } from './methods/chats/get-chat-member.js' import { getChatMembers } from './methods/chats/get-chat-members.js' import { getChatPreview } from './methods/chats/get-chat-preview.js' import { getFullChat } from './methods/chats/get-full-chat.js' import { getNearbyChats } from './methods/chats/get-nearby-chats.js' import { getSimilarChannels } from './methods/chats/get-similar-channels.js' import { iterChatEventLog } from './methods/chats/iter-chat-event-log.js' import { iterChatMembers } from './methods/chats/iter-chat-members.js' import { joinChat } from './methods/chats/join-chat.js' import { kickChatMember } from './methods/chats/kick-chat-member.js' import { leaveChat } from './methods/chats/leave-chat.js' import { markChatUnread } from './methods/chats/mark-chat-unread.js' import { closeChat, openChat } from './methods/chats/open-chat.js' import { reorderUsernames } from './methods/chats/reorder-usernames.js' import { restrictChatMember } from './methods/chats/restrict-chat-member.js' import { saveDraft } from './methods/chats/save-draft.js' import { setChatColor } from './methods/chats/set-chat-color.js' import { setChatDefaultPermissions } from './methods/chats/set-chat-default-permissions.js' import { setChatDescription } from './methods/chats/set-chat-description.js' import { setChatPhoto } from './methods/chats/set-chat-photo.js' import { setChatTitle } from './methods/chats/set-chat-title.js' import { setChatTtl } from './methods/chats/set-chat-ttl.js' import { setChatUsername } from './methods/chats/set-chat-username.js' import { setSlowMode } from './methods/chats/set-slow-mode.js' import { toggleContentProtection } from './methods/chats/toggle-content-protection.js' import { toggleFragmentUsername } from './methods/chats/toggle-fragment-username.js' import { toggleJoinRequests } from './methods/chats/toggle-join-requests.js' import { toggleJoinToSend } from './methods/chats/toggle-join-to-send.js' import { unarchiveChats } from './methods/chats/unarchive-chats.js' import { unbanChatMember } from './methods/chats/unban-chat-member.js' import { addContact } from './methods/contacts/add-contact.js' import { deleteContacts } from './methods/contacts/delete-contacts.js' import { getContacts } from './methods/contacts/get-contacts.js' import { importContacts } from './methods/contacts/import-contacts.js' import { createFolder } from './methods/dialogs/create-folder.js' import { deleteFolder } from './methods/dialogs/delete-folder.js' import { editFolder } from './methods/dialogs/edit-folder.js' import { findFolder } from './methods/dialogs/find-folder.js' import { getFolders } from './methods/dialogs/get-folders.js' import { getPeerDialogs } from './methods/dialogs/get-peer-dialogs.js' import { iterDialogs } from './methods/dialogs/iter-dialogs.js' import { setFoldersOrder } from './methods/dialogs/set-folders-order.js' import { downloadAsBuffer } from './methods/files/download-buffer.js' import { downloadToFile } from './methods/files/download-file.js' import { downloadAsIterable } from './methods/files/download-iterable.js' import { downloadAsStream } from './methods/files/download-stream.js' import { _normalizeInputFile } from './methods/files/normalize-input-file.js' import { _normalizeInputMedia } from './methods/files/normalize-input-media.js' import { uploadFile } from './methods/files/upload-file.js' import { uploadMedia } from './methods/files/upload-media.js' import { createForumTopic } from './methods/forums/create-forum-topic.js' import { deleteForumTopicHistory } from './methods/forums/delete-forum-topic-history.js' import { editForumTopic } from './methods/forums/edit-forum-topic.js' import { getForumTopics, GetForumTopicsOffset } from './methods/forums/get-forum-topics.js' import { getForumTopicsById } from './methods/forums/get-forum-topics-by-id.js' import { iterForumTopics } from './methods/forums/iter-forum-topics.js' import { reorderPinnedForumTopics } from './methods/forums/reorder-pinned-forum-topics.js' import { toggleForum } from './methods/forums/toggle-forum.js' import { toggleForumTopicClosed } from './methods/forums/toggle-forum-topic-closed.js' import { toggleForumTopicPinned } from './methods/forums/toggle-forum-topic-pinned.js' import { toggleGeneralTopicHidden } from './methods/forums/toggle-general-topic-hidden.js' import { createInviteLink } from './methods/invite-links/create-invite-link.js' import { editInviteLink } from './methods/invite-links/edit-invite-link.js' import { exportInviteLink } from './methods/invite-links/export-invite-link.js' import { getInviteLink } from './methods/invite-links/get-invite-link.js' import { getInviteLinkMembers } from './methods/invite-links/get-invite-link-members.js' import { getInviteLinks, GetInviteLinksOffset } from './methods/invite-links/get-invite-links.js' import { getPrimaryInviteLink } from './methods/invite-links/get-primary-invite-link.js' import { hideAllJoinRequests } from './methods/invite-links/hide-all-join-requests.js' import { hideJoinRequest } from './methods/invite-links/hide-join-request.js' import { iterInviteLinkMembers } from './methods/invite-links/iter-invite-link-members.js' import { iterInviteLinks } from './methods/invite-links/iter-invite-links.js' import { revokeInviteLink } from './methods/invite-links/revoke-invite-link.js' import { closePoll } from './methods/messages/close-poll.js' import { deleteMessages, deleteMessagesById, DeleteMessagesParams } from './methods/messages/delete-messages.js' import { deleteScheduledMessages } from './methods/messages/delete-scheduled-messages.js' import { editInlineMessage } from './methods/messages/edit-inline-message.js' import { editMessage } from './methods/messages/edit-message.js' import { ForwardMessageOptions, forwardMessages, forwardMessagesById } from './methods/messages/forward-messages.js' import { getCallbackQueryMessage } from './methods/messages/get-callback-query-message.js' import { getDiscussionMessage } from './methods/messages/get-discussion-message.js' import { getHistory, GetHistoryOffset } from './methods/messages/get-history.js' import { getMessageByLink } from './methods/messages/get-message-by-link.js' import { getMessageGroup } from './methods/messages/get-message-group.js' import { getMessageReactions, getMessageReactionsById } from './methods/messages/get-message-reactions.js' import { getMessages } from './methods/messages/get-messages.js' import { getMessagesUnsafe } from './methods/messages/get-messages-unsafe.js' import { getReactionUsers, GetReactionUsersOffset } from './methods/messages/get-reaction-users.js' import { getReplyTo } from './methods/messages/get-reply-to.js' import { getScheduledMessages } from './methods/messages/get-scheduled-messages.js' import { iterHistory } from './methods/messages/iter-history.js' import { iterReactionUsers } from './methods/messages/iter-reaction-users.js' import { iterSearchGlobal } from './methods/messages/iter-search-global.js' import { iterSearchMessages } from './methods/messages/iter-search-messages.js' import { pinMessage } from './methods/messages/pin-message.js' import { readHistory } from './methods/messages/read-history.js' import { readReactions } from './methods/messages/read-reactions.js' import { searchGlobal, SearchGlobalOffset } from './methods/messages/search-global.js' import { searchMessages, SearchMessagesOffset } from './methods/messages/search-messages.js' import { answerMedia, answerMediaGroup, answerText } from './methods/messages/send-answer.js' import { commentMedia, commentMediaGroup, commentText } from './methods/messages/send-comment.js' import { CommonSendParams } from './methods/messages/send-common.js' import { sendCopy, SendCopyParams } from './methods/messages/send-copy.js' import { sendCopyGroup, SendCopyGroupParams } from './methods/messages/send-copy-group.js' import { sendMedia } from './methods/messages/send-media.js' import { sendMediaGroup } from './methods/messages/send-media-group.js' import { QuoteParamsFrom, quoteWithMedia, quoteWithMediaGroup, quoteWithText } from './methods/messages/send-quote.js' import { sendReaction } from './methods/messages/send-reaction.js' import { replyMedia, replyMediaGroup, replyText } from './methods/messages/send-reply.js' import { sendScheduled } from './methods/messages/send-scheduled.js' import { sendText } from './methods/messages/send-text.js' import { sendTyping } from './methods/messages/send-typing.js' import { sendVote } from './methods/messages/send-vote.js' import { translateMessage } from './methods/messages/translate-message.js' import { translateText } from './methods/messages/translate-text.js' import { unpinAllMessages } from './methods/messages/unpin-all-messages.js' import { unpinMessage } from './methods/messages/unpin-message.js' import { initTakeoutSession } from './methods/misc/init-takeout-session.js' import { _normalizePrivacyRules } from './methods/misc/normalize-privacy-rules.js' import { changeCloudPassword } from './methods/password/change-cloud-password.js' import { enableCloudPassword } from './methods/password/enable-cloud-password.js' import { cancelPasswordEmail, resendPasswordEmail, verifyPasswordEmail } from './methods/password/password-email.js' import { removeCloudPassword } from './methods/password/remove-cloud-password.js' import { applyBoost } from './methods/premium/apply-boost.js' import { canApplyBoost, CanApplyBoostResult } from './methods/premium/can-apply-boost.js' import { getBoostStats } from './methods/premium/get-boost-stats.js' import { getBoosts } from './methods/premium/get-boosts.js' import { getMyBoostSlots } from './methods/premium/get-my-boost-slots.js' import { iterBoosters } from './methods/premium/iter-boosters.js' import { addStickerToSet } from './methods/stickers/add-sticker-to-set.js' import { createStickerSet } from './methods/stickers/create-sticker-set.js' import { deleteStickerFromSet } from './methods/stickers/delete-sticker-from-set.js' import { getCustomEmojis, getCustomEmojisFromMessages } from './methods/stickers/get-custom-emojis.js' import { getInstalledStickers } from './methods/stickers/get-installed-stickers.js' import { getStickerSet } from './methods/stickers/get-sticker-set.js' import { moveStickerInSet } from './methods/stickers/move-sticker-in-set.js' import { setChatStickerSet } from './methods/stickers/set-chat-sticker-set.js' import { setStickerSetThumb } from './methods/stickers/set-sticker-set-thumb.js' import { canSendStory, CanSendStoryResult } from './methods/stories/can-send-story.js' import { deleteStories } from './methods/stories/delete-stories.js' import { editStory } from './methods/stories/edit-story.js' import { getAllStories } from './methods/stories/get-all-stories.js' import { getPeerStories } from './methods/stories/get-peer-stories.js' import { getProfileStories } from './methods/stories/get-profile-stories.js' import { getStoriesById } from './methods/stories/get-stories-by-id.js' import { getStoriesInteractions } from './methods/stories/get-stories-interactions.js' import { getStoryLink } from './methods/stories/get-story-link.js' import { getStoryViewers } from './methods/stories/get-story-viewers.js' import { hideMyStoriesViews } from './methods/stories/hide-my-stories-views.js' import { incrementStoriesViews } from './methods/stories/increment-stories-views.js' import { iterAllStories } from './methods/stories/iter-all-stories.js' import { iterProfileStories } from './methods/stories/iter-profile-stories.js' import { iterStoryViewers } from './methods/stories/iter-story-viewers.js' import { readStories } from './methods/stories/read-stories.js' import { reportStory } from './methods/stories/report-story.js' import { sendStory } from './methods/stories/send-story.js' import { sendStoryReaction } from './methods/stories/send-story-reaction.js' import { togglePeerStoriesArchived } from './methods/stories/toggle-peer-stories-archived.js' import { toggleStoriesPinned } from './methods/stories/toggle-stories-pinned.js' import { blockUser } from './methods/users/block-user.js' import { deleteProfilePhotos } from './methods/users/delete-profile-photos.js' import { editCloseFriends, editCloseFriendsRaw } from './methods/users/edit-close-friends.js' import { getCommonChats } from './methods/users/get-common-chats.js' import { getGlobalTtl } from './methods/users/get-global-ttl.js' import { getMe } from './methods/users/get-me.js' import { getMyUsername } from './methods/users/get-my-username.js' import { getProfilePhoto } from './methods/users/get-profile-photo.js' import { getProfilePhotos } from './methods/users/get-profile-photos.js' import { getUsers } from './methods/users/get-users.js' import { iterProfilePhotos } from './methods/users/iter-profile-photos.js' import { resolveChannel, resolvePeer, resolveUser } from './methods/users/resolve-peer.js' import { resolvePeerMany } from './methods/users/resolve-peer-many.js' import { setGlobalTtl } from './methods/users/set-global-ttl.js' import { setMyEmojiStatus } from './methods/users/set-my-emoji-status.js' import { setMyProfilePhoto } from './methods/users/set-my-profile-photo.js' import { setMyUsername } from './methods/users/set-my-username.js' import { setOffline } from './methods/users/set-offline.js' import { unblockUser } from './methods/users/unblock-user.js' import { updateProfile } from './methods/users/update-profile.js' import { ITelegramStorageProvider } from './storage/provider.js' import { Conversation } from './types/conversation.js' import { AllStories, ArrayPaginated, ArrayWithTotal, Boost, BoostSlot, BoostStats, BotChatJoinRequestUpdate, BotCommands, BotReactionCountUpdate, BotReactionUpdate, BotStoppedUpdate, CallbackQuery, Chat, ChatEvent, ChatInviteLink, ChatInviteLinkMember, ChatJoinRequestUpdate, ChatMember, ChatMemberUpdate, ChatPreview, ChosenInlineResult, DeleteMessageUpdate, DeleteStoryUpdate, Dialog, FileDownloadLocation, FileDownloadParameters, ForumTopic, GameHighScore, HistoryReadUpdate, InlineCallbackQuery, InlineQuery, InputChatEventFilters, InputDialogFolder, InputFileLike, InputInlineResult, InputMediaLike, InputMessageId, InputPeerLike, InputPrivacyRule, InputReaction, InputStickerSet, InputStickerSetItem, InputText, MaybeDynamic, Message, MessageMedia, MessageReactions, ParametersSkip2, ParsedUpdate, PeerReaction, PeersIndex, PeerStories, Photo, Poll, PollUpdate, PollVoteUpdate, PreCheckoutQuery, RawDocument, ReplyMarkup, SentCode, Sticker, StickerSet, StickerSourceType, StickerType, StoriesStealthMode, Story, StoryInteractions, StoryUpdate, StoryViewer, StoryViewersList, TakeoutSession, TextWithEntities, TypingStatus, UploadedFile, UploadFileLike, User, UserStatusUpdate, UserTypingUpdate, } from './types/index.js' import { makeParsedUpdateHandler, ParsedUpdateHandlerParams } from './updates/parsed.js' import { _defaultStorageFactory } from './utils/platform/storage.js' import { StringSessionData } from './utils/string-session.js' // from methods/_init.ts // @copy type TelegramClientOptions = ( | (Omit & { /** * Storage to use for this client. * * If a string is passed, it will be used as: * - a path to a JSON file for Node.js * - IndexedDB database name for browsers * * If omitted, {@link MemoryStorage} is used */ storage?: string | ITelegramStorageProvider }) | { client: ITelegramClient } ) & { updates?: Omit /** * If `true`, the updates that were handled by some {@link Conversation} * will not be dispatched any further. * * @default true */ skipConversationUpdates?: boolean } export interface TelegramClient extends ITelegramClient { /** * Register a raw update handler * * @param name Event name * @param handler Raw update handler */ on(name: 'raw_update', handler: (upd: tl.TypeUpdate | tl.TypeMessage, peers: PeersIndex) => void): this /** * Register a parsed update handler * * @param name Event name * @param handler Raw update handler */ on(name: 'update', handler: (upd: ParsedUpdate) => void): this /** * Register a new message handler * * @param name Event name * @param handler New message handler */ on(name: 'new_message', handler: (upd: Message) => void): this /** * Register an edit message handler * * @param name Event name * @param handler Edit message handler */ on(name: 'edit_message', handler: (upd: Message) => void): this /** * Register a message group handler * * @param name Event name * @param handler Message group handler */ on(name: 'message_group', handler: (upd: Message[]) => void): this /** * Register a delete message handler * * @param name Event name * @param handler Delete message handler */ on(name: 'delete_message', handler: (upd: DeleteMessageUpdate) => void): this /** * Register a chat member update handler * * @param name Event name * @param handler Chat member update handler */ on(name: 'chat_member', handler: (upd: ChatMemberUpdate) => void): this /** * Register an inline query handler * * @param name Event name * @param handler Inline query handler */ on(name: 'inline_query', handler: (upd: InlineQuery) => void): this /** * Register a chosen inline result handler * * @param name Event name * @param handler Chosen inline result handler */ on(name: 'chosen_inline_result', handler: (upd: ChosenInlineResult) => void): this /** * Register a callback query handler * * @param name Event name * @param handler Callback query handler */ on(name: 'callback_query', handler: (upd: CallbackQuery) => void): this /** * Register an inline callback query handler * * @param name Event name * @param handler Inline callback query handler */ on(name: 'inline_callback_query', handler: (upd: InlineCallbackQuery) => void): this /** * Register a poll update handler * * @param name Event name * @param handler Poll update handler */ on(name: 'poll', handler: (upd: PollUpdate) => void): this /** * Register a poll vote handler * * @param name Event name * @param handler Poll vote handler */ on(name: 'poll_vote', handler: (upd: PollVoteUpdate) => void): this /** * Register an user status update handler * * @param name Event name * @param handler User status update handler */ on(name: 'user_status', handler: (upd: UserStatusUpdate) => void): this /** * Register an user typing handler * * @param name Event name * @param handler User typing handler */ on(name: 'user_typing', handler: (upd: UserTypingUpdate) => void): this /** * Register a history read handler * * @param name Event name * @param handler History read handler */ on(name: 'history_read', handler: (upd: HistoryReadUpdate) => void): this /** * Register a bot stopped handler * * @param name Event name * @param handler Bot stopped handler */ on(name: 'bot_stopped', handler: (upd: BotStoppedUpdate) => void): this /** * Register a bot chat join request handler * * @param name Event name * @param handler Bot chat join request handler */ on(name: 'bot_chat_join_request', handler: (upd: BotChatJoinRequestUpdate) => void): this /** * Register a chat join request handler * * @param name Event name * @param handler Chat join request handler */ on(name: 'chat_join_request', handler: (upd: ChatJoinRequestUpdate) => void): this /** * Register a pre checkout query handler * * @param name Event name * @param handler Pre checkout query handler */ on(name: 'pre_checkout_query', handler: (upd: PreCheckoutQuery) => void): this /** * Register a story update handler * * @param name Event name * @param handler Story update handler */ on(name: 'story', handler: (upd: StoryUpdate) => void): this /** * Register a delete story handler * * @param name Event name * @param handler Delete story handler */ on(name: 'delete_story', handler: (upd: DeleteStoryUpdate) => void): this /** * Register a bot reaction update handler * * @param name Event name * @param handler Bot reaction update handler */ on(name: 'bot_reaction', handler: (upd: BotReactionUpdate) => void): this /** * Register a bot reaction count update handler * * @param name Event name * @param handler Bot reaction count update handler */ on(name: 'bot_reaction_count', handler: (upd: BotReactionCountUpdate) => void): this // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any on(name: string, handler: (...args: any[]) => void): this /** * Check your Two-Step verification password and log in * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param password Your Two-Step verification password * @returns The authorized user * @throws BadRequestError In case the password is invalid */ checkPassword(password: string): Promise /** * Get your Two-Step Verification password hint. