import type { IMessageEntityParser, MessageEntity } from '@mtcute/client' import { tl } from '@mtcute/tl' import bigInt from 'big-integer' const MENTION_REGEX = /^tg:\/\/user\?id=(\d+)(?:&hash=(-?[0-9a-fA-F]+)(?:&|$)|&|$)/ const TAG_BOLD = '**' const TAG_ITALIC = '__' const TAG_UNDERLINE = '--' const TAG_STRIKE = '~~' const TAG_CODE = '`' const TAG_PRE = '```' const TO_BE_ESCAPED = /[*_\-~`[\\]]/g /** * Markdown MessageEntity parser. * * This class is **not** compatible with the Bot API Markdown nor MarkdownV2, * please read the [documentation](../) to learn about syntax. */ export class MarkdownMessageEntityParser implements IMessageEntityParser { name = 'markdown' /** * Escape the text so it can be safely used inside Markdown code. * * @param str String to be escaped */ /* istanbul ignore next */ static escape(str: string): string { // this code doesn't really need to be tested since it's just // a simplified version of what is used in .unparse() return str.replace(TO_BE_ESCAPED, (s) => '\\' + s) } parse(text: string): [string, tl.TypeMessageEntity[]] { const entities: tl.TypeMessageEntity[] = [] const len = text.length let result = '' const stacks: Record[]> = {} let insideCode = false let insidePre = false let insideLink = false let pos = 0 while (pos < len) { const c = text[pos] if (c === '\\') { result += text[pos + 1] pos += 2 continue } if (insideCode) { if (c === '`') { const ent = stacks.code.pop()! ent.length = result.length - ent.offset entities.push(ent) insideCode = false pos += 1 } else { pos += 1 result += c } continue } if (insidePre) { if (c === '`' || (c === '\n' && text[pos + 1] === '`')) { if (c === '\n') pos += 1 if (text[pos + 1] === '`' && text[pos + 2] === '`') { const ent = stacks.pre.pop()! ent.length = result.length - ent.offset entities.push(ent) insidePre = false pos += 3 continue } else { // closed with single or double backtick // i.e. not closed actually! this is totally valid md: // ```javascript // const a = ``; // ``` // compensate that `pos` change we made earlier if (c === '\n') pos -= 1 } } pos += 1 result += c continue } if (insideLink && c === ']') { const ent =! if (text[pos + 1] !== '(') { // [link text] // ignore this pos += 1 continue } pos += 2 let url = '' while (pos < text.length && text[pos] !== ')') { url += text[pos++] } pos += 1 // ) if (pos > text.length) throw new Error('Malformed LINK entity, expected )') if (url.length) { ent.length = result.length - ent.offset const m = url.match(MENTION_REGEX) if (m) { const userId = parseInt(m[1]) const accessHash = m[2] if (accessHash) { ;(ent as tl.Mutable)._ = 'inputMessageEntityMentionName' ;(ent as tl.Mutable).userId = { _: 'inputUser', userId, accessHash: bigInt(accessHash, 16), } } else { ;(ent as tl.Mutable)._ = 'messageEntityMentionName' ;(ent as tl.Mutable).userId = userId } } else { ;(ent as tl.Mutable)._ = 'messageEntityTextUrl' ;(ent as tl.Mutable).url = url } entities.push(ent) } insideLink = false continue } if (c === '[' && !insideLink) { pos += 1 insideLink = true if (!('link' in stacks)) = []{ offset: result.length, length: 0, } as any) // other fields are added after the second part continue } if (c === '`') { const isPre = text[pos + 1] === '`' && text[pos + 2] === '`' if (isPre) { pos += 3 let language = '' while (pos < text.length && text[pos] !== '\n') { language += text[pos++] } // newline pos += 1 if (pos > text.length) throw new Error( 'Malformed PRE entity, expected LF after ```' ) if (!('pre' in stacks)) stacks.pre = [] stacks.pre.push({ _: 'messageEntityPre', offset: result.length, length: 0, language, }) insidePre = true } else { pos += 1 if (!('code' in stacks)) stacks.code = [] stacks.code.push({ _: 'messageEntityCode', offset: result.length, length: 0, }) insideCode = true } continue } if (c === text[pos + 1]) { // maybe (?) start or end of an entity let type: | 'Italic' | 'Bold' | 'Underline' | 'Strike' | null = null if (c === '_') type = 'Italic' else if (c === '*') type = 'Bold' else if (c === '-') type = 'Underline' else if (c === '~') type = 'Strike' if (type) { if (!(type in stacks)) stacks[type] = [] const isBegin = stacks[type].length === 0 if (isBegin) { stacks[type].push({ // this is valid, but idk how to make typescript happy _: ('messageEntity' + type) as any, offset: result.length, length: 0, }) } else { const ent = stacks[type].pop()! ent.length = result.length - ent.offset entities.push(ent) } pos += 2 continue } } // nothing matched => normal character result += c pos += 1 } return [result, entities] } unparse(text: string, entities: MessageEntity[]): string { // keep track of positions of inserted escape symbols const escaped: number[] = [] text = text.replace(TO_BE_ESCAPED, (s, pos: number) => { escaped.push(pos) return '\\' + s }) const hasEscaped = escaped.length > 0 type InsertLater = [number, string] const insert: InsertLater[] = [] for (const entity of entities) { const type = entity.type let start = entity.offset let end = start + entity.length if (start > text.length) continue if (start < 0) start = 0 if (end > text.length) end = text.length if (hasEscaped) { // determine number of escape chars since the beginning of the string let escapedPos = 0 while ( escapedPos < escaped.length && escaped[escapedPos] < start ) { escapedPos += 1 } start += escapedPos while ( escapedPos < escaped.length && escaped[escapedPos] <= end ) { escapedPos += 1 } end += escapedPos } let startTag, endTag: string if (type === 'bold') { startTag = endTag = TAG_BOLD } else if (type === 'italic') { startTag = endTag = TAG_ITALIC } else if (type === 'underline') { startTag = endTag = TAG_UNDERLINE } else if (type === 'strikethrough') { startTag = endTag = TAG_STRIKE } else if (type === 'code') { startTag = endTag = TAG_CODE } else if (type === 'pre') { startTag = TAG_PRE if (entity.language) { startTag += entity.language } startTag += '\n' endTag = '\n' + TAG_PRE } else if (type === 'text_link') { startTag = '[' endTag = `](${entity.url!})` } else if (type === 'text_mention') { startTag = '[' endTag = `](tg://user?id=${entity.userId!})` } else continue insert.push([start, startTag]) insert.push([end, endTag]) } // sort by offset desc insert.sort((a, b) => b[0] - a[0]) for (const [offset, tag] of insert) { text = text.substr(0, offset) + tag + text.substr(offset) } return text } }