import { describe, expect, it } from 'vitest' import { parseTlToEntries } from './parse.js' import { TlEntry } from './types.js' describe('tl parser', () => { const test = (tl: string, expected: TlEntry[], params?: Parameters[1]) => { expect(parseTlToEntries(tl, params)).toEqual(expected) } it('skips empty lines and comments', () => { test('// this is a comment', []) test('// this is a comment\n\n\n\n// another comment', []) }) it('skips primitives declarations', () => { test( ` int ? = Int; long ? = Long; double ? = Double; string ? = String; bytes = Bytes; vector {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; int128 4*[ int ] = Int128; int256 8*[ int ] = Int256; true#3fedd339 = True; boolFalse#bc799737 = Bool; boolTrue#997275b5 = Bool; `, [], ) }) it('parses classes w/out arguments', () => { test('inputUserSelf#f7c1b13f = InputUser;', [ { kind: 'class', name: 'inputUserSelf', id: 0xf7c1b13f, type: 'InputUser', arguments: [], }, ]) }) it('parses classes with arguments', () => { test('inputUser#f21158c6 user_id:long access_hash:long = InputUser;', [ { kind: 'class', name: 'inputUser', id: 0xf21158c6, type: 'InputUser', arguments: [ { name: 'user_id', type: 'long', }, { name: 'access_hash', type: 'long', }, ], }, ]) }) it('parses vectors', () => { test('msg_resend_req#7d861a08 msg_ids:Vector = MsgResendReq;', [ { kind: 'class', name: 'msg_resend_req', id: 0x7d861a08, type: 'MsgResendReq', arguments: [ { name: 'msg_ids', type: 'long', typeModifiers: { isVector: true, }, }, ], }, ]) }) it('parses bare vectors', () => { // note: not from schema, schema uses bare `future_salt` instead test('future_salts#ae500895 req_msg_id:long now:int salts:vector = FutureSalts;', [ { kind: 'class', name: 'future_salts', id: 0xae500895, type: 'FutureSalts', arguments: [ { name: 'req_msg_id', type: 'long', }, { name: 'now', type: 'int', }, { name: 'salts', type: 'FutureSalt', typeModifiers: { isBareVector: true, }, }, ], }, ]) }) it('parses bare unions', () => { test( 'message#0949d9dc = Message;\n' + // stub so we can reference it 'msg_container#73f1f8dc messages:vector<%Message> = MessageContainer;', [ { kind: 'class', name: 'message', id: 0x0949d9dc, type: 'Message', arguments: [], }, { kind: 'class', name: 'msg_container', id: 0x73f1f8dc, type: 'MessageContainer', arguments: [ { name: 'messages', type: 'Message', typeModifiers: { isBareVector: true, isBareUnion: true, constructorId: 0x0949d9dc, }, }, ], }, ], ) }) it('parses bare types', () => { test( 'future_salt#0949d9dc = FutureSalt;\n' + // stub so we can reference it 'future_salts#ae500895 req_msg_id:long now:int salts:vector = FutureSalts;', [ { kind: 'class', name: 'future_salt', id: 0x0949d9dc, type: 'FutureSalt', arguments: [], }, { kind: 'class', name: 'future_salts', id: 0xae500895, type: 'FutureSalts', arguments: [ { name: 'req_msg_id', type: 'long', }, { name: 'now', type: 'int', }, { name: 'salts', type: 'future_salt', typeModifiers: { isBareVector: true, isBareType: true, constructorId: 0x0949d9dc, }, }, ], }, ], ) }) it('parses methods with arguments', () => { test('---functions---\nauth.exportAuthorization#e5bfffcd dc_id:int = auth.ExportedAuthorization;', [ { kind: 'method', name: 'auth.exportAuthorization', id: 0xe5bfffcd, type: 'auth.ExportedAuthorization', arguments: [ { name: 'dc_id', type: 'int', }, ], }, ]) }) it('parses multiple classes', () => { test('jsonNull#3f6d7b68 = JSONValue;\njsonBool#c7345e6a value:Bool = JSONValue;', [ { kind: 'class', name: 'jsonNull', id: 0x3f6d7b68, type: 'JSONValue', arguments: [], }, { kind: 'class', name: 'jsonBool', id: 0xc7345e6a, type: 'JSONValue', arguments: [ { name: 'value', type: 'Bool', }, ], }, ]) }) it('parses generics', () => { test('---functions---\ninvokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d {X:Type} layer:int query:!X = X;', [ { kind: 'method', name: 'invokeWithLayer', id: 0xda9b0d0d, type: 'X', generics: [ { name: 'X', type: 'Type', }, ], arguments: [ { name: 'layer', type: 'int', }, { name: 