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @returns The password hint as a string, if any */ getPasswordHint(): Promise /** * Log out from Telegram account and optionally reset the session storage. * * When you log out, you can immediately log back in using * the same {@link TelegramClient} instance. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @returns On success, `true` is returned */ logOut(): Promise /** * Recover your password with a recovery code and log in. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @returns The authorized user * @throws BadRequestError In case the code is invalid */ recoverPassword(params: { /** The recovery code sent via email */ recoveryCode: string }): Promise /** * Re-send the confirmation code using a different type. * * The type of the code to be re-sent is specified in the `nextType` attribute of * {@link SentCode} object returned by {@link sendCode} * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ resendCode(params: { /** Phone number in international format */ phone: string /** Confirmation code identifier from {@link SentCode} */ phoneCodeHash: string }): Promise /** * Simple wrapper that calls {@link start} and then * provided callback function (if any) without the * need to introduce a `main()` function manually. * * Errors that were encountered while calling {@link start} * and `then` will be emitted as usual, and can be caught with {@link onError} * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param params Parameters to be passed to {@link start} * @param then Function to be called after {@link start} returns */ run(params: Parameters[1], then?: (user: User) => void | Promise): void /** * Send the confirmation code to the given phone number * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @returns An object containing information about the sent confirmation code */ sendCode(params: { /** Phone number in international format */ phone: string }): Promise /** * Send a code to email needed to recover your password * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @returns String containing email pattern to which the recovery code was sent */ sendRecoveryCode(): Promise /** * Authorize a bot using its token issued by [@BotFather](//t.me/BotFather) * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param token Bot token issued by BotFather * @returns Bot's {@link User} object * @throws BadRequestError In case the bot token is invalid */ signInBot(token: string): Promise /** * Authorize a user in Telegram with a valid confirmation code. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @returns If the code was valid and authorization succeeded, the {@link User} is returned. * @throws BadRequestError In case the arguments are invalid * @throws SessionPasswordNeededError In case a password is needed to sign in */ signIn(params: { /** Phone number in international format */ phone: string /** Code identifier from {@link sendCode} */ phoneCodeHash: string /** The confirmation code that was received */ phoneCode: string }): Promise /** * Utility function to quickly authorize on test DC * using a [Test phone number](https://core.telegram.org/api/auth#test-phone-numbers), * which is randomly generated by default. * * > **Note**: Using this method assumes that you * > are using a test DC in `primaryDc` parameter. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param params Additional parameters */ startTest(params?: { /** * Whether to log out if current session is logged in. * * @default false. */ logout?: boolean /** * Override phone number. Must be a valid Test phone number. * * By default is randomly generated. */ phone?: string /** * Override user's DC. Must be a valid test DC. */ dcId?: number }): Promise /** * Start the client in an interactive and declarative manner, * by providing callbacks for authorization details. * * This method handles both login and sign up, and also handles 2FV * * All parameters are `MaybeDynamic`, meaning you * can either supply `T`, or a function that returns `MaybePromise` * * This method is intended for simple and fast use in automated * scripts and bots. If you are developing a custom client, * you'll probably need to use other auth methods. * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ start(params: { /** * String session exported using {@link TelegramClient.exportSession}. * * This simply calls {@link TelegramClient.importSession} before anything else. * * Note that passed session will be ignored in case storage already * contains authorization. */ session?: string | StringSessionData /** * Whether to overwrite existing session. */ sessionForce?: boolean /** * Phone number of the account. * If account does not exist, it will be created */ phone?: MaybeDynamic /** * Bot token to use. Ignored if `phone` is supplied. */ botToken?: MaybeDynamic /** * 2FA password. Ignored if `botToken` is supplied */ password?: MaybeDynamic /** * Code sent to the phone (either sms, call, flash call or other). * Ignored if `botToken` is supplied, must be present if `phone` is supplied. */ code?: MaybeDynamic /** * If passed, this function will be called if provided code or 2FA password * was invalid. New code/password will be requested later. * * If provided `code`/`password` is a constant string, providing an * invalid one will interrupt authorization flow. */ invalidCodeCallback?: (type: 'code' | 'password') => MaybePromise /** * Whether to force code delivery through SMS */ forceSms?: boolean /** * Custom method that is called when a code is sent. Can be used * to show a GUI alert of some kind. * * This method is called *before* {@link start.params.code}. * * @param code * @default `console.log`. */ codeSentCallback?: (code: SentCode) => MaybePromise }): Promise /** * Check if the given peer/input peer is referring to the current user * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ isSelfPeer(peer: tl.TypeInputPeer | tl.TypePeer | tl.TypeInputUser): boolean /** * Send an answer to a callback query. * * **Available**: 🤖 bots only * * @param queryId ID of the callback query, or the query itself * @param params Parameters of the answer */ answerCallbackQuery( queryId: Long | CallbackQuery, params?: { /** * Maximum amount of time in seconds for which * this result can be cached by the client (not server!). * * @default 0 */ cacheTime?: number /** * Text of the notification (0-200 chars). * * If not set, nothing will be displayed */ text?: string /** * Whether to show an alert in the middle of the screen * instead of a notification at the top of the screen. * * @default false */ alert?: boolean /** * URL that the client should open. * * If this was a button containing a game, * you can provide arbitrary link to your game. * Otherwise, you can only use links in the format * `t.me/your_bot?start=...` that open your bot * with a deep-link parameter. */ url?: string }, ): Promise /** * Answer an inline query. * * **Available**: 🤖 bots only * * @param queryId Inline query ID * @param results Results of the query * @param params Additional parameters */ answerInlineQuery( queryId: tl.Long | InlineQuery, results: InputInlineResult[], params?: { /** * Maximum number of time in seconds that the results of the * query may be cached on the server for. * * @default 300 */ cacheTime?: number /** * Whether the results should be displayed as a gallery instead * of a vertical list. Only applicable to some media types. * * In some cases changing this may lead to the results not being * displayed by the client. * * Default is derived automatically based on result types */ gallery?: boolean /** * Whether the results should only be cached on the server * for the user who sent the query. * * @default false */ private?: boolean /** * Next pagination offset (up to 64 bytes). * * When user has reached the end of the current results, * the client will re-send the inline query with the same text, but * with `offset` set to this value. * * If omitted or empty string is provided, it is assumed that * there are no more results. */ nextOffset?: string /** * If passed, clients will display a button before any other results, * that when clicked switches the user to a private chat with the bot * and sends the bot `/start ${parameter}`. * * An example from the Bot API docs: * * An inline bot that sends YouTube videos can ask the user to connect * the bot to their YouTube account to adapt search results accordingly. * To do this, it displays a "Connect your YouTube account" button above * the results, or even before showing any. The user presses the button, * switches to a private chat with the bot and, in doing so, passes a start * parameter that instructs the bot to return an oauth link. Once done, the * bot can offer a switch_inline button so that the user can easily return to * the chat where they wanted to use the bot's inline capabilities */ switchPm?: { /** * Text of the button */ text: string /** * Parameter for `/start` command */ parameter: string } /** * If passed, clients will display a button on top of the remaining inline result * list with the specified text, that switches the user to the specified bot web app. */ switchWebview?: { /** * Text of the button */ text: string /** * URL to open */ url: string } }, ): Promise /** * Answer a pre-checkout query. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param queryId Pre-checkout query ID */ answerPreCheckoutQuery( queryId: tl.Long | PreCheckoutQuery, params?: { /** If pre-checkout is rejected, error message to show to the user */ error?: string }, ): Promise /** * Delete commands for the current bot and the given scope. * * Does the same as passing `null` to {@link setMyCommands} * * Learn more about scopes in the [Bot API docs](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#botcommandscope) * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ deleteMyCommands(params?: { /** * Scope of the commands. * * @default `BotScope.default_` (i.e. `botCommandScopeDefault`) */ scope?: tl.TypeBotCommandScope | BotCommands.IntermediateScope /** * User language applied to the scope. */ langCode?: string }): Promise /** * Gets information about a bot the current uzer owns (or the current bot) * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ getBotInfo(params: { /** * When called by a user, a bot the user owns must be specified. * When called by a bot, must be empty */ bot?: InputPeerLike /** * If passed, will retrieve the bot's description in the given language. * If left empty, will retrieve the fallback description. */ langCode?: string }): Promise /** * Fetches the menu button set for the given user. * **Available**: 🤖 bots only * */ getBotMenuButton(user: InputPeerLike): Promise /** * Request a callback answer from a bot, * i.e. click an inline button that contains data. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param params */ getCallbackAnswer( params: InputMessageId & { /** Data contained in the button */ data: string | Uint8Array /** * Timeout for the query in ms. * * @default `10000` (10 sec) */ timeout?: number /** * Whether this is a "play game" button */ game?: boolean /** * If the button requires password entry, your 2FA password. * * Your password is never exposed to the bot, * it is checked by Telegram. */ password?: string }, ): Promise /** * Get high scores of a game * **Available**: 🤖 bots only * */ getGameHighScores( params: InputMessageId & { /** ID of the user to find high scores for */ userId?: InputPeerLike }, ): Promise /** * Get high scores of a game from an inline message * * **Available**: 🤖 bots only * * @param messageId ID of the inline message containing the game * @param userId ID of the user to find high scores for */ getInlineGameHighScores( messageId: string | tl.TypeInputBotInlineMessageID, userId?: InputPeerLike, ): Promise /** * Get a list of current bot's commands for the given command scope * and user language. If they are not set, empty set is returned. * * Learn more about scopes in the [Bot API docs](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#botcommandscope) * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ getMyCommands(params?: { /** * Scope of the commands. * * @default `BotScope.default_` (i.e. `botCommandScopeDefault`) */ scope?: tl.TypeBotCommandScope | BotCommands.IntermediateScope /** * User language applied to the scope. */ langCode?: string }): Promise /** * Sets information about a bot the current uzer owns (or the current bot) * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ setBotInfo(params: { /** * When called by a user, a bot the user owns must be specified. * When called by a bot, must be empty */ bot?: InputPeerLike /** * If passed, will update the bot's description in the given language. * If left empty, will change the fallback description. */ langCode?: string /** New bot name */ name?: string /** New bio text (displayed in the profile) */ bio?: string /** New description text (displayed when the chat is empty) */ description?: string }): Promise /** * Sets a menu button for the given user. * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ setBotMenuButton(user: InputPeerLike, button: tl.TypeBotMenuButton): Promise /** * Set a score of a user in a game * * **Available**: 🤖 bots only * * @param params * @returns The modified message */ setGameScore( params: InputMessageId & { /** ID of the user who has scored */ userId: InputPeerLike /** The new score (must be >0) */ score: number /** * When `true`, the game message will not be modified * to include the new score */ noEdit?: boolean /** * Whether to allow user's score to decrease. * This can be useful when fixing mistakes or banning cheaters */ force?: boolean /** * Whether to dispatch the edit message event * to the client's update handler. */ shouldDispatch?: true }, ): Promise /** * Set a score of a user in a game contained in * an inline message * * **Available**: 🤖 bots only * * @param params */ setInlineGameScore(params: { /** ID of the inline message */ messageId: string | tl.TypeInputBotInlineMessageID /** ID of the user who has scored */ userId: InputPeerLike /** The new score (must be >0) */ score: number /** * When `true`, the game message will not be modified * to include the new score */ noEdit?: boolean /** * Whether to allow user's score to decrease. * This can be useful when fixing mistakes or banning cheaters */ force?: boolean }): Promise /** * Set or delete commands for the current bot and the given scope * * Learn more about scopes in the [Bot API docs](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#botcommandscope) * **Available**: 🤖 bots only * */ setMyCommands(params: { /** * New list of bot commands for the given scope. * * Pass empty array or `null` to delete them. */ commands: tl.RawBotCommand[] | null /** * Scope of the commands. * * @default `BotScope.default_` (i.e. `botCommandScopeDefault`) */ scope?: tl.TypeBotCommandScope | BotCommands.IntermediateScope /** * User language applied to the scope. */ langCode?: string }): Promise /** * Sets the default chat permissions for the bot in the supergroup or channel. * **Available**: 🤖 bots only * */ setMyDefaultRights(params: { /** Whether to target groups or channels. */ target: 'channel' | 'group' /** The default chat permissions. */ rights: Omit }): Promise /** * Add one or more new members to a group, supergroup or channel. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param chatId ID of the chat or its username * @param users ID(s) of the user(s) to add */ addChatMembers( chatId: InputPeerLike, users: MaybeArray, params: { /** * Number of old messages to be forwarded (0-100). * Only applicable to legacy groups, ignored for supergroups and channels * * @default 100 */ forwardCount?: number }, ): Promise /** * Archive one or more chats * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param chats Chat ID(s), username(s), phone number(s), `"me"` or `"self"` */ archiveChats(chats: MaybeArray): Promise /** * Ban a user/channel from a legacy group, a supergroup or a channel. * They will not be able to re-join the group on their own, * manual administrator's action will be required. * * When banning a channel, the user won't be able to use * any of their channels to post until the ban is lifted. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @returns Service message about removed user, if one was generated. */ banChatMember(params: { /** Chat ID */ chatId: InputPeerLike /** ID of the user/channel to ban */ participantId: InputPeerLike /** * Whether to dispatch the returned service message (if any) * to the client's update handler. */ shouldDispatch?: true }): Promise /** * Create a new broadcast channel * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @returns Newly created channel */ createChannel(params: { /** * Channel title */ title: string /** * Channel description */ description?: string }): Promise /** * Create a legacy group chat * * If you want to create a supergroup, use {@link createSupergroup} * instead. * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ createGroup(params: { /** * Group title */ title: string /** * User(s) to be invited in the group (ID(s), username(s) or phone number(s)). * Due to Telegram limitations, you can't create a legacy group with just yourself. */ users: MaybeArray /** * TTL period (in seconds) for the newly created chat * * @default 0 (i.e. messages don't expire) */ ttlPeriod?: number }): Promise /** * Create a new supergroup * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @returns Newly created supergroup */ createSupergroup(params: { /** * Supergroup title */ title: string /** * Supergroup description */ description?: string /** * Whether to create a forum */ forum?: boolean /** * TTL period (in seconds) for the newly created supergroup * * @default 0 (i.e. messages don't expire) */ ttlPeriod?: number }): Promise /** * Delete a channel or a supergroup * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param chatId Chat ID or username */ deleteChannel(chatId: InputPeerLike): Promise /** * Delete a channel or a supergroup * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param chatId Chat ID or username */ deleteSupergroup(chatId: InputPeerLike): Promise /** * Delete a chat photo * * You must be an administrator and have the appropriate permissions. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat ID or username */ deleteChatPhoto(chatId: InputPeerLike): Promise /** * Delete a legacy group chat for all members * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param chatId Chat ID */ deleteGroup(chatId: InputPeerLike): Promise /** * Delete communication history (for private chats and legacy groups) * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ deleteHistory( chat: InputPeerLike, params?: { /** * Deletion mode. Can be: * - `delete`: delete messages (only for yourself) * - `clear`: delete messages (only for yourself) * - `revoke`: delete messages for all users * - I'm not sure what's the difference between `delete` and `clear`, * but they are in fact different flags in TL object. * * @default 'delete' */ mode: 'delete' | 'clear' | 'revoke' /** * Maximum ID of message to delete. * * @default 0, i.e. remove all messages */ maxId?: number }, ): Promise /** * Delete all messages of a user (or channel) in a supergroup * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ deleteUserHistory(params: { /** Chat ID */ chatId: InputPeerLike /** User/channel ID whose messages to delete */ participantId: InputPeerLike }): Promise /** * Edit supergroup/channel admin rights of a user. * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ editAdminRights(params: { /** Chat ID */ chatId: InputPeerLike /** User ID */ userId: InputPeerLike /** New admin rights */ rights: Omit /** Custom admin rank */ rank?: string }): Promise /** * Get chat event log ("Recent actions" in official clients). * * Only available for supergroups and channels, and * requires (any) administrator rights. * * Results are returned in reverse chronological * order (i.e. newest first) and event IDs are * in direct chronological order (i.e. newer * events have bigger event ID) * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param params */ getChatEventLog( chatId: InputPeerLike, params?: { /** * Search query */ query?: string /** * Minimum event ID to return */ minId?: tl.Long /** * Maximum event ID to return, * can be used as a base offset */ maxId?: tl.Long /** * List of users whose actions to return */ users?: InputPeerLike[] /** * Event filters. Can be a TL object, or one or more * action types. * * Note that some filters are grouped in TL * (i.e. `info=true` will return `title_changed`, * `username_changed` and many more), * and when passing one or more action types, * they will be filtered locally. */ filters?: InputChatEventFilters /** * Limit the number of events returned. * * > Note: when using filters, there will likely be * > less events returned than specified here. * > This limit is only used to limit the number of * > events to fetch from the server. * > * > If you need to limit the number of events * > returned, use {@link iterChatEventLog} instead. * * @default 100 */ limit?: number }, ): Promise /** * Get information about a single chat member * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat ID or username * @param userId User ID, username, phone number, `"me"` or `"self"` * @returns Chat member, or `null` if user is not a member of the chat */ getChatMember(params: { /** Chat ID or username */ chatId: InputPeerLike /** User ID, username, phone number, `"me"` or `"self"` */ userId: InputPeerLike }): Promise /** * Get a chunk of members of some chat. * * You can retrieve up to 200 members at once * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat ID or username * @param params Additional parameters */ getChatMembers( chatId: InputPeerLike, params?: { /** * Search query to filter members by their display names and usernames * * > **Note**: Only used for these values of `filter`: * > `all, banned, restricted, mention, contacts` * * @default `''` (empty string) */ query?: string /** * Sequential number of the first member to be returned. */ offset?: number /** * Maximum number of members to be retrieved. * * > **Note**: Telegram currently only allows you to ever retrieve at most * > 200 members, regardless of offset/limit. I.e. when passing * > `offset=201` nothing will ever be returned. * * @default 200 */ limit?: number /** * Type of the query. Can be: * - `all`: get all members * - `banned`: get only banned members * - `restricted`: get only restricted members * - `bots`: get only bots * - `recent`: get recent members * - `admins`: get only administrators (and creator) * - `contacts`: get only contacts * - `mention`: get users that can be mentioned (see {@link tl.RawChannelParticipantsMentions}) * * Only used for channels and supergroups. * * @default `recent` */ type?: 'all' | 'banned' | 'restricted' | 'bots' | 'recent' | 'admins' | 'contacts' | 'mention' }, ): Promise> /** * Get preview information about a private chat. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param inviteLink Invite link * @throws MtArgumentError In case invite link has invalid format * @throws MtPeerNotFoundError * In case you are trying to get info about private chat that you have already joined. * Use {@link getChat} or {@link getFullChat} instead. */ getChatPreview(inviteLink: string): Promise /** * Get basic information about a chat. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId ID of the chat, its username or invite link * @throws MtArgumentError * In case you are trying to get info about private chat that you haven't joined. * Use {@link getChatPreview} instead. */ getChat(chatId: InputPeerLike): Promise /** * Get full information about a chat. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId ID of the chat, its username or invite link * @throws MtArgumentError * In case you are trying to get info about private chat that you haven't joined. * Use {@link getChatPreview} instead. */ getFullChat(chatId: InputPeerLike): Promise /** * Get nearby chats * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param latitude Latitude of the location * @param longitude Longitude of the location */ getNearbyChats(latitude: number, longitude: number): Promise /** * Get channels that are similar to a given channel * * > **Note**: This method only returns the channels that the current user * > is not subscribed to. For non-premium users, this method will only return * > a few channels (with the total number of similar channels being specified in `.total`) * > * > Returns empty array in case there are no similar channels available. * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ getSimilarChannels(channel: InputPeerLike): Promise> /** * Iterate over chat event log. * * Small wrapper over {@link getChatEventLog} * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat ID * @param params */ iterChatEventLog( chatId: InputPeerLike, params?: Parameters[2] & { /** * Total number of events to return. * * @default Infinity */ limit?: number /** * Chunk size, passed as `limit` to {@link getChatEventLog}. * Usually you don't need to touch this. * * @default 100 */ chunkSize?: number }, ): AsyncIterableIterator /** * Iterate through chat members * * This method is a small wrapper over {@link getChatMembers}, * which also handles duplicate entries (i.e. does not yield * the same member twice) * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat ID or username * @param params Additional parameters */ iterChatMembers( chatId: InputPeerLike, params?: Parameters[2] & { /** * Chunk size, which will be passed as `limit` parameter * to {@link getChatMembers}. Usually you shouldn't care about this. * * @default `200` */ chunkSize?: number }, ): AsyncIterableIterator /** * Join a channel or supergroup * * When using with invite links, this method may throw RPC error * `INVITE_REQUEST_SENT`, which means that you need to wait for admin approval. * You will get into the chat once they do so. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param chatId * Chat identifier. Either an invite link (`t.me/joinchat/*`), a username (`@username`) * or ID of the linked supergroup or channel. */ joinChat(chatId: InputPeerLike): Promise /** * Kick a user from a chat. * * This effectively bans a user and immediately unbans them. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @returns Service message about removed user, if one was generated. */ kickChatMember(params: { /** Chat ID */ chatId: InputPeerLike /** User ID */ userId: InputPeerLike }): Promise /** * Leave a group chat, supergroup or channel * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat ID or username */ leaveChat( chatId: InputPeerLike, params?: { /** * Whether to clear history after leaving (only for legacy group chats) */ clear?: boolean }, ): Promise /** * Mark a chat as unread * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param chatId Chat ID */ markChatUnread(chatId: InputPeerLike): Promise /** * Inform the library that the user has opened a chat. * * Some library logic depends on this, for example, the library will * periodically ping the server to keep the updates flowing. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chat Chat to open */ openChat(chat: InputPeerLike): Promise /** * Inform the library that the user has closed a chat. * Un-does the effect of {@link openChat}. * * Some library logic depends on this, for example, the library will * periodically ping the server to keep the updates flowing. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chat Chat to open */ closeChat(chat: InputPeerLike): Promise /** * Reorder usernames * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param peerId Bot, channel or "me"/"self" */ reorderUsernames(peerId: InputPeerLike, order: string[]): Promise /** * Restrict a user in a supergroup. * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ restrictChatMember(params: { /** Chat ID */ chatId: InputPeerLike /** User ID */ userId: InputPeerLike /** * Restrictions for the user. Note that unlike Bot API, this object contains * the restrictions, and not the permissions, i.e. * passing `sendMessages=true` will disallow the user to send messages, * and passing `{}` (empty object) will lift any restrictions */ restrictions: Omit /** * Date when the user will be unrestricted. * When `number` is passed, UNIX time in ms is expected. * If this value is less than 30 seconds or more than 366 days in * the future, user will be restricted forever. * * @default `0`, i.e. forever */ until?: number | Date }): Promise /** * Save or delete a draft message associated with some chat * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param chatId ID of the chat, its username, phone or `"me"` or `"self"` * @param draft Draft message, or `null` to delete. */ saveDraft(chatId: InputPeerLike, draft: null | Omit): Promise /** * Set peer color and optionally background pattern * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ setChatColor(params: { /** * Peer where to update the color. * * By default will change the color for the current user */ peer?: InputPeerLike /** * Color identificator * * Note that this value is **not** an RGB color representation. Instead, it is * a number which should be used to pick a color from a predefined * list of colors: * - `0-6` are the default colors used by Telegram clients: * `red, orange, purple, green, sea, blue, pink` * - `>= 7` are returned by `help.getAppConfig`. */ color: number /** * Background pattern emoji ID. * * Must be an adaptive emoji, otherwise the request will fail. */ backgroundEmojiId?: tl.Long /** * Whether to set this color for the profile * header instead of chat name/replies. * * Currently only available for the current user. */ forProfile?: boolean }): Promise /** * Change default chat permissions for all members. * * You must be an administrator in the chat and have appropriate permissions. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat ID or username * @param restrictions * Restrictions for the chat. Note that unlike Bot API, this object contains * the restrictions, and not the permissions, i.e. * passing `sendMessages=true` will disallow the users to send messages, * and passing `{}` (empty object) will lift any restrictions */ setChatDefaultPermissions( chatId: InputPeerLike, restrictions: Omit, ): Promise /** * Change chat description * * You must be an administrator and have the appropriate permissions. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat ID or username * @param description New chat description, 0-255 characters */ setChatDescription(chatId: InputPeerLike, description: string): Promise /** * Set a new chat photo or video. * * You must be an administrator and have the appropriate permissions. * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ setChatPhoto(params: { /** Chat ID or username */ chatId: InputPeerLike /** Media type (photo or video) */ type: 'photo' | 'video' /** Input media file */ media: InputFileLike /** * When `type = video`, timestamp in seconds which will be shown * as a static preview. */ previewSec?: number }): Promise /** * Change chat title * * You must be an administrator and have the appropriate permissions. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat ID or username * @param title New chat title, 1-255 characters */ setChatTitle(chatId: InputPeerLike, title: string): Promise /** * Set maximum Time-To-Live of all newly sent messages in the specified chat * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param chatId Chat ID * @param period New TTL period, in seconds (or 0 to disable) */ setChatTtl(chatId: InputPeerLike, period: number): Promise /** * Change supergroup/channel username * * You must be an administrator and have the appropriate permissions. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param chatId Chat ID or current username * @param username New username, or `null` to remove */ setChatUsername(chatId: InputPeerLike, username: string | null): Promise /** * Set supergroup's slow mode interval. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param chatId Chat ID or username * @param [seconds=0] * Slow mode interval in seconds. * Users will be able to send a message only once per this interval. * Valid values are: `0 (off), 10, 30, 60 (1m), 300 (5m), 900 (15m) or 3600 (1h)` */ setSlowMode(chatId: InputPeerLike, seconds?: number): Promise /** * Set whether a chat has content protection (i.e. forwarding messages is disabled) * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param chatId Chat ID or username * @param [enabled=false] Whether content protection should be enabled */ toggleContentProtection(chatId: InputPeerLike, enabled?: boolean): Promise /** * Toggle a collectible (Fragment) username * * > **Note**: non-collectible usernames must still be changed * > using {@link setUsername}/{@link setChatUsername} * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ toggleFragmentUsername(params: { /** Peer ID whose username to toggle */ peerId: InputPeerLike /** * Username to toggle */ username: string /** * Whether to enable or disable the username */ active: boolean }): Promise /** * Set whether a channel/supergroup has join requests enabled. * * > **Note**: this method only affects primary invite links. * > Additional invite links may exist with the opposite setting. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param chatId Chat ID or username * @param [enabled=false] Whether join requests should be enabled */ toggleJoinRequests(chatId: InputPeerLike, enabled?: boolean): Promise /** * Set whether a channel/supergroup has join-to-send setting enabled. * * This only affects discussion groups where users can send messages * without joining the group. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param chatId Chat ID or username * @param [enabled=false] Whether join-to-send setting should be enabled */ toggleJoinToSend(chatId: InputPeerLike, enabled?: boolean): Promise /** * Unarchive one or more chats * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param chats Chat ID(s), username(s), phone number(s), `"me"` or `"self"` */ unarchiveChats(chats: MaybeArray): Promise /** * Unban a user/channel from a supergroup or a channel, * or remove any restrictions that they have. * Unbanning does not add the user back to the chat, this * just allows the user to join the chat again, if they want. * * This method acts as a no-op in case a legacy group is passed. * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ unbanChatMember(params: { /** Chat ID */ chatId: InputPeerLike /** User/channel ID who should be unbanned */ participantId: InputPeerLike }): Promise /** * Unban a user/channel from a supergroup or a channel, * or remove any restrictions that they have. * Unbanning does not add the user back to the chat, this * just allows the user to join the chat again, if they want. * * This method acts as a no-op in case a legacy group is passed. * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ unrestrictChatMember(params: { /** Chat ID */ chatId: InputPeerLike /** User/channel ID who should be unbanned */ participantId: InputPeerLike }): Promise /** * Add an existing Telegram user as a contact * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ addContact(params: { /** User ID, username or phone number */ userId: InputPeerLike /** * First name of the contact */ firstName: string /** * Last name of the contact */ lastName?: string /** * Phone number of the contact, if available */ phone?: string /** * Whether to share your own phone number * with the newly created contact * * @default false */ sharePhone?: boolean }): Promise /** * Delete one or more contacts from your Telegram contacts list * * Returns deleted contact's profiles. Does not return * profiles of users that were not in your contacts list * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param userIds User IDs, usernames or phone numbers */ deleteContacts(userIds: MaybeArray): Promise /** * Get list of contacts from your Telegram contacts list. * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ getContacts(): Promise /** * Import contacts to your Telegram contacts list. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param contacts List of contacts */ importContacts( contacts: PartialOnly, 'clientId'>[], ): Promise /** * Create a folder from given parameters * * ID for the folder is optional, if not * provided it will be derived automatically. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param folder Parameters for the folder * @returns Newly created folder */ createFolder(folder: PartialExcept): Promise /** * Delete a folder by its ID * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param id Folder ID or folder itself */ deleteFolder(id: number | tl.RawDialogFilter): Promise /** * Edit a folder with given modification * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @returns Modified folder */ editFolder(params: { /** * Folder, folder ID or name. * Note that passing an ID or name will require re-fetching all folders, * and passing name might affect not the right folder if you have multiple * with the same name. */ folder: tl.RawDialogFilter | number | string /** Modification to be applied to this folder */ modification: Partial> }): Promise /** * Find a folder by its parameter. * * > **Note**: Searching by title and/or emoji might not be * > accurate since you can set the same title and/or emoji * > to multiple folders. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param params Search parameters. At least one must be set. */ findFolder(params: { /** Folder title */ title?: string /** Folder emoji */ emoji?: string /** Folder ID */ id?: number }): Promise /** * Get list of folders. * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ getFolders(): Promise /** * Get dialogs with certain peers. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param peers Peers for which to fetch dialogs. */ getPeerDialogs(peers: MaybeArray): Promise /** * Iterate over dialogs. * * Note that due to Telegram API limitations, * ordering here can only be anti-chronological * (i.e. newest - first), and draft update date * is not considered when sorting. