/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/unified-signatures,@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument,@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call,max-depth,dot-notation */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, @typescript-eslint/ban-types */ // ^^ will be looked into in MTQ-29 import { BotReactionCountUpdate, BotReactionUpdate, BotStoppedUpdate, BusinessConnection, ChatJoinRequestUpdate, ChatMemberUpdate, DeleteBusinessMessageUpdate, DeleteMessageUpdate, DeleteStoryUpdate, HistoryReadUpdate, MaybePromise, MtArgumentError, ParsedUpdate, PeersIndex, PollUpdate, PollVoteUpdate, StoryUpdate, tl, UserStatusUpdate, UserTypingUpdate, } from '@mtcute/core' import { TelegramClient } from '@mtcute/core/client.js' import { UpdateContext } from './context/base.js' import { BusinessMessageContext } from './context/business-message.js' import { BusinessCallbackQueryContext, CallbackQueryContext, ChatJoinRequestUpdateContext, ChosenInlineResultContext, InlineCallbackQueryContext, InlineQueryContext, MessageContext, PreCheckoutQueryContext, } from './context/index.js' import { _parsedUpdateToContext, UpdateContextType } from './context/parse.js' import { SceneTransitionContext } from './context/scene-transition.js' import { filters, UpdateFilter } from './filters/index.js' // begin-codegen-imports import { BotChatJoinRequestHandler, BotReactionCountUpdateHandler, BotReactionUpdateHandler, BotStoppedHandler, BusinessCallbackQueryHandler, BusinessConnectionUpdateHandler, BusinessMessageGroupHandler, CallbackQueryHandler, ChatJoinRequestHandler, ChatMemberUpdateHandler, ChosenInlineResultHandler, DeleteBusinessMessageHandler, DeleteMessageHandler, DeleteStoryHandler, EditBusinessMessageHandler, EditMessageHandler, HistoryReadHandler, InlineCallbackQueryHandler, InlineQueryHandler, MessageGroupHandler, NewBusinessMessageHandler, NewMessageHandler, PollUpdateHandler, PollVoteHandler, PreCheckoutQueryHandler, RawUpdateHandler, StoryUpdateHandler, UpdateHandler, UserStatusUpdateHandler, UserTypingHandler, } from './handler.js' // end-codegen-imports import { PropagationAction } from './propagation.js' import { defaultStateKeyDelegate, IStateStorageProvider, StateKeyDelegate, UpdateState } from './state/index.js' import { StateService } from './state/service.js' export interface DispatcherParams { /** * If this dispatcher can be used as a scene, its unique name. * * Should not be set manually, use {@link Dispatcher.scene} instead */ sceneName?: string /** * Custom storage for this dispatcher and its children. * * @default Client's storage */ storage?: IStateStorageProvider /** * Custom key delegate for the dispatcher. */ key?: StateKeyDelegate } export interface DispatcherDependencies { // intentionally empty, to be extended by consumers } /** * Updates dispatcher */ export class Dispatcher { private _groups: Map> = new Map() private _groupsOrder: number[] = [] private _client?: TelegramClient private _parent?: Dispatcher private _children: Dispatcher[] = [] private _scenes?: Map> private _scene?: string private _sceneScoped?: boolean private _storage?: StateService private _stateKeyDelegate?: StateKeyDelegate private _customStateKeyDelegate?: StateKeyDelegate private _customStorage?: StateService private _deps: DispatcherDependencies = {} private _errorHandler?: ( err: Error, update: ParsedUpdate & T, state?: UpdateState, ) => MaybePromise private _preUpdateHandler?: ( update: ParsedUpdate & T, state?: UpdateState, ) => MaybePromise private _postUpdateHandler?: ( handled: boolean, update: ParsedUpdate & T, state?: UpdateState, ) => MaybePromise private _sceneTransitionHandler?: ( update: SceneTransitionContext, state: UpdateState, ) => MaybePromise protected constructor(client?: TelegramClient, params?: DispatcherParams) { this.dispatchRawUpdate = this.dispatchRawUpdate.bind(this) this.dispatchUpdate = this.dispatchUpdate.bind(this) // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const let { storage, key, sceneName } = params ?? {} if (client) { this.bindToClient(client) if (storage) { this._storage = new StateService(storage) this._stateKeyDelegate = key ?? defaultStateKeyDelegate } } else { // child dispatcher without client if (storage) { this._customStorage = new StateService(storage) } if (key) { this._customStateKeyDelegate = key } if (sceneName) { if (sceneName[0] === '$') { throw new MtArgumentError('Scene name cannot start with $') } this._scene = sceneName } } } /** * Create a new dispatcher and bind it to the client. */ static for( client: TelegramClient, ...args: [State] extends [never] ? [params?: DispatcherParams] : [params: DispatcherParams & { storage: IStateStorageProvider }] ): Dispatcher static for(client: TelegramClient, params?: DispatcherParams): Dispatcher { return new Dispatcher(client, params) } /** * Create a new child dispatcher. */ static child(params?: DispatcherParams): Dispatcher { return new Dispatcher(undefined, params) } /** * Create a new scene dispatcher */ static scene>( name: string, params?: Omit, ): Dispatcher { return new Dispatcher(undefined, { sceneName: name, ...params }) } /** For scene dispatchers, name of the scene */ get sceneName(): string | undefined { return this._scene } /** * Inject a dependency to be available in this dispatcher and all its children. * * **Note**: This is only available for the root dispatcher. */ inject(name: Name, value: DispatcherDependencies[Name]): void /** * Inject dependencies to be available in this dispatcher and all its children. * * **Note**: This is only available for the root dispatcher. */ inject(deps: Partial): void inject( name: Name | Partial, value?: DispatcherDependencies[Name], ): void { if (this._parent) { throw new MtArgumentError('Cannot inject dependencies to child dispatchers') } if (typeof name === 'object') { for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(name)) { (this._deps as any)[k] = v } } else { this._deps[name] = value! } } /** * Get the dependencies injected into this dispatcher. */ get deps(): DispatcherDependencies { return this._deps } /** * Bind the dispatcher to the client. * Called by the constructor automatically if * `client` was passed. * * Dispatcher also uses bound client to throw errors */ bindToClient(client: TelegramClient): void { client.on('update', this.dispatchUpdate) client.on('raw_update', this.dispatchRawUpdate) this._client = client } /** * Unbind a dispatcher from the client. */ unbind(): void { if (this._client) { this._client.off('update', this.dispatchUpdate) this._client.off('raw_update', this.dispatchRawUpdate) this._client = undefined } } /** * Destroy the dispatcher and all its children. * * When destroying, all the registered handlers are removed, * and the underlying storage is freed. */ async destroy(): Promise { if (this._parent && this._customStorage) { await this._customStorage.destroy() } else if (!this._parent && this._storage) { await this._storage.destroy() } this.removeUpdateHandler('all') for (const child of this._children) { await child.destroy() } for (const scene of this._scenes?.values() ?? []) { await scene.destroy() } } /** * Process a raw update with this dispatcher. * Calling this method without bound client will not work. * * Under the hood asynchronously calls {@link dispatchRawUpdateNow} * with error handler set to client's one. * * @param update Update to process * @param peers Peers index */ dispatchRawUpdate(update: tl.TypeUpdate | tl.TypeMessage, peers: PeersIndex): void { if (!this._client) return // order does not matter in the dispatcher, // so we can handle each update in its own task this.dispatchRawUpdateNow(update, peers).catch((err) => this._client!.emitError(err)) } /** * Process a raw update right now in the current stack. * * Unlike {@link dispatchRawUpdate}, this does not schedule * the update to be dispatched, but dispatches it immediately, * and after `await`ing this method you can be certain that the update * was fully processed by all the registered handlers, including children. * * @param update Update to process * @param peers Peers map * @returns Whether the update was handled */ async dispatchRawUpdateNow(update: tl.TypeUpdate | tl.TypeMessage, peers: PeersIndex): Promise { if (!this._client) return false let handled = false outer: for (const grp of this._groupsOrder) { const group = this._groups.get(grp)! if (group.has('raw')) { const