'query', type: '!X', }, ], }, ]) }) it('parses predicates', () => { test( 'help.promoData#8c39793f flags:# proxy:flags.0?true expires:int peer:Peer psa_type:flags.1?string psa_message:flags.2?string = help.PromoData;', [ { kind: 'class', name: 'help.promoData', id: 0x8c39793f, type: 'help.PromoData', arguments: [ { name: 'flags', type: '#', }, { name: 'proxy', type: 'true', typeModifiers: { predicate: 'flags.0', }, }, { name: 'expires', type: 'int', }, { name: 'peer', type: 'Peer', }, { name: 'psa_type', type: 'string', typeModifiers: { predicate: 'flags.1', }, }, { name: 'psa_message', type: 'string', typeModifiers: { predicate: 'flags.2', }, }, ], }, ], ) }) it('generates constructor id if missing', () => { const items = parseTlToEntries( ` invokeWithLayer {X:Type} layer:int query:!X = X; help.promoData flags:# proxy:flags.0?true expires:int peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector psa_type:flags.1?string psa_message:flags.2?string = help.PromoData; account.getAccountTTL = AccountDaysTTL; users.getUsers id:Vector = Vector; `, ) expect(items[0].id).toEqual(0xda9b0d0d) expect(items[1].id).toEqual(0x8c39793f) expect(items[2].id).toEqual(0x8fc711d) expect(items[3].id).toEqual(0xd91a548) }) it('parses preceding comments', () => { test('// Self input user\ninputUserSelf#f7c1b13f = InputUser;', [ { kind: 'class', name: 'inputUserSelf', id: 0xf7c1b13f, type: 'InputUser', arguments: [], comment: 'Self input user', }, ]) test('// Self input user\n//yes\ninputUserSelf#f7c1b13f = InputUser;', [ { kind: 'class', name: 'inputUserSelf', id: 0xf7c1b13f, type: 'InputUser', arguments: [], comment: 'Self input user yes', }, ]) }) it('ignores comments with an empty line', () => { test('// Self input user\n\ninputUserSelf#f7c1b13f = InputUser;', [ { kind: 'class', name: 'inputUserSelf', id: 0xf7c1b13f, type: 'InputUser', arguments: [], }, ]) }) it('parses tdlib-style comments', () => { test( '//@description A file defined by its remote ID. The remote ID is guaranteed to be usable ' + 'only if the corresponding file is still accessible to the user and known to TDLib.\n' + '//-For example, if the file is from a message, then the message must be not deleted and ' + 'accessible to the user. If the file database is disabled, then the corresponding object ' + 'with the file must be preloaded by the application\n' + '//@id Remote file identifier\n' + 'inputFileRemote id:string = InputFile;\n', [ { kind: 'class', name: 'inputFileRemote', id: 0xf9968b3e, type: 'InputFile', arguments: [ { name: 'id', type: 'string', comment: 'Remote file identifier', }, ], comment: 'A file defined by its remote ID. The remote ID is guaranteed to be usable ' + 'only if the corresponding file is still accessible to the user and known to TDLib.\n' + 'For example, if the file is from a message, then the message must be not deleted and ' + 'accessible to the user. If the file database is disabled, then the corresponding object ' + 'with the file must be preloaded by the application', }, ], ) }) it('calls callback on orphan comment', () => { const orphaned: string[] = [] parseTlToEntries( '// some comment idk\n\n' + '//another comment\n' + '//but multiline\n\n' + '//yet another at the end', { onOrphanComment: (s) => orphaned.push(s), }, ) expect(orphaned).toEqual(['some comment idk', 'another comment but multiline', 'yet another at the end']) }) it('applies prefix to constructors', () => { test( 'future_salt#0949d9dc = FutureSalt;\n' + // stub to reference 'future_salts#ae500895 salts:vector current:FutureSalt = FutureSalts;', [ { kind: 'class', name: 'mt_future_salt', id: 0x0949d9dc, type: 'FutureSalt', arguments: [], }, { kind: 'class', name: 'mt_future_salts', id: 0xae500895, type: 'FutureSalts', arguments: [ { name: 'salts', type: 'mt_future_salt', typeModifiers: { isBareVector: true, isBareType: true, constructorId: 0x0949d9dc, }, }, { name: 'current', type: 'FutureSalt', // prefix is not applied to non-constructors }, ], }, ], { prefix: 'mt_' }, ) }) })