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param params Fetch parameters */ iterDialogs(params?: { /** * Offset message date used as an anchor for pagination. */ offsetDate?: Date | number /** * Offset message ID used as an anchor for pagination */ offsetId?: number /** * Offset peer used as an anchor for pagination */ offsetPeer?: tl.TypeInputPeer /** * Limits the number of dialogs to be received. * * @default `Infinity`, i.e. all dialogs are fetched */ limit?: number /** * Chunk size which will be passed to `messages.getDialogs`. * You shouldn't usually care about this. * * @default 100. */ chunkSize?: number /** * How to handle pinned dialogs? * * Whether to `include` them at the start of the list, * `exclude` them at all, or `only` return pinned dialogs. * * Additionally, for folders you can specify * `keep`, which will return pinned dialogs * ordered by date among other non-pinned dialogs. * * > **Note**: When using `include` mode with folders, * > pinned dialogs will only be fetched if all offset * > parameters are unset. * * @default `include`. */ pinned?: 'include' | 'exclude' | 'only' | 'keep' /** * How to handle archived chats? * * Whether to `keep` them among other dialogs, * `exclude` them from the list, or `only` * return archived dialogs * * Ignored for folders, since folders * themselves contain information about archived chats. * * > **Note**: when `pinned=only`, `archived=keep` will act as `only` * > because of Telegram API limitations. * * @default `exclude` */ archived?: 'keep' | 'exclude' | 'only' /** * Folder from which the dialogs will be fetched. * * You can pass folder object, id or title * * Note that passing anything except object will * cause the list of the folders to be fetched, * and passing a title may fetch from * a wrong folder if you have multiple with the same title. * * Also note that fetching dialogs in a folder is * *orders of magnitudes* slower than normal because * of Telegram API limitations - we have to fetch all dialogs * and filter the ones we need manually. If possible, * use {@link Dialog.filterFolder} instead. * * When a folder with given ID or title is not found, * {@link MtArgumentError} is thrown * * @default (fetches from "All" folder) */ folder?: InputDialogFolder /** * Additional filtering for the dialogs. * * If `folder` is not provided, this filter is used instead. * If `folder` is provided, fields from this object are used * to override filters inside the folder. */ filter?: Partial> }): AsyncIterableIterator /** * Reorder folders * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param order New order of folders (folder IDs, where default = 0) */ setFoldersOrder(order: number[]): Promise /** * Download a file and return its contents as a Buffer. * * > **Note**: This method _will_ download the entire file * > into memory at once. This might cause an issue, so use wisely! * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param params File download parameters */ downloadAsBuffer(location: FileDownloadLocation, params?: FileDownloadParameters): Promise /** * Download a remote file to a local file (only for NodeJS). * Promise will resolve once the download is complete. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param filename Local file name to which the remote file will be downloaded * @param params File download parameters */ downloadToFile(filename: string, location: FileDownloadLocation, params?: FileDownloadParameters): Promise /** * Download a file and return it as an iterable, which yields file contents * in chunks of a given size. Order of the chunks is guaranteed to be * consecutive. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param params Download parameters */ downloadAsIterable(input: FileDownloadLocation, params?: FileDownloadParameters): AsyncIterableIterator /** * Download a file and return it as a readable stream, * streaming file contents. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param params File download parameters */ downloadAsStream(location: FileDownloadLocation, params?: FileDownloadParameters): ReadableStream /** * Normalize a {@link InputFileLike} to `InputFile`, * uploading it if needed. * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ _normalizeInputFile( input: InputFileLike, params: { progressCallback?: (uploaded: number, total: number) => void fileName?: string fileSize?: number fileMime?: string }, ): Promise /** * Normalize an {@link InputMediaLike} to `InputMedia`, * uploading the file if needed. * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ _normalizeInputMedia( media: InputMediaLike, params?: { progressCallback?: (uploaded: number, total: number) => void uploadPeer?: tl.TypeInputPeer }, uploadMedia?: boolean, ): Promise /** * Upload a file to Telegram servers, without actually * sending a message anywhere. Useful when an `InputFile` is required. * * This method is quite low-level, and you should use other * methods like {@link sendMedia} that handle this under the hood. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param params Upload parameters */ uploadFile(params: { /** * Upload file source. * * > **Note**: `fs.ReadStream` is a subclass of `stream.Readable` and contains * > info about file name, thus you don't need to pass them explicitly. */ file: UploadFileLike /** * File name for the uploaded file. Is usually inferred from path, * but should be provided for files sent as `Buffer` or stream. * * When file name can't be inferred, it falls back to "unnamed" */ fileName?: string /** * Total file size. Automatically inferred for Buffer, File and local files. */ fileSize?: number /** * If the file size is unknown, you can provide an estimate, * which will be used to determine appropriate part size. */ estimatedSize?: number /** * File MIME type. By default is automatically inferred from magic number * If MIME can't be inferred, it defaults to `application/octet-stream` */ fileMime?: string /** * Upload part size (in KB). * * By default, automatically selected by file size. * Must not be bigger than 512 and must not be a fraction. */ partSize?: number /** * Number of parts to be sent in parallel per connection. */ requestsPerConnection?: number /** * Function that will be called after some part has been uploaded. * * @param uploaded Number of bytes already uploaded * @param total Total file size, if known */ progressCallback?: (uploaded: number, total: number) => void /** * When using `inputMediaUploadedPhoto` (e.g. when sending an uploaded photo) require * the file size to be known beforehand. * * In case this is set to `true`, a stream is passed as `file` and the file size is unknown, * the stream will be buffered in memory and the file size will be inferred from the buffer. */ requireFileSize?: boolean }): Promise /** * Upload a media to Telegram servers, without actually * sending a message anywhere. Useful when File ID is needed. * * The difference with {@link uploadFile} is that * the returned object will act like a message media * and contain fields like File ID. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param media Media to upload * @param [params={}] Upload parameters */ uploadMedia( media: InputMediaLike, params?: { peer?: InputPeerLike progressCallback?: (uploaded: number, total: number) => void }, ): Promise> /** * Create a topic in a forum * * Only admins with `manageTopics` permission can do this. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @returns Service message for the created topic */ createForumTopic(params: { /** Chat ID or username */ chatId: InputPeerLike /** * Topic title */ title: string /** * Icon of the topic. * * Can be a number (color in RGB, see {@link ForumTopic} static members for allowed values) * or a custom emoji ID. * * Icon color can't be changed after the topic is created. */ icon?: number | tl.Long /** * Send as a specific channel */ sendAs?: InputPeerLike /** * Whether to dispatch the returned service message (if any) * to the client's update handler. */ shouldDispatch?: true }): Promise /** * Delete a forum topic and all its history * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chat Chat or user ID, username, phone number, `"me"` or `"self"` * @param topicId ID of the topic (i.e. its top message ID) */ deleteForumTopicHistory(chat: InputPeerLike, topicId: number | ForumTopic): Promise /** * Modify a topic in a forum * * Only admins with `manageTopics` permission can do this. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat ID or username * @param topicId ID of the topic (i.e. its top message ID) * @returns Service message about the modification */ editForumTopic(params: { /** Chat ID or username */ chatId: InputPeerLike /** ID of the topic (i.e. its top message ID) */ topicId: number | ForumTopic /** * New topic title */ title?: string /** * New icon of the topic. * * Can be a custom emoji ID, or `null` to remove the icon * and use static color instead */ icon?: tl.Long | null /** * Whether to dispatch the returned service message (if any) * to the client's update handler. */ shouldDispatch?: true }): Promise /** * Get forum topics by their IDs * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat ID or username */ getForumTopicsById(chatId: InputPeerLike, ids: MaybeArray): Promise /** * Get forum topics * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param chatId Chat ID or username */ getForumTopics( chatId: InputPeerLike, params?: { /** * Search query */ query?: string /** * Offset for pagination */ offset?: GetForumTopicsOffset /** * Maximum number of topics to return. * * @default 100 */ limit?: number }, ): Promise> /** * Iterate over forum topics. Wrapper over {@link getForumTopics}. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat ID or username */ iterForumTopics( chatId: InputPeerLike, params?: Parameters[2] & { /** * Maximum number of topics to return. * * @default `Infinity`, i.e. return all topics */ limit?: number /** * Chunk size. Usually you shouldn't care about this. */ chunkSize?: number }, ): AsyncIterableIterator /** * Reorder pinned forum topics * * Only admins with `manageTopics` permission can do this. * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ reorderPinnedForumTopics(params: { /** Chat ID or username */ chatId: InputPeerLike /** * Order of the pinned topics */ order: (number | ForumTopic)[] /** * Whether to un-pin topics not present in the order */ force?: boolean }): Promise /** * Toggle open/close status of a topic in a forum * * Only admins with `manageTopics` permission can do this. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @returns Service message about the modification */ toggleForumTopicClosed(parmas: { /** Chat ID or username */ chatId: InputPeerLike /** ID of the topic (i.e. its top message ID) */ topicId: number | ForumTopic /** Whether the topic should be closed */ closed: boolean /** * Whether to dispatch the returned service message (if any) * to the client's update handler. */ shouldDispatch?: true }): Promise /** * Toggle whether a topic in a forum is pinned * * Only admins with `manageTopics` permission can do this. * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ toggleForumTopicPinned(params: { /** Chat ID or username */ chatId: InputPeerLike /** ID of the topic (i.e. its top message ID) */ topicId: number | ForumTopic /** Whether the topic should be pinned */ pinned: boolean }): Promise /** * Set whether a supergroup is a forum. * * Only owner of the supergroup can change this setting. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat ID or username * @param [enabled=false] Whether the supergroup should be a forum */ toggleForum(chatId: InputPeerLike, enabled?: boolean): Promise /** * Toggle whether "General" topic in a forum is hidden or not * * Only admins with `manageTopics` permission can do this. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @returns Service message about the modification */ toggleGeneralTopicHidden(params: { /** Chat ID or username */ chatId: InputPeerLike /** Whether the topic should be hidden */ hidden: boolean /** * Whether to dispatch the returned service message (if any) * to the client's update handler. */ shouldDispatch?: true }): Promise /** * Create an additional invite link for the chat. * * You must be an administrator and have appropriate rights. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat ID * @param params */ createInviteLink( chatId: InputPeerLike, params?: { /** * Date when this link will expire. * If `number` is passed, UNIX time in ms is expected. */ expires?: number | Date /** * Maximum number of users that can be members of this chat * at the same time after joining using this link. * * Integer in range `[1, 99999]` or `Infinity` * * @default `Infinity` */ usageLimit?: number /** * Whether users to be joined via this link need to be * approved by an admin */ withApproval?: boolean }, ): Promise /** * Edit an invite link. You can only edit non-primary * invite links. * * Only pass the fields that you want to modify. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat ID * @param link Invite link to edit * @param params * @returns Modified invite link */ editInviteLink(params: { /** Chat ID */ chatId: InputPeerLike /** Invite link to edit */ link: string | ChatInviteLink /** * Date when this link will expire. * If `number` is passed, UNIX time in ms is expected. */ expires?: number | Date /** * Maximum number of users that can be members of this chat * at the same time after joining using this link. * * Integer in range `[1, 99999]` or `Infinity`, */ usageLimit?: number /** * Whether users to be joined via this link need to be * approved by an admin */ withApproval?: boolean }): Promise /** * Generate a new primary invite link for a chat, * old primary link is revoked. * * > **Note**: each administrator has their own primary invite link, * > and bots by default don't have one. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat IDs */ exportInviteLink(chatId: InputPeerLike): Promise /** * Iterate over users who have joined * the chat with the given invite link. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param chatId Chat ID * @param params Additional params */ getInviteLinkMembers( chatId: InputPeerLike, params?: { /** * Invite link for which to get members */ link?: string | ChatInviteLink /** * Maximum number of users to return * * @default 100 */ limit?: number /** * Offset request/join date used as an anchor for pagination. */ offsetDate?: Date | number /** * Offset user used as an anchor for pagination */ offsetUser?: tl.TypeInputUser /** * Whether to get users who have requested to join * the chat but weren't accepted yet */ requested?: boolean /** * Search for a user in the pending join requests list * (if passed, {@link requested} is assumed to be true) * * Doesn't work when {@link link} is set (Telegram limitation) */ requestedSearch?: string }, ): Promise> /** * Get detailed information about an invite link * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param chatId Chat ID * @param link The invite link */ getInviteLink(chatId: InputPeerLike, link: string): Promise /** * Get invite links created by some administrator in the chat. * * As an administrator you can only get your own links * (i.e. `adminId = "self"`), as a creator you can get * any other admin's links. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param chatId Chat ID * @param adminId Admin who created the links * @param params */ getInviteLinks( chatId: InputPeerLike, params?: { /** * Only return this admin's links. * * @default `"self"` */ admin?: InputPeerLike /** * Whether to fetch revoked invite links */ revoked?: boolean /** * Limit the number of invite links to be fetched. * * @default 100 */ limit?: number /** * Offset for pagination. */ offset?: GetInviteLinksOffset }, ): Promise> /** * Get primary invite link of a chat * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param chatId Chat ID */ getPrimaryInviteLink(chatId: InputPeerLike): Promise /** * Approve or decline multiple join requests to a chat. * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ hideAllJoinRequests(params: { /** Chat/channel ID */ chatId: InputPeerLike /** Whether to approve or decline the join requests */ action: 'approve' | 'decline' /** Invite link to target */ link?: string | ChatInviteLink }): Promise /** * Approve or decline join request to a chat. * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ hideJoinRequest(params: { /** Chat/channel ID */ chatId: InputPeerLike /** User ID */ user: InputPeerLike /** Whether to approve or decline the join request */ action: 'approve' | 'decline' }): Promise /** * Iterate over users who have joined * the chat with the given invite link. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat ID * @param params Additional params */ iterInviteLinkMembers( chatId: InputPeerLike, params?: Parameters[2] & { /** * Maximum number of users to return * * @default `Infinity`, i.e. all users are fetched */ limit?: number /** * Chunk size which will be passed to `messages.getChatInviteImporters`. * You shouldn't usually care about this. * * @default 100. */ chunkSize?: number }, ): AsyncIterableIterator /** * Iterate over invite links created by some administrator in the chat. * * As an administrator you can only get your own links * (i.e. `adminId = "self"`), as a creator you can get * any other admin's links. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat ID * @param adminId Admin who created the links * @param params */ iterInviteLinks( chatId: InputPeerLike, params?: Parameters[2] & { /** * Limit the number of invite links to be fetched. * By default, all links are fetched. */ limit?: number /** * Size of chunks which are fetched. Usually not needed. * * @default `100` */ chunkSize?: number }, ): AsyncIterableIterator /** * Revoke an invite link. * * If `link` is a primary invite link, a new invite link will be * generated automatically by Telegram * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat ID * @param link Invite link to revoke * @returns If `link` is a primary invite, newly generated invite link, otherwise the revoked link */ revokeInviteLink(chatId: InputPeerLike, link: string | ChatInviteLink): Promise /** * Close a poll sent by you. * * Once closed, poll can't be re-opened, and nobody * will be able to vote in it * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ closePoll( params: InputMessageId & { /** * Whether to dispatch the edit message event * to the client's update handler. */ shouldDispatch?: true }, ): Promise /** * Delete messages by their IDs * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat's marked ID, its username, phone or `"me"` or `"self"`. * @param ids Message(s) ID(s) to delete. */ deleteMessagesById(chatId: InputPeerLike, ids: number[], params?: DeleteMessagesParams): Promise /** * Delete one or more {@link Message} * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param messages Message(s) to delete */ deleteMessages(messages: Message[], params?: DeleteMessagesParams): Promise /** * Delete scheduled messages by their IDs. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param chatId Chat's marked ID, its username, phone or `"me"` or `"self"`. * @param ids Message(s) ID(s) to delete. */ deleteScheduledMessages(chatId: InputPeerLike, ids: number[]): Promise /** * Edit sent inline message text, media and reply markup. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param messageId * Inline message ID, either as a TL object, or as a * TDLib and Bot API compatible string * @param params */ editInlineMessage(params: { /** * Inline message ID, either as a TL object, or as a * TDLib and Bot API compatible string */ messageId: tl.TypeInputBotInlineMessageID | string /** * New message text * * When `media` is passed, `media.caption` is used instead */ text?: InputText /** * New message media */ media?: InputMediaLike /** * Whether to disable links preview in this message */ disableWebPreview?: boolean /** * Whether to invert media position. * * Currently only supported for web previews and makes the * client render the preview above the caption and not below. */ invertMedia?: boolean /** * For bots: new reply markup. * If omitted, existing markup will be removed. */ replyMarkup?: ReplyMarkup /** * For media, upload progress callback. * * @param uploaded Number of bytes uploaded * @param total Total file size in bytes */ progressCallback?: (uploaded: number, total: number) => void }): Promise /** * Edit message text, media, reply markup and schedule date. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId ID of the chat, its username, phone or `"me"` or `"self"` * @param message Message or its ID * @param params */ editMessage( params: InputMessageId & { /** * New message text * * When `media` is passed, `media.caption` is used instead */ text?: InputText /** * New message media */ media?: InputMediaLike /** * Whether to disable links preview in this message */ disableWebPreview?: boolean /** * For bots: new reply markup. * If omitted, existing markup will be removed. */ replyMarkup?: ReplyMarkup /** * To re-schedule a message: new schedule date. * When passing a number, a UNIX time in ms is expected. */ scheduleDate?: Date | number /** * For media, upload progress callback. * * @param uploaded Number of bytes uploaded * @param total Total file size in bytes */ progressCallback?: (uploaded: number, total: number) => void /** * Whether to dispatch the edit message event * to the client's update handler. */ shouldDispatch?: true /** * Whether to invert media position. * * Currently only supported for web previews and makes the * client render the preview above the caption and not below. */ invertMedia?: boolean }, ): Promise /** * Forward one or more messages by their IDs. * You can forward no more than 100 messages at once. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param toChatId Destination chat ID, username, phone, `"me"` or `"self"` * @param fromChatId Source chat ID, username, phone, `"me"` or `"self"` * @param messages Message IDs * @param params Additional sending parameters * @returns Newly sent, forwarded messages in the destination chat. */ forwardMessagesById( params: ForwardMessageOptions & { /** Source chat ID, username, phone, `"me"` or `"self"` */ fromChatId: InputPeerLike /** Message IDs to forward */ messages: number[] }, ): Promise /** * Forward one or more {@link Message}s to another chat. * * > **Note**: all messages must be from the same chat. * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ forwardMessages( params: ForwardMessageOptions & { messages: Message[] }, ): Promise /** * Get the message containing the button being clicked * in the given callback query. * **Available**: 🤖 bots only * */ getCallbackQueryMessage( id: | CallbackQuery | tl.RawUpdateBotCallbackQuery | { messageId: number queryId: tl.Long peer: InputPeerLike }, ): Promise // public version of the same method because why not /** * Get discussion message for some channel post. * * Returns `null` if the post does not have a discussion * message. * * This method might throw `FLOOD_WAIT_X` error in case * the discussion message was not *yet* created. Error * is usually handled by the client, but if you disabled that, * you'll need to handle it manually. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param peer Channel where the post was found * @param message ID of the channel post */ getDiscussionMessage(params: InputMessageId): Promise /** * Get chat history. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param chatId Chat's marked ID, its username, phone or `"me"` or `"self"`. * @param params Additional fetch parameters */ getHistory( chatId: InputPeerLike, params?: { /** * Limits the number of messages to be retrieved. * * @default 100 */ limit?: number /** * Offset for pagination */ offset?: GetHistoryOffset /** * Additional offset from {@link offset}, in resulting messages. * * This can be used for advanced use cases, like: * - Loading 20 messages newer than message with ID `MSGID`: * `offset = MSGID, addOffset = -20, limit = 20` * - Loading 20 messages around message with ID `MSGID`: * `offset = MSGID, addOffset = -10, limit = 20` * * @default `0` (disabled) */ addOffset?: number /** * Minimum message ID to return * * @default `0` (disabled). */ minId?: number /** * Maximum message ID to return. * * Unless {@link addOffset} is used, this will work the same as {@link offset}. * * @default `0` (disabled). */ maxId?: number /** * Whether to retrieve messages in reversed order (from older to recent), * starting from {@link offset} (inclusive). * * > **Note**: Using `reverse=true` requires you to pass offset from which to start * > fetching the messages "downwards". If you call `getHistory` with `reverse=true` * > and without any offset, it will return an empty array. * * @default false */ reverse?: boolean }, ): Promise> /** * Given a message link (e.g. `t.me/durov/1`), fetch the relevant message. * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ getMessageByLink(link: string): Promise /** * Get all messages inside of a message group * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat ID * @param message ID of one of the messages in the group */ getMessageGroup(params: InputMessageId): Promise /** * Get reactions to messages by their IDs. * * > Apps should short-poll reactions for visible messages * > (that weren't sent by the user) once every 15-30 seconds, * > but only if `message.reactions` is set * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param chatId ID of the chat with messages * @param messages Message IDs * @returns Reactions to corresponding messages, or `null` if there are none */ getMessageReactionsById(chatId: InputPeerLike, messages: number[]): Promise<(MessageReactions | null)[]> /** * Get reactions to {@link Message}s. * * > **Note**: messages must all be from the same chat. * * > Apps should short-poll reactions for visible messages * > (that weren't sent by the user) once every 15-30 seconds, * > but only if `message.reactions` is set * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId ID of the chat with messages * @param messages Message IDs * @returns Reactions to corresponding messages, or `null` if there are none */ getMessageReactions(messages: Message[]): Promise<(MessageReactions | null)[]> /** * Get messages from PM or legacy group by their IDs. * For channels, use {@link getMessages}. * * Unlike {@link getMessages}, this method does not * check if the message belongs to some chat. * * Fot messages that were not found, `null` will be * returned at that position. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param messageIds Messages IDs * @param [fromReply=false] * Whether the reply to a given message should be fetched * (i.e. `getMessages(msg.chat.id, msg.id, true).id === msg.replyToMessageId`) */ getMessagesUnsafe(messageIds: MaybeArray, fromReply?: boolean): Promise<(Message | null)[]> /** * Get messages in chat by their IDs * * Fot messages that were not found, `null` will be * returned at that position. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat's marked ID, its username, phone or `"me"` or `"self"` * @param messageIds Messages IDs * @param [fromReply=false] * Whether the reply to a given message should be fetched * (i.e. `getMessages(msg.chat.id, msg.id, true).id === msg.replyToMessageId`) */ getMessages(chatId: InputPeerLike, messageIds: MaybeArray, fromReply?: boolean): Promise<(Message | null)[]> /** * Get users who have reacted to the message. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param params */ getReactionUsers( params: InputMessageId & { /** * Get only reactions with the specified emoji */ emoji?: InputReaction /** * Limit the number of users returned. * * @default 100 */ limit?: number /** * Offset for pagination */ offset?: GetReactionUsersOffset }, ): Promise> /** * For messages containing a reply, fetch the message that is being replied. * * Note that even if a message has {@link replyToMessage}, * the message itself may have been deleted, in which case * this method will also return `null`. * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ getReplyTo(message: Message): Promise /** * Get scheduled messages in chat by their IDs * * Fot messages that were not found, `null` will be * returned at that position. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param chatId Chat's marked ID, its username, phone or `"me"` or `"self"` * @param messageIds Scheduled messages IDs */ getScheduledMessages(chatId: InputPeerLike, messageIds: MaybeArray): Promise<(Message | null)[]> /** * Iterate over chat history. Wrapper over {@link getHistory} * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat's marked ID, its username, phone or `"me"` or `"self"`. * @param params Additional fetch parameters */ iterHistory( chatId: InputPeerLike, params?: Parameters[2] & { /** * Limits the number of messages to be retrieved. * * @default Infinity, i.e. all messages */ limit?: number /** * Chunk size. Usually you shouldn't care about this. * * @default 100 */ chunkSize?: number }, ): AsyncIterableIterator /** * Iterate over users who have reacted to the message. * * Wrapper over {@link getReactionUsers}. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat ID * @param messageId Message ID * @param params */ iterReactionUsers( params: Parameters[1] & { /** * Limit the number of events returned. * * @default `Infinity`, i.e. all events are returned */ limit?: number /** * Chunk size, usually not needed. * * @default 100 */ chunkSize?: number }, ): AsyncIterableIterator /** * Search for messages globally from all of your chats. * * Iterable version of {@link searchGlobal} * * **Note**: Due to Telegram limitations, you can only get up to ~10000 messages * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param params Search parameters */ iterSearchGlobal( params?: Parameters[1] & { /** * Limits the number of messages to be retrieved. * * @default `Infinity`, i.e. all messages are returned */ limit?: number /** * Chunk size, which will be passed as `limit` parameter * for `messages.search`. Usually you shouldn't care about this. * * @default 100 */ chunkSize?: number }, ): AsyncIterableIterator /** * Search for messages inside a specific chat * * Iterable version of {@link searchMessages} * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat's marked ID, its username, phone or `"me"` or `"self"`. * @param params Additional search parameters */ iterSearchMessages( params?: Parameters[1] & { /** * Limits the number of messages to be retrieved. * * @default `Infinity`, i.e. all messages are returned */ limit?: number /** * Chunk size, which will be passed as `limit` parameter * for `messages.search`. Usually you shouldn't care about this. * * @default `100` */ chunkSize?: number }, ): AsyncIterableIterator /** * Pin a message in a group, supergroup, channel or PM. * * For supergroups/channels, you must have appropriate permissions, * either as an admin, or as default permissions * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @returns Service message about pinned message, if one was generated. */ pinMessage( params: InputMessageId & { /** Whether to send a notification (only for legacy groups and supergroups) */ notify?: boolean /** Whether to pin for both sides (only for private chats) */ bothSides?: boolean /** * Whether to dispatch the returned service message (if any) * to the client's update handler. */ shouldDispatch?: true }, ): Promise /** * Mark chat history as read. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param chatId Chat ID */ readHistory( chatId: InputPeerLike, params?: { /** * Message up until which to read history * * @default 0, i.e. read everything */ maxId?: number /** * Whether to also clear all mentions in the chat */ clearMentions?: boolean }, ): Promise /** * Mark all reactions in chat as read. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param chatId Chat ID */ readReactions(chatId: InputPeerLike): Promise /** * Search for messages globally from all of your chats * * **Note**: Due to Telegram limitations, you can only get up to ~10000 messages * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param params Search parameters */ searchGlobal(params?: { /** * Text query string. Use `"@"` to search for mentions. * * @default `""` (empty string) */ query?: string /** * Limits the number of messages to be retrieved. * * @default 100 */ limit?: number /** * Filter the results using some filter. (see {@link SearchFilters}) * * @default {@link SearchFilters.Empty} (i.e. will return all messages) */ filter?: tl.TypeMessagesFilter /** * Offset data used for pagination */ offset?: SearchGlobalOffset /** * Only return messages newer than this date */ minDate?: Date | number /** * Only return messages older than this date */ maxDate?: Date | number }): Promise> /** * Search for messages inside a specific chat * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param chatId Chat's marked ID, its username, phone or `"me"` or `"self"`. * @param params Additional search parameters */ searchMessages(params?: { /** * Text query string. Required for text-only messages, * optional for media. * * @default `""` (empty string) */ query?: string /** * Chat where to search for messages. * * When empty, will search across common message box (i.e. private messages and legacy chats) */ chatId?: InputPeerLike /** * Offset ID for the search. Only messages earlier than this ID will be returned. * * @default `0` (starting from the latest message). */ offset?: SearchMessagesOffset /** * Additional offset from {@link offset}, in resulting messages. * * This can be used for advanced use cases, like: * - Loading 20 results newer than message with ID `MSGID`: * `offset = MSGID, addOffset = -20, limit = 20` * - Loading 20 results around message with ID `MSGID`: * `offset = MSGID, addOffset = -10, limit = 20` * * When {@link offset} is not set, this will be relative to the last message * * @default `0` (disabled) */ addOffset?: number /** * Minimum message ID to return * * @default `0` (disabled). */ minId?: number /** * Maximum message ID to return. * * Unless {@link addOffset} is used, this will work the same as {@link offset}. * * @default `0` (disabled). */ maxId?: number /** * Minimum message date to return * * @default `0` (disabled). */ minDate?: number | Date /** * Maximum message date to return * * @default `0` (disabled). */ maxDate?: number | Date /** * Thread ID to return only messages from this thread. */ threadId?: number /** * Limits the number of messages to be retrieved. * * @default 100 */ limit?: number /** * Filter the results using some filter (see {@link SearchFilters}) * * @default {@link SearchFilters.Empty} (i.e. will return all messages) */ filter?: tl.TypeMessagesFilter /** * Search only for messages sent by a specific user. * * You can pass their marked ID, username, phone or `"me"` or `"self"` */ fromUser?: InputPeerLike }): Promise> /** Send a text to the same chat (and topic, if applicable) as a given message */ answerText(message: Message, ...params: ParametersSkip2): ReturnType /** Send a media to the same chat (and topic, if applicable) as a given message */ answerMedia(message: Message, ...params: ParametersSkip2): ReturnType /** Send a media group to the same chat (and topic, if applicable) as a given message */ answerMediaGroup( message: Message, ...params: ParametersSkip2 ): ReturnType /** * Send a text comment to a given message. * * If this is a normal message (not a channel post), * a simple reply will be sent. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @throws MtArgumentError * If this is a channel post which does not have comments section. * To check if a post has comments, use {@link Message#replies}.hasComments */ commentText(message: Message, ...params: ParametersSkip2): ReturnType /** * Send a text comment to a given message. * * If this is a normal message (not a channel post), * a simple reply will be sent. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @throws MtArgumentError * If this is a channel post which does not have comments section. * To check if a post has comments, use {@link Message#replies}.hasComments */ commentMedia(message: Message, ...params: ParametersSkip2): ReturnType /** * Send a text comment to a given message. * * If this is a normal message (not a channel post), * a simple reply will be sent. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @throws MtArgumentError * If this is a channel post which does not have comments section. * To check if a post has comments, use {@link Message#replies}.hasComments */ commentMediaGroup( message: Message, ...params: ParametersSkip2 ): ReturnType /** * Copy a message group (i.e. send the same message group, but do not forward it). * * Note that all the provided messages must be in the same message group * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ sendCopyGroup( params: SendCopyGroupParams & ( | { /** Source chat ID */ fromChatId: InputPeerLike /** Message IDs to forward */ messages: number[] } | { messages: Message[] } ), ): Promise /** * Copy a message (i.e. send the same message, but do not forward it). * * Note that if the message contains a webpage, * it will be copied simply as a text message, * and if the message contains an invoice, * it can't be copied. * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ sendCopy( params: SendCopyParams & ( | { /** Source chat ID */ fromChatId: InputPeerLike /** Message ID to forward */ message: number } | { message: Message } ), ): Promise /** * Send a group of media. * * To add a caption to the group, add caption to the first * media in the group and don't add caption for any other. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId ID of the chat, its username, phone or `"me"` or `"self"` * @param medias Medias contained in the message. * @param params Additional sending parameters * @link InputMedia */ sendMediaGroup( chatId: InputPeerLike, medias: (InputMediaLike | string)[], params?: CommonSendParams & { /** * Whether to invert media position. * * Currently only supported for web previews and makes the * client render the preview above the caption and not below. */ invertMedia?: boolean /** * Function that will be called after some part has been uploaded. * Only used when a file that requires uploading is passed, * and not used when uploading a thumbnail. * * @param index Index of the media in the original array * @param uploaded Number of bytes already uploaded * @param total Total file size */ progressCallback?: (index: number, uploaded: number, total: number) => void }, ): Promise /** * Send a single media (a photo or a document-based media) * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId ID of the chat, its username, phone or `"me"` or `"self"` * @param media * Media contained in the message. You can also pass TDLib * and Bot API compatible File ID, which will be wrapped * in {@link InputMedia.auto} * @param params Additional sending parameters * @link InputMedia */ sendMedia( chatId: InputPeerLike, media: InputMediaLike | string, params?: CommonSendParams & { /** * For bots: inline or reply markup or an instruction * to hide a reply keyboard or to force a reply. */ replyMarkup?: ReplyMarkup /** * Whether to invert media position. * * Currently only supported for web previews and makes the * client render the preview above the caption and not below. */ invert?: boolean /** * Override caption for `media`. * * Can be used, for example. when using File IDs * or when using existing InputMedia objects. */ caption?: InputText /** * Function that will be called after some part has been uploaded. * Only used when a file that requires uploading is passed, * and not used when uploading a thumbnail. * * @param uploaded Number of bytes already uploaded * @param total Total file size */ progressCallback?: (uploaded: number, total: number) => void }, ): Promise /** Send a text in reply to a given quote */ quoteWithText( message: Message, params: QuoteParamsFrom[3]> & { /** Text to send */ text: Parameters[2] }, ): ReturnType /** Send a media in reply to a given quote */ quoteWithMedia( message: Message, params: QuoteParamsFrom[3]> & { /** Media to send */ media: Parameters[2] }, ): ReturnType /** Send a media group in reply to a given quote */ quoteWithMediaGroup( message: Message, params: QuoteParamsFrom[3]> & { /** Media group to send */ medias: Parameters[2] }, ): ReturnType /** * Send or remove a reaction. