import { readFile, writeFile } from 'fs/promises' import { join } from 'path' import { generateReaderCodeForTlEntries, generateTypescriptDefinitionsForTlSchema, generateWriterCodeForTlEntries, parseFullTlSchema, TlEntry, TlErrors, TlFullSchema, } from '@mtcute/tl-utils' import { __dirname, API_SCHEMA_JSON_FILE, ERRORS_JSON_FILE, ESM_PRELUDE, MTP_SCHEMA_JSON_FILE } from './constants.js' import { TlPackedSchema, unpackTlSchema } from './schema.js' const OUT_TYPINGS_FILE = join(__dirname, '../index.d.ts') const OUT_TYPINGS_JS_FILE = join(__dirname, '../index.js') const OUT_READERS_FILE = join(__dirname, '../binary/reader.js') const OUT_WRITERS_FILE = join(__dirname, '../binary/writer.js') async function generateTypings(apiSchema: TlFullSchema, apiLayer: number, mtpSchema: TlFullSchema, errors: TlErrors) { console.log('Generating typings...') const [apiTs, apiJs] = generateTypescriptDefinitionsForTlSchema(apiSchema, apiLayer, undefined, errors) const [mtpTs, mtpJs] = generateTypescriptDefinitionsForTlSchema(mtpSchema, 0, 'mtp') await writeFile(OUT_TYPINGS_FILE, apiTs + '\n\n' + mtpTs.replace("import _Long from 'long';", '')) await writeFile(OUT_TYPINGS_JS_FILE, ESM_PRELUDE + apiJs + '\n\n' + mtpJs) } const removeInternalEntries = (entries: TlEntry[]) => entries.filter((it) => !'mtcute.') || === 'mtcute.customMethod') async function generateReaders(apiSchema: TlFullSchema, mtpSchema: TlFullSchema) { console.log('Generating readers...') let code = generateReaderCodeForTlEntries(removeInternalEntries(apiSchema.entries), { variableName: 'm', includeMethods: false, includeMethodResults: true, }) // for mtcute.customMethod we want to generate a reader that uses r.raw() const newCode = code.replace( "'mtcute.customMethod':function(r){return r.bytes()},", "'mtcute.customMethod':function(r){return r.raw()},", ) if (newCode === code) { throw new Error('Failed to replace customMethod writer') } code = newCode const mtpCode = generateReaderCodeForTlEntries(mtpSchema.entries, { variableName: 'm', }) code = code.substring(0, code.length - 1) + mtpCode.substring(8) code += '\nexports.__tlReaderMap = m;' await writeFile(OUT_READERS_FILE, ESM_PRELUDE + code) } async function generateWriters(apiSchema: TlFullSchema, mtpSchema: TlFullSchema) { console.log('Generating writers...') let code = generateWriterCodeForTlEntries([...removeInternalEntries(apiSchema.entries), ...mtpSchema.entries], { variableName: 'm', includeStaticSizes: true, }) // for mtcute.customMethod we want to generate a writer that writes obj.bytes directly const newCode = code.replace( /^('mtcute.customMethod':function\(w,v\){)w.uint\(2440218877\);w.bytes\(h\(v,'bytes'\)\)/m, "$1w.raw(h(v,'bytes'))", ) if (newCode === code) { throw new Error('Failed to replace customMethod writer') } code = newCode code += '\nexports.__tlWriterMap = m;' await writeFile(OUT_WRITERS_FILE, ESM_PRELUDE + code) } // put common errors to the top so they are parsed first const ERRORS_ORDER = ['FLOOD_WAIT_%d', 'FILE_MIGRATE_%d', 'NETWORK_MIGRATE_%d', 'PHONE_MIGRATE_%d', 'STATS_MIGRATE_%d'] function putCommonErrorsFirst(errors: TlErrors) { const newErrors: TlErrors['errors'] = {} for (const name of ERRORS_ORDER) { if (name in errors.errors) { newErrors[name] = errors.errors[name] } } for (const name in errors.errors) { if (name in newErrors) continue newErrors[name] = errors.errors[name] } errors.errors = newErrors } async function main() { const errors = JSON.parse(await readFile(ERRORS_JSON_FILE, 'utf8')) as TlErrors putCommonErrorsFirst(errors) const [apiSchema, apiLayer] = unpackTlSchema( JSON.parse(await readFile(API_SCHEMA_JSON_FILE, 'utf8')) as TlPackedSchema, ) const mtpSchema = parseFullTlSchema(JSON.parse(await readFile(MTP_SCHEMA_JSON_FILE, 'utf8')) as TlEntry[]) await generateTypings(apiSchema, apiLayer, mtpSchema, errors) await generateReaders(apiSchema, mtpSchema) await generateWriters(apiSchema, mtpSchema) console.log('Done!') } main().catch(console.error)