const { createWriter, snakeToCamel, camelToPascal } = require('./common') const fetch = require('node-fetch') const csvParser = require('csv-parser') const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const ts = createWriter('../errors.d.ts') const js = createWriter('../errors.js') const baseErrors = [ { codes: '400', name: 'BAD_REQUEST', description: 'The query contains errors. In the event that a request was created using a form ' + 'and contains user generated data, the user should be notified that the data must ' + 'be corrected before the query is repeated', }, { codes: '401', name: 'UNAUTHORIZED', description: 'There was an unauthorized attempt to use functionality available only to authorized users.', }, { codes: '403', name: 'FORBIDDEN', description: 'Privacy violation. For example, an attempt to write a message ' + 'to someone who has blacklisted the current user.', }, { codes: '404', name: 'NOT_FOUND', description: 'An attempt to invoke a non-existent object, such as a method.', }, { codes: '420', name: 'FLOOD', description: 'The maximum allowed number of attempts to invoke the given method' + 'with the given input parameters has been exceeded. For example, in an' + 'attempt to request a large number of text messages (SMS) for the same' + 'phone number.', }, { codes: '303', name: 'SEE_OTHER', description: 'The request must be repeated, but directed to a different data center', }, { codes: '406', name: 'NOT_ACCEPTABLE', description: 'Similar to 400 BAD_REQUEST, but the app should not display any error messages to user ' + 'in UI as a result of this response. The error message will be delivered via ' + 'updateServiceNotification instead.', }, { codes: '500', name: 'INTERNAL', description: 'An internal server error occurred while a request was being processed; ' + 'for example, there was a disruption while accessing a database or file storage.', } ] const inheritanceTable = { 400: 'BadRequestError', 401: 'UnauthorizedError', 403: 'ForbiddenError', 404: 'NotFoundError', 420: 'FloodError', 303: 'SeeOtherError', 406: 'NotAcceptableError', 500: 'InternalError', } const customErrors = [ { virtual: true, name: 'RPC_TIMEOUT', codes: '408', description: 'Timeout of {ms} ms exceeded', }, { virtual: true, name: 'MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND', codes: '404', description: 'Message was not found' } ] async function main() { // relying on slightly more exhaustive than official docs errors.csv from telethon const csvText = await fetch( '' ).then((i) => i.body) const csv = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const ret = [] csvText .pipe(csvParser()) .on('data', (it) => ret.push(it)) .on('end', () => resolve(ret)) .on('error', reject) }) csv.push(...customErrors) js.write(`// This file was auto-generated. Do not edit! "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); class RpcError extends Error { constructor(code, text, description) { super(description); this.code = code; this.text = text; } } exports.RpcError = RpcError;`) ts.write(`// This file was auto-generated. Do not edit! export declare class RpcError extends Error { code: number; text: string; constructor (code: number, text: string, description?: string); }`) baseErrors.forEach((it) => (it.base = true)) const allErrors = [...baseErrors, ...csv] fs.writeFileSync( path.join(__dirname, '../raw-errors.json'), JSON.stringify(allErrors) ) allErrors.forEach((err) => { let hasArgument = err.description && err.description.match(/{([a-z_]+)}/i) let argName = hasArgument ? snakeToCamel(hasArgument[1]) : '' if ([0].match(/[0-9]/)) err.clsname = '_' + else err.clsname = err.clsname = err.clsname.replace(/_X_|_X$|^X_/, (i) => i === '_X_' ? '_' : '' ) const className = camelToPascal(snakeToCamel(err.clsname.toLowerCase())) + 'Error' err.fclsname = className const descrCode = JSON.stringify(err.description).replace( /{([a-z_]+)}/gi, (_, $1) => `" + ${snakeToCamel($1)} + "` ) err.code =' ')[0] err.inherits = err.base ? 'RpcError' : inheritanceTable[err.code] || 'RpcError' if (err.base) { js.write(`class ${className} extends RpcError { constructor(name, description) { super(${err.code}, name, description); } } exports.${className} = ${className}`) } else { js.write(`class ${className} extends ${err.inherits} { constructor(${argName}) { super(${err.inherits === 'RpcError' ? `${err.code}, ` : ''}'${ }', ${descrCode});${ hasArgument ? ` this.${argName} = ${argName};` : '' } } } exports.${className} = ${className}`) } ts.comment(err.description) if (err.base) { ts.write(`export declare class ${className} extends RpcError { constructor (name: string, description: string); }`) } else { ts.write(`export declare class ${className} extends ${ err.inherits } {${ hasArgument ? ` ${argName}: number;` : '' } constructor (${hasArgument ? argName + ': number' : ''}); }`) } }) ts.write( 'export declare function createRpcErrorFromTl (obj: any): RpcError;' ) js.write('const _staticNameErrors = {') csv.filter( (i) => !i.virtual && !|_X$|^X_/) ).forEach((err) => js.write(`'${}': ${err.fclsname},`)) js.write(`'Timeout': TimeoutError,`) js.untab() js.write('};') js.write('const _baseCodeErrors = {') Object.entries(inheritanceTable).forEach(([code, error]) => { js.write(`${code}: ${error},`) }) js.untab() js.write('};') js.write(`exports.createRpcErrorFromTl = function (obj) { if (obj.errorMessage in _staticNameErrors) return new _staticNameErrors[obj.errorMessage](); let match; ${allErrors .filter((i) => !i.virtual && !!|_X$|^X_/)) .map( (i) => ` if ((match = obj.errorMessage.match(/${ /_X_|_X$|^X_/g, (i) => i.replace('X', '(\\d+)') )}/)) != null) return new ${i.fclsname}(parseInt(match[1]));` ) .join('\n')} if (obj.errorCode in _baseCodeErrors) return new _baseCodeErrors[obj.errorCode](obj.errorMessage); return new RpcError(obj.errorCode, obj.errorMessage); }`) } main().catch(console.error)