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @returns * Message to which the reaction was sent, if available. * The message is normally available for users, but may not be available for bots in PMs. */ sendReaction( params: InputMessageId & { /** Reaction emoji (or `null` to remove reaction) */ emoji?: MaybeArray | null /** Whether to use a big reaction */ big?: boolean /** * Whether to dispatch the returned edit message event * to the client's update handler. */ shouldDispatch?: true }, ): Promise /** Send a text in reply to a given message */ replyText(message: Message, ...params: ParametersSkip2): ReturnType /** Send a media in reply to a given message */ replyMedia(message: Message, ...params: ParametersSkip2): ReturnType /** Send a media group in reply to a given message */ replyMediaGroup( message: Message, ...params: ParametersSkip2 ): ReturnType /** * Send previously scheduled message(s) * * Note that if the message belongs to a media group, * the entire group will be sent, and all the messages * will be returned. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param peer Chat where the messages were scheduled * @param ids ID(s) of the messages */ sendScheduled(peer: InputPeerLike, ids: MaybeArray): Promise /** * Send a text message * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId ID of the chat, its username, phone or `"me"` or `"self"` * @param text Text of the message * @param params Additional sending parameters */ sendText( chatId: InputPeerLike, text: InputText, params?: CommonSendParams & { /** * For bots: inline or reply markup or an instruction * to hide a reply keyboard or to force a reply. */ replyMarkup?: ReplyMarkup /** * Whether to disable links preview in this message */ disableWebPreview?: boolean /** * Whether to invert media position. * * Currently only supported for web previews and makes the * client render the preview above the caption and not below. */ invertMedia?: boolean }, ): Promise /** * Sends a current user/bot typing event * to a conversation partner or group. * * This status is set for 6 seconds, and is * automatically cancelled if you send a * message. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat ID * @param [status='typing'] Typing status * @param params */ sendTyping( chatId: InputPeerLike, status?: Exclude | tl.TypeSendMessageAction, params?: { /** * For `upload_*` and history import actions, progress of the upload */ progress?: number /** * For comment threads, ID of the thread (i.e. top message) */ threadId?: number }, ): Promise /** * Send or retract a vote in a poll. * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ sendVote( params: InputMessageId & { /** * Selected options, or `null` to retract. * You can pass indexes of the answers or the `Buffer`s * representing them. In case of indexes, the poll will first * be requested from the server. */ options: null | MaybeArray }, ): Promise /** * Translate message text to a given language. * * Returns `null` if it could not translate the message. * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ translateMessage( params: InputMessageId & { /** Target language (two-letter ISO 639-1 language code) */ toLanguage: string }, ): Promise /** * Translate text to a given language. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param text Text to translate * @param toLanguage Target language (two-letter ISO 639-1 language code) */ translateText(text: InputText, toLanguage: string): Promise /** * Unpin all pinned messages in a chat. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat or user ID */ unpinAllMessages( chatId: InputPeerLike, params?: { /** * For forums - unpin only messages from the given topic */ topicId?: number }, ): Promise /** * Unpin a message in a group, supergroup, channel or PM. * * For supergroups/channels, you must have appropriate permissions, * either as an admin, or as default permissions * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param chatId Chat ID, username, phone number, `"self"` or `"me"` * @param messageId Message ID */ unpinMessage(params: InputMessageId): Promise /** * Create a new takeout session * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param params Takeout session parameters */ initTakeoutSession(params: Omit): Promise /** * Normalize {@link InputPrivacyRule}[] to `tl.TypeInputPrivacyRule`, * resolving the peers if needed. * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ _normalizePrivacyRules(rules: InputPrivacyRule[]): Promise /** * Change your 2FA password * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ changeCloudPassword(params: { /** Current password as plaintext */ currentPassword: string /** New password as plaintext */ newPassword: string /** Hint for the new password */ hint?: string }): Promise /** * Enable 2FA password on your account * * Note that if you pass `email`, `EmailUnconfirmedError` may be * thrown, and you should use {@link verifyPasswordEmail}, * {@link resendPasswordEmail} or {@link cancelPasswordEmail}, * and the call this method again * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ enableCloudPassword(params: { /** 2FA password as plaintext */ password: string /** Hint for the new password */ hint?: string /** Recovery email */ email?: string }): Promise /** * Verify an email to use as 2FA recovery method * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param code Code which was sent via email */ verifyPasswordEmail(code: string): Promise /** * Resend the code to verify an email to use as 2FA recovery method. * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ resendPasswordEmail(): Promise /** * Cancel the code that was sent to verify an email to use as 2FA recovery method * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ cancelPasswordEmail(): Promise /** * Remove 2FA password from your account * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param password 2FA password as plaintext */ removeCloudPassword(password: string): Promise /** * Boost a given channel * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param peerId Peer ID to boost */ applyBoost(peerId: InputPeerLike): Promise /** * Check if the current user can apply boost to some channel * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @returns * - `{ can: true }` if the user can apply boost * - `.replace` - {@link Chat}s that can be replaced with the current one. * If the user can apply boost without replacing any chats, this field will be `undefined`. * - `{ can: false }` if the user can't apply boost * - `.reason == "no_slots"` if the user has no available slots * - `.reason == "need_premium"` if the user needs Premium to boost * - In all cases, `slots` will contain all the current user's boost slots */ canApplyBoost(): Promise /** * Get information about boosts in a channel * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @returns IDs of stories that were removed */ getBoostStats(peerId: InputPeerLike): Promise /** * Get boosts of a channel * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ getBoosts( peerId: InputPeerLike, params?: { /** * Offset for pagination */ offset?: string /** * Maximum number of boosters to fetch * * @default 100 */ limit?: number }, ): Promise> /** * Get boost slots information of the current user. * * Includes information about the currently boosted channels, * as well as the slots that can be used to boost other channels. * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ getMyBoostSlots(): Promise /** * Iterate over boosters of a channel. * * Wrapper over {@link getBoosters} * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @returns IDs of stories that were removed */ iterBoosters( peerId: InputPeerLike, params?: Parameters[2] & { /** * Total number of boosters to fetch * * @default Infinity, i.e. fetch all boosters */ limit?: number /** * Number of boosters to fetch per request * Usually you don't need to change this * * @default 100 */ chunkSize?: number }, ): AsyncIterableIterator /** * Add a sticker to a sticker set. * * Only for bots, and the sticker set must * have been created by this bot. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param setId Sticker set short name or TL object with input sticker set * @param sticker Sticker to be added * @param params * @returns Modfiied sticker set */ addStickerToSet( setId: InputStickerSet, sticker: InputStickerSetItem, params?: { /** * Upload progress callback * * @param uploaded Number of bytes uploaded * @param total Total file size */ progressCallback?: (uploaded: number, total: number) => void }, ): Promise /** * Create a new sticker set. * * This is the only sticker-related method that * users can use (they allowed it with the "import stickers" update) * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param params * @returns Newly created sticker set */ createStickerSet(params: { /** * Owner of the sticker set (must be user). * * If this pack is created from a user account, * can only be `"self"` */ owner: InputPeerLike /** * Title of the sticker set (1-64 chars) */ title: string /** * Short name of the sticker set. * Can only contain English letters, digits and underscores * (i.e. must match `/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/), * and (for bots) must end with `_by_` * (`` is case-insensitive). */ shortName: string /** * Type of the stickers in this set. * * @default `sticker`, i.e. regular stickers. */ type?: StickerType /** * File source type for the stickers in this set. * * @default `static`, i.e. regular WEBP stickers. */ sourceType?: StickerSourceType /** * Whether to create "adaptive" emoji set. * * Color of the emoji will be changed depending on the text color. * Only works for TGS-based emoji stickers */ adaptive?: boolean /** * List of stickers to be immediately added into the pack. * There must be at least one sticker in this list. */ stickers: InputStickerSetItem[] /** * Thumbnail for the set. * * The file must be either a `.png` file * up to 128kb, having size of exactly `100x100` px, * or a `.tgs` file up to 32kb. * * If not set, Telegram will use the first sticker * in the sticker set as the thumbnail */ thumb?: InputFileLike /** * Upload progress callback. * * @param idx Index of the sticker * @param uploaded Number of bytes uploaded * @param total Total file size */ progressCallback?: (idx: number, uploaded: number, total: number) => void }): Promise /** * Delete a sticker from a sticker set * * Only for bots, and the sticker set must * have been created by this bot. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param sticker * TDLib and Bot API compatible File ID, or a * TL object representing a sticker to be removed * @returns Modfiied sticker set */ deleteStickerFromSet( sticker: string | tdFileId.RawFullRemoteFileLocation | tl.TypeInputDocument, ): Promise /** * Get custom emoji stickers by their IDs * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param ids IDs of the stickers (as defined in {@link MessageEntity.emojiId}) */ getCustomEmojis(ids: tl.Long[]): Promise /** * Given one or more messages, extract all unique custom emojis from it and fetch them * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ getCustomEmojisFromMessages(messages: MaybeArray): Promise /** * Get a list of all installed sticker packs * * > **Note**: This method returns *brief* meta information about * > the packs, that does not include the stickers themselves. * > Use {@link StickerSet.getFull} or {@link getStickerSet} * > to get a stickerset that will include the stickers * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ getInstalledStickers(): Promise /** * Get a sticker pack and stickers inside of it. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param setId Sticker pack short name, dice emoji, `"emoji"` for animated emojis or input ID */ getStickerSet(setId: InputStickerSet): Promise /** * Move a sticker in a sticker set * to another position * * Only for bots, and the sticker set must * have been created by this bot. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param sticker * TDLib and Bot API compatible File ID, or a * TL object representing a sticker to be removed * @param position New sticker position (starting from 0) * @returns Modfiied sticker set */ moveStickerInSet( sticker: string | tdFileId.RawFullRemoteFileLocation | tl.TypeInputDocument, position: number, ): Promise /** * Set group sticker set for a supergroup * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param setId Sticker set short name or a TL object with input sticker set * @param thumb Sticker set thumbnail * @param params * @returns Modified sticker set */ setChatStickerSet(chatId: InputPeerLike, setId: InputStickerSet): Promise /** * Set sticker set thumbnail * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param id Sticker set short name or a TL object with input sticker set * @param thumb Sticker set thumbnail * @param params * @returns Modified sticker set */ setStickerSetThumb( id: InputStickerSet, thumb: InputFileLike | tl.TypeInputDocument, params?: { /** * Upload progress callback * * @param uploaded Number of bytes uploaded * @param total Total file size */ progressCallback?: (uploaded: number, total: number) => void }, ): Promise /** * Check if the current user can post stories as a given peer * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param peerId Peer ID whose stories to fetch * @returns * - `true` if the user can post stories * - `"need_admin"` if the user is not an admin in the chat * - `"need_boosts"` if the channel doesn't have enough boosts */ canSendStory(peerId: InputPeerLike): Promise /** * Delete a story * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @returns IDs of stories that were removed */ deleteStories(params: { /** * Story IDs to delete */ ids: MaybeArray /** * Peer ID whose stories to delete * * @default `self` */ peer?: InputPeerLike }): Promise /** * Edit a sent story * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @returns Edited story */ editStory(params: { /** * Story ID to edit */ id: number /** * Peer ID to whose story to edit * * @default `self` */ peer?: InputPeerLike /** * Media contained in a story. Currently can only be a photo or a video. */ media?: InputMediaLike /** * Override caption for {@link media} */ caption?: InputText /** * Interactive elements to add to the story */ interactiveElements?: tl.TypeMediaArea[] /** * Privacy rules to apply to the story * * @default "Everyone" */ privacyRules?: InputPrivacyRule[] }): Promise /** * Get all stories (e.g. to load the top bar) * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ getAllStories(params?: { /** * Offset from which to fetch stories */ offset?: string /** * Whether to fetch stories from "archived" (or "hidden") peers */ archived?: boolean }): Promise /** * Get stories of a given peer * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param peerId Peer ID whose stories to fetch */ getPeerStories(peerId: InputPeerLike): Promise /** * Get profile stories * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ getProfileStories( peerId: InputPeerLike, params?: { /** * Kind of stories to fetch * - `pinned` - stories pinned to the profile and visible to everyone * - `archived` - "archived" stories that can later be pinned, only visible to the owner * * @default `pinned` */ kind?: 'pinned' | 'archived' /** * Offset ID for pagination */ offsetId?: number /** * Maximum number of stories to fetch * * @default 100 */ limit?: number }, ): Promise> /** * Get one or more stories by their IDs * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param peerId Peer ID whose stories to fetch * @param storyIds Story IDs */ getStoriesById(peerId: InputPeerLike, storyIds: MaybeArray): Promise /** * Get brief information about stories interactions. * * The result will be in the same order as the input IDs * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ getStoriesInteractions(peerId: InputPeerLike, storyIds: MaybeArray): Promise /** * Generate a link to a story. * * Basically the link format is `t.me//s/`, * and if the user doesn't have a username, `USER_PUBLIC_MISSING` is thrown. * * I have no idea why is this an RPC call, but whatever * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ getStoryLink(peerId: InputPeerLike, storyId: number): Promise /** * Get viewers list of a story * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ getStoryViewers( peerId: InputPeerLike, storyId: number, params?: { /** * Whether to only fetch viewers from contacts */ onlyContacts?: boolean /** * How to sort the results? * - `reaction` - by reaction (viewers who has reacted are first), then by date (newest first) * - `date` - by date, newest first * * @default `reaction` */ sortBy?: 'reaction' | 'date' /** * Search query */ query?: string /** * Offset ID for pagination */ offset?: string /** * Maximum number of viewers to fetch * * @default 100 */ limit?: number }, ): Promise /** * Hide own stories views (activate so called "stealth mode") * * Currently has a cooldown of 1 hour, and throws FLOOD_WAIT error if it is on cooldown. * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ hideMyStoriesViews(params?: { /** * Whether to hide views from the last 5 minutes * * @default true */ past?: boolean /** * Whether to hide views for the next 25 minutes * * @default true */ future?: boolean }): Promise /** * Increment views of one or more stories. * * This should be used for pinned stories, as they can't * be marked as read when the user sees them ({@link Story#isActive} == false) * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param peerId Peer ID whose stories to mark as read * @param ids ID(s) of the stories to increment views of (max 200) */ incrementStoriesViews(peerId: InputPeerLike, ids: MaybeArray): Promise /** * Iterate over all stories (e.g. to load the top bar) * * Wrapper over {@link getAllStories} * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ iterAllStories( params?: Parameters[1] & { /** * Maximum number of stories to fetch * * @default Infinity */ limit?: number }, ): AsyncIterableIterator /** * Iterate over profile stories. Wrapper over {@link getProfileStories} * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ iterProfileStories( peerId: InputPeerLike, params?: Parameters[2] & { /** * Total number of stories to fetch * * @default `Infinity`, i.e. fetch all stories */ limit?: number /** * Number of stories to fetch per request. * Usually you shouldn't care about this. * * @default 100 */ chunkSize?: number }, ): AsyncIterableIterator /** * Iterate over viewers list of a story. * Wrapper over {@link getStoryViewers} * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ iterStoryViewers( peerId: InputPeerLike, storyId: number, params?: Parameters[3] & { /** * Total number of viewers to fetch * * @default Infinity, i.e. fetch all viewers */ limit?: number /** * Number of viewers to fetch per request. * Usually you don't need to change this. * * @default 100 */ chunkSize?: number }, ): AsyncIterableIterator /** * Mark all stories up to a given ID as read * * This should only be used for "active" stories ({@link Story#isActive} == false) * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param peerId Peer ID whose stories to mark as read * @returns IDs of the stores that were marked as read */ readStories(peerId: InputPeerLike, maxId: number): Promise /** * Report a story (or multiple stories) to the moderation team * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ reportStory( peerId: InputPeerLike, storyIds: MaybeArray, params?: { /** * Reason for reporting * * @default inputReportReasonSpam */ reason?: tl.TypeReportReason /** * Additional comment to the report */ message?: string }, ): Promise /** * Send (or remove) a reaction to a story * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ sendStoryReaction(params: { peerId: InputPeerLike storyId: number reaction: InputReaction /** * Whether to add this reaction to recently used */ addToRecent?: boolean }): Promise /** * Send a story * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @returns Created story */ sendStory(params: { /** * Peer ID to send story as * * @default `self` */ peer?: InputPeerLike /** * Media contained in a story. Currently can only be a photo or a video. * * You can also pass TDLib and Bot API compatible File ID, * which will be wrapped in {@link InputMedia.auto} */ media: InputMediaLike | string /** * Override caption for {@link media} */ caption?: InputText /** * Whether to automatically pin this story to the profile */ pinned?: boolean /** * Whether to disallow sharing this story */ forbidForwards?: boolean /** * Interactive elements to add to the story */ interactiveElements?: tl.TypeMediaArea[] /** * Privacy rules to apply to the story * * @default "Everyone" */ privacyRules?: InputPrivacyRule[] /** * TTL period of the story, in seconds * * @default 86400 */ period?: number }): Promise /** * Toggle whether peer's stories are archived (hidden) or not. * * This **does not** archive the chat with that peer, only stories. * **Available**: 👤 users only * */ togglePeerStoriesArchived(peerId: InputPeerLike, archived: boolean): Promise /** * Toggle one or more stories pinned status * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @returns IDs of stories that were toggled */ toggleStoriesPinned(params: { /** * Story ID(s) to toggle */ ids: MaybeArray /** * Whether to pin or unpin the story */ pinned: boolean /** * Peer ID whose stories to toggle * * @default `self` */ peer?: InputPeerLike }): Promise /** * Block a user * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param id User ID, username or phone number */ blockUser(id: InputPeerLike): Promise /** * Delete your own profile photos * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param ids ID(s) of the photos. Can be file IDs or raw TL objects */ deleteProfilePhotos(ids: MaybeArray): Promise /** * Edit "close friends" list directly using user IDs * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param ids User IDs */ editCloseFriendsRaw(ids: number[]): Promise /** * Edit "close friends" list using `InputPeerLike`s * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param ids User IDs */ editCloseFriends(ids: InputPeerLike[]): Promise /** * Get a list of common chats you have with a given user * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param userId User's ID, username or phone number * @throws MtInvalidPeerTypeError */ getCommonChats(userId: InputPeerLike): Promise /** * Gets the current default value of the Time-To-Live setting, applied to all new chats. * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ getGlobalTtl(): Promise /** * Get currently authorized user's full information * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ getMe(): Promise /** * Get currently authorized user's username. * * This method uses locally available information and * does not call any API methods. * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ getMyUsername(): Promise /** * Get a single profile picture of a user by its ID * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param userId User ID, username, phone number, `"me"` or `"self"` * @param photoId ID of the photo to fetch * @param params */ getProfilePhoto(userId: InputPeerLike, photoId: tl.Long): Promise /** * Get a list of profile pictures of a user * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param userId User ID, username, phone number, `"me"` or `"self"` * @param params */ getProfilePhotos( userId: InputPeerLike, params?: { /** * Offset from which to fetch. * * @default `0` */ offset?: number /** * Maximum number of items to fetch (up to 100) * * @default `100` */ limit?: number }, ): Promise> /** * Get information about multiple users. * You can retrieve up to 200 users at once. * * Note that order is not guaranteed. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param ids Users' identifiers. Can be ID, username, phone number, `"me"`, `"self"` or TL object */ getUsers(ids: MaybeArray): Promise<(User | null)[]> /** * Iterate over profile photos * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param userId User ID, username, phone number, `"me"` or `"self"` * @param params */ iterProfilePhotos( userId: InputPeerLike, params?: Parameters[2] & { /** * Maximum number of items to fetch * * @default `Infinity`, i.e. all items are fetched */ limit?: number /** * Size of chunks which are fetched. Usually not needed. * * @default 100 */ chunkSize?: number }, ): AsyncIterableIterator /** * Get multiple `InputPeer`s at once, * while also normalizing and removing * peers that can't be normalized to that type. * * Uses async pool internally, with a concurrent limit of 8 * * @param peerIds Peer Ids * @param normalizer Normalization function */ resolvePeerMany( peerIds: InputPeerLike[], normalizer: (obj: tl.TypeInputPeer) => T | null, ): Promise /** * Get multiple `InputPeer`s at once. * * Uses async pool internally, with a concurrent limit of 8 * * @param peerIds Peer Ids */ resolvePeerMany(peerIds: InputPeerLike[]): Promise /** * Get the `InputPeer` of a known peer id. * Useful when an `InputPeer` is needed in Raw API. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param peerId The peer identifier that you want to extract the `InputPeer` from. * @param [force=false] Whether to force re-fetch the peer from the server (only for usernames and phone numbers) */ resolvePeer(peerId: InputPeerLike, force?: boolean): Promise /** * Shorthand for `resolvePeer` that converts the input peer to `InputUser`. * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ resolveUser(peerId: InputPeerLike, force?: boolean): Promise /** * Shorthand for `resolvePeer` that converts the input peer to `InputChannel`. * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ resolveChannel(peerId: InputPeerLike, force?: boolean): Promise /** * Changes the current default value of the Time-To-Live setting, * applied to all new chats. * * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * * @param period New TTL period, in seconds (or 0 to disable) */ setGlobalTtl(period: number): Promise /** * Set an emoji status for the current user * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param emoji Custom emoji ID or `null` to remove the emoji */ setMyEmojiStatus( emoji: tl.Long | null, params?: { /** * Date when the emoji status should expire (only if `emoji` is not `null`) */ until?: number | Date }, ): Promise /** * Set a new profile photo or video for the current user. * * You can also pass a file ID or an InputPhoto to re-use existing photo. * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots * */ setMyProfilePhoto(params: { /** Media type (photo or video) */ type: 'photo' | 'video' /** Input media file */ media: InputFileLike | tl.TypeInputPhoto /** When `type = video`, timestamp in seconds which will be shown as a static preview. */ previewSec?: number }): Promise /** * Change username of the current user. * * Note that bots usernames must be changed through * bot support or re-created from scratch. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param username New username (5-32 chars, allowed chars: `a-zA-Z0-9_`), or `null` to remove */ setMyUsername(username: string | null): Promise /** * Change user status to offline or online * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param [offline=true] Whether the user is currently offline */ setOffline(offline?: boolean): Promise /** * Unblock a user * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param id User ID, username or phone number */ unblockUser(id: InputPeerLike): Promise /** * Update your profile details. * * Only pass fields that you want to change. * * **Available**: 👤 users only * * @param params */ updateProfile(params: { /** * New first name */ firstName?: string /** * New last name. Pass `''` (empty string) to remove it */ lastName?: string /** * New bio (max 70 chars). Pass `''` (empty string) to remove it */ bio?: string }): Promise } export type { TelegramClientOptions } export class TelegramClient extends EventEmitter implements ITelegramClient { _client: ITelegramClient constructor(opts: TelegramClientOptions) { super() if ('client' in opts) { this._client = opts.client } else { let storage: ITelegramStorageProvider if (typeof opts.storage === 'string') { storage = _defaultStorageFactory(opts.storage) } else if (!opts.storage) { storage = new MemoryStorage() } else { storage = opts.storage } this._client = new BaseTelegramClient({ ...opts, storage, }) } // @ts-expect-error codegen this.log = this._client.log // @ts-expect-error codegen this.storage = this._client.storage const skipConversationUpdates = opts.skipConversationUpdates ?? true const { messageGroupingInterval } = opts.updates ?? {} this._client.onUpdate( makeParsedUpdateHandler({ messageGroupingInterval, onUpdate: (update) => { if (Conversation.handleUpdate(this._client, update) && skipConversationUpdates) return this.emit('update', update) this.emit(update.name, update.data) }, onRawUpdate: (update, peers) => { this.emit('raw_update', update, peers) }, }), ) } } TelegramClient.prototype.checkPassword = function (...args) { return checkPassword(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getPasswordHint = function (...args) { return getPasswordHint(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.logOut = function (...args) { return logOut(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.recoverPassword = function (...args) { return recoverPassword(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.resendCode = function (...args) { return resendCode(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.run = function (...args) { return run(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.sendCode = function (...args) { return sendCode(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.sendRecoveryCode = function (...args) { return sendRecoveryCode(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.signInBot = function (...args) { return signInBot(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.signIn = function (...args) { return signIn(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.startTest = function (...args) { return startTest(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.start = function (...args) { return start(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.isSelfPeer = function (...args) { return isSelfPeer(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.answerCallbackQuery = function (...args) { return answerCallbackQuery(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.answerInlineQuery = function (...args) { return answerInlineQuery(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.answerPreCheckoutQuery = function (...args) { return answerPreCheckoutQuery(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.deleteMyCommands = function (...args) { return deleteMyCommands(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getBotInfo = function (...args) { return getBotInfo(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getBotMenuButton = function (...args) { return getBotMenuButton(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getCallbackAnswer = function (...args) { return getCallbackAnswer(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getGameHighScores = function (...args) { return getGameHighScores(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getInlineGameHighScores = function (...args) { return getInlineGameHighScores(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getMyCommands = function (...args) { return getMyCommands(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.setBotInfo = function (...args) { return setBotInfo(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.setBotMenuButton = function (...args) { return setBotMenuButton(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.setGameScore = function (...args) { return setGameScore(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.setInlineGameScore = function (...args) { return setInlineGameScore(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.setMyCommands = function (...args) { return setMyCommands(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.setMyDefaultRights = function (...args) { return setMyDefaultRights(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.addChatMembers = function (...args) { return addChatMembers(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.archiveChats = function (...args) { return archiveChats(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.banChatMember = function (...args) { return banChatMember(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.createChannel = function (...args) { return createChannel(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.createGroup = function (...args) { return createGroup(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.createSupergroup = function (...args) { return createSupergroup(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.deleteChannel = function (...args) { return deleteChannel(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.deleteSupergroup = function (...args) { return deleteChannel(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.deleteChatPhoto = function (...args) { return deleteChatPhoto(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.deleteGroup = function (...args) { return deleteGroup(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.deleteHistory = function (...args) { return deleteHistory(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.deleteUserHistory = function (...args) { return deleteUserHistory(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.editAdminRights = function (...args) { return editAdminRights(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getChatEventLog = function (...args) { return getChatEventLog(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getChatMember = function (...args) { return getChatMember(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getChatMembers = function (...args) { return getChatMembers(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getChatPreview = function (...args) { return getChatPreview(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getChat = function (...args) { return getChat(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getFullChat = function (...args) { return getFullChat(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getNearbyChats = function (...args) { return getNearbyChats(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getSimilarChannels = function (...args) { return getSimilarChannels(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.iterChatEventLog = function (...args) { return iterChatEventLog(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.iterChatMembers = function (...args) { return iterChatMembers(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.joinChat = function (...args) { return joinChat(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.kickChatMember = function (...args) { return kickChatMember(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.leaveChat = function (...args) { return leaveChat(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.markChatUnread = function (...args) { return markChatUnread(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.openChat = function (...args) { return openChat(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.closeChat = function (...args) { return closeChat(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.reorderUsernames = function (...args) { return reorderUsernames(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.restrictChatMember = function (...args) { return restrictChatMember(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.saveDraft = function (...args) { return saveDraft(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.setChatColor = function (...args) { return setChatColor(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.setChatDefaultPermissions = function (...args) { return setChatDefaultPermissions(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.setChatDescription = function (...args) { return setChatDescription(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.setChatPhoto = function (...args) { return setChatPhoto(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.setChatTitle = function (...args) { return setChatTitle(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.setChatTtl = function (...args) { return setChatTtl(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.setChatUsername = function (...args) { return setChatUsername(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.setSlowMode = function (...args) { return setSlowMode(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.toggleContentProtection = function (...args) { return toggleContentProtection(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.toggleFragmentUsername = function (...args) { return toggleFragmentUsername(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.toggleJoinRequests = function (...args) { return toggleJoinRequests(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.toggleJoinToSend = function (...args) { return toggleJoinToSend(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.unarchiveChats = function (...args) { return unarchiveChats(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.unbanChatMember = function (...args) { return unbanChatMember(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.unrestrictChatMember = function (...args) { return unbanChatMember(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.addContact = function (...args) { return addContact(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.deleteContacts = function (...args) { return deleteContacts(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getContacts = function (...args) { return getContacts(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.importContacts = function (...args) { return importContacts(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.createFolder = function (...args) { return createFolder(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.deleteFolder = function (...args) { return deleteFolder(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.editFolder = function (...args) { return editFolder(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.findFolder = function (...args) { return findFolder(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getFolders = function (...args) { return getFolders(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getPeerDialogs = function (...args) { return getPeerDialogs(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.iterDialogs = function (...args) { return iterDialogs(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.setFoldersOrder = function (...args) { return setFoldersOrder(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.downloadAsBuffer = function (...args) { return downloadAsBuffer(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.downloadToFile = function (...args) { return downloadToFile(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.downloadAsIterable = function (...args) { return downloadAsIterable(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.downloadAsStream = function (...args) { return downloadAsStream(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype._normalizeInputFile = function (...args) { return _normalizeInputFile(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype._normalizeInputMedia = function (...args) { return _normalizeInputMedia(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.uploadFile = function (...args) { return uploadFile(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.uploadMedia = function (...args) { return uploadMedia(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.createForumTopic = function (...args) { return createForumTopic(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.deleteForumTopicHistory = function (...args) { return deleteForumTopicHistory(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.editForumTopic = function (...args) { return editForumTopic(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getForumTopicsById = function (...args) { return getForumTopicsById(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getForumTopics = function (...args) { return getForumTopics(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.iterForumTopics = function (...args) { return iterForumTopics(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.reorderPinnedForumTopics = function (...args) { return reorderPinnedForumTopics(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.toggleForumTopicClosed = function (...args) { return toggleForumTopicClosed(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.toggleForumTopicPinned = function (...args) { return toggleForumTopicPinned(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.toggleForum = function (...args) { return toggleForum(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.toggleGeneralTopicHidden = function (...args) { return toggleGeneralTopicHidden(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.createInviteLink = function (...args) { return createInviteLink(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.editInviteLink = function (...args) { return editInviteLink(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.exportInviteLink = function (...args) { return exportInviteLink(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getInviteLinkMembers = function (...args) { return getInviteLinkMembers(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getInviteLink = function (...args) { return getInviteLink(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getInviteLinks = function (...args) { return getInviteLinks(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getPrimaryInviteLink = function (...args) { return getPrimaryInviteLink(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.hideAllJoinRequests = function (...args) { return hideAllJoinRequests(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.hideJoinRequest = function (...args) { return hideJoinRequest(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.iterInviteLinkMembers = function (...args) { return iterInviteLinkMembers(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.iterInviteLinks = function (...args) { return iterInviteLinks(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.revokeInviteLink = function (...args) { return revokeInviteLink(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.closePoll = function (...args) { return closePoll(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.deleteMessagesById = function (...args) { return deleteMessagesById(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.deleteMessages = function (...args) { return deleteMessages(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.deleteScheduledMessages = function (...args) { return deleteScheduledMessages(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.editInlineMessage = function (...args) { return editInlineMessage(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.editMessage = function (...args) { return editMessage(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.forwardMessagesById = function (...args) { return forwardMessagesById(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.forwardMessages = function (...args) { return forwardMessages(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getCallbackQueryMessage = function (...args) { return getCallbackQueryMessage(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getDiscussionMessage = function (...args) { return getDiscussionMessage(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getHistory = function (...args) { return getHistory(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getMessageByLink = function (...args) { return getMessageByLink(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getMessageGroup = function (...args) { return getMessageGroup(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getMessageReactionsById = function (...args) { return getMessageReactionsById(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getMessageReactions = function (...args) { return getMessageReactions(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getMessagesUnsafe = function (...args) { return getMessagesUnsafe(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getMessages = function (...args) { return getMessages(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getReactionUsers = function (...args) { return getReactionUsers(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getReplyTo = function (...args) { return getReplyTo(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getScheduledMessages = function (...args) { return getScheduledMessages(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.iterHistory = function (...args) { return iterHistory(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.iterReactionUsers = function (...args) { return iterReactionUsers(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.iterSearchGlobal = function (...args) { return iterSearchGlobal(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.iterSearchMessages = function (...args) { return iterSearchMessages(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.pinMessage = function (...args) { return pinMessage(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.readHistory = function (...args) { return readHistory(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.readReactions = function (...args) { return readReactions(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.searchGlobal = function (...args) { return searchGlobal(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.searchMessages = function (...args) { return searchMessages(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.answerText = function (...args) { return answerText(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.answerMedia = function (...args) { return answerMedia(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.answerMediaGroup = function (...args) { return answerMediaGroup(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.commentText = function (...args) { return commentText(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.commentMedia = function (...args) { return commentMedia(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.commentMediaGroup = function (...args) { return commentMediaGroup(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.sendCopyGroup = function (...args) { return sendCopyGroup(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.sendCopy = function (...args) { return sendCopy(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.sendMediaGroup = function (...args) { return sendMediaGroup(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.sendMedia = function (...args) { return sendMedia(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.quoteWithText = function (...args) { return quoteWithText(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.quoteWithMedia = function (...args) { return quoteWithMedia(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.quoteWithMediaGroup = function (...args) { return quoteWithMediaGroup(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.sendReaction = function (...args) { return sendReaction(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.replyText = function (...args) { return replyText(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.replyMedia = function (...args) { return replyMedia(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.replyMediaGroup = function (...args) { return replyMediaGroup(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.sendScheduled = function (...args) { return sendScheduled(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.sendText = function (...args) { return sendText(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.sendTyping = function (...args) { return sendTyping(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.sendVote = function (...args) { return sendVote(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.translateMessage = function (...args) { return translateMessage(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.translateText = function (...args) { return translateText(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.unpinAllMessages = function (...args) { return unpinAllMessages(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.unpinMessage = function (...args) { return unpinMessage(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.initTakeoutSession = function (...args) { return initTakeoutSession(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype._normalizePrivacyRules = function (...args) { return _normalizePrivacyRules(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.changeCloudPassword = function (...args) { return changeCloudPassword(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.enableCloudPassword = function (...args) { return enableCloudPassword(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.verifyPasswordEmail = function (...args) { return verifyPasswordEmail(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.resendPasswordEmail = function (...args) { return resendPasswordEmail(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.cancelPasswordEmail = function (...args) { return cancelPasswordEmail(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.removeCloudPassword = function (...args) { return removeCloudPassword(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.applyBoost = function (...args) { return applyBoost(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.canApplyBoost = function (...args) { return canApplyBoost(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getBoostStats = function (...args) { return getBoostStats(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getBoosts = function (...args) { return getBoosts(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getMyBoostSlots = function (...args) { return getMyBoostSlots(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.iterBoosters = function (...args) { return iterBoosters(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.addStickerToSet = function (...args) { return addStickerToSet(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.createStickerSet = function (...args) { return createStickerSet(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.deleteStickerFromSet = function (...args) { return deleteStickerFromSet(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getCustomEmojis = function (...args) { return getCustomEmojis(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getCustomEmojisFromMessages = function (...args) { return getCustomEmojisFromMessages(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getInstalledStickers = function (...args) { return getInstalledStickers(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getStickerSet = function (...args) { return getStickerSet(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.moveStickerInSet = function (...args) { return moveStickerInSet(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.setChatStickerSet = function (...args) { return setChatStickerSet(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.setStickerSetThumb = function (...args) { return setStickerSetThumb(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.canSendStory = function (...args) { return canSendStory(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.deleteStories = function (...args) { return deleteStories(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.editStory = function (...args) { return editStory(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getAllStories = function (...args) { return getAllStories(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getPeerStories = function (...args) { return getPeerStories(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getProfileStories = function (...args) { return getProfileStories(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getStoriesById = function (...args) { return getStoriesById(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getStoriesInteractions = function (...args) { return getStoriesInteractions(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getStoryLink = function (...args) { return getStoryLink(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getStoryViewers = function (...args) { return getStoryViewers(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.hideMyStoriesViews = function (...args) { return hideMyStoriesViews(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.incrementStoriesViews = function (...args) { return incrementStoriesViews(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.iterAllStories = function (...args) { return iterAllStories(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.iterProfileStories = function (...args) { return iterProfileStories(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.iterStoryViewers = function (...args) { return iterStoryViewers(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.readStories = function (...args) { return readStories(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.reportStory = function (...args) { return reportStory(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.sendStoryReaction = function (...args) { return sendStoryReaction(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.sendStory = function (...args) { return sendStory(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.togglePeerStoriesArchived = function (...args) { return togglePeerStoriesArchived(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.toggleStoriesPinned = function (...args) { return toggleStoriesPinned(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.blockUser = function (...args) { return blockUser(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.deleteProfilePhotos = function (...args) { return deleteProfilePhotos(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.editCloseFriendsRaw = function (...args) { return editCloseFriendsRaw(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.editCloseFriends = function (...args) { return editCloseFriends(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getCommonChats = function (...args) { return getCommonChats(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getGlobalTtl = function (...args) { return getGlobalTtl(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getMe = function (...args) { return getMe(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getMyUsername = function (...args) { return getMyUsername(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getProfilePhoto = function (...args) { return getProfilePhoto(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getProfilePhotos = function (...args) { return getProfilePhotos(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getUsers = function (...args) { return getUsers(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.iterProfilePhotos = function (...args) { return iterProfilePhotos(this._client, ...args) } // @ts-expect-error this kinda breaks typings for overloads, idc TelegramClient.prototype.resolvePeerMany = function (...args) { // @ts-expect-error this kinda breaks typings for overloads, idc return resolvePeerMany(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.resolvePeer = function (...args) { return resolvePeer(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.resolveUser = function (...args) { return resolveUser(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.resolveChannel = function (...args) { return resolveChannel(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.setGlobalTtl = function (...args) { return setGlobalTtl(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.setMyEmojiStatus = function (...args) { return setMyEmojiStatus(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.setMyProfilePhoto = function (...args) { return setMyProfilePhoto(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.setMyUsername = function (...args) { return setMyUsername(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.setOffline = function (...args) { return setOffline(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.unblockUser = function (...args) { return unblockUser(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.updateProfile = function (...args) { return updateProfile(this._client, ...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.prepare = function (...args) { return this._client.prepare(...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.connect = function (...args) { return this._client.connect(...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.close = function (...args) { return this._client.close(...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.notifyLoggedIn = function (...args) { return this._client.notifyLoggedIn(...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.notifyLoggedOut = function (...args) { return this._client.notifyLoggedOut(...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.notifyChannelOpened = function (...args) { return this._client.notifyChannelOpened(...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.notifyChannelClosed = function (...args) { return this._client.notifyChannelClosed(...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.startUpdatesLoop = function (...args) { return this._client.startUpdatesLoop(...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.stopUpdatesLoop = function (...args) { return this._client.stopUpdatesLoop(...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.call = function (...args) { return this._client.call(...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.importSession = function (...args) { return this._client.importSession(...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.exportSession = function (...args) { return this._client.exportSession(...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.onError = function (...args) { return this._client.onError(...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.emitError = function (...args) { return this._client.emitError(...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.handleClientUpdate = function (...args) { return this._client.handleClientUpdate(...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getApiCrenetials = function (...args) { return this._client.getApiCrenetials(...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getPoolSize = function (...args) { return this._client.getPoolSize(...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.getPrimaryDcId = function (...args) { return this._client.getPrimaryDcId(...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.computeSrpParams = function (...args) { return this._client.computeSrpParams(...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.computeNewPasswordHash = function (...args) { return this._client.computeNewPasswordHash(...args) } TelegramClient.prototype.onServerUpdate = function () { throw new Error('onServerUpdate is not available for TelegramClient, use .on() methods instead') } TelegramClient.prototype.onUpdate = function () { throw new Error('onUpdate is not available for TelegramClient, use .on() methods instead') }