handlers = group.get('raw')! as RawUpdateHandler[] for (const h of handlers) { let result: void | PropagationAction if (!h.check || (await h.check(this._client, update, peers))) { result = await h.callback(this._client, update, peers) handled = true } else continue switch (result) { case 'continue': continue case 'stop': break outer case 'stop-children': return handled } break } } } for (const child of this._children) { const childHandled = await child.dispatchRawUpdateNow(update, peers) handled ||= childHandled } return handled } /** * Process an update with this dispatcher. * Calling this method without bound client will not work. * * Under the hood asynchronously calls {@link dispatchUpdateNow} * with error handler set to client's one. * * @param update Update to process */ dispatchUpdate(update: ParsedUpdate): void { if (!this._client) return // order does not matter in the dispatcher, // so we can handle each update in its own task this.dispatchUpdateNow(update).catch((err) => this._client!.emitError(err)) } /** * Process an update right now in the current stack. * * Unlike {@link dispatchUpdate}, this does not schedule * the update to be dispatched, but dispatches it immediately, * and after `await`ing this method you can be certain that the update * was fully processed by all the registered handlers, including children. * * @param update Update to process * @returns Whether the update was handled */ async dispatchUpdateNow(update: ParsedUpdate): Promise { return this._dispatchUpdateNowImpl(update) } private async _dispatchUpdateNowImpl( update: ParsedUpdate, // this is getting a bit crazy lol parsedState?: UpdateState | null, parsedScene?: string | null, forceScene?: true, parsedContext?: UpdateContextType, ): Promise { if (!this._client) return false if (parsedScene === undefined) { if ( this._storage && this._scenes && (update.name === 'new_message' || update.name === 'edit_message' || update.name === 'callback_query' || update.name === 'message_group' || update.name === 'new_business_message' || update.name === 'edit_business_message' || update.name === 'business_message_group') ) { // no need to fetch scene if there are no registered scenes if (!parsedContext) parsedContext = _parsedUpdateToContext(this._client, update) const key = await this._stateKeyDelegate!(parsedContext as any) if (key) { parsedScene = await this._storage.getCurrentScene(key) } else { parsedScene = null } } else { parsedScene = null } } if (!forceScene && parsedScene !== null) { if (this._scene) { if (this._scene !== parsedScene) { // should not happen, but just in case return false } } else { if (!this._scenes || !this._scenes.has(parsedScene)) { // not registered scene return false } return this._scenes.get(parsedScene)!._dispatchUpdateNowImpl(update, parsedState, parsedScene, true) } } if (parsedState === undefined) { if ( this._storage && (update.name === 'new_message' || update.name === 'edit_message' || update.name === 'callback_query' || update.name === 'message_group' || update.name === 'new_business_message' || update.name === 'edit_business_message' || update.name === 'business_message_group') ) { if (!parsedContext) parsedContext = _parsedUpdateToContext(this._client, update) const key = await this._stateKeyDelegate!(parsedContext as any) if (key) { let customKey if ( !this._customStateKeyDelegate || (customKey = await this._customStateKeyDelegate(parsedContext as any)) ) { parsedState = new UpdateState( this._storage, key, this._scene ?? null, this._sceneScoped, this._customStorage, customKey, ) } } else { parsedState = null } } else { parsedState = null } } let shouldDispatch = true let shouldDispatchChildren = true let handled = false switch (await this._preUpdateHandler?.(update, parsedState as any)) { case 'stop': shouldDispatch = false break case 'stop-children': return false } if (shouldDispatch) { outer: for (const grp of this._groupsOrder) { const group = this._groups.get(grp)! if (group.has(update.name)) { // raw is not handled here, so we can safely assume this const handlers = group.get(update.name)! as Exclude[] try { for (const h of handlers) { let result: void | PropagationAction if (!parsedContext) parsedContext = _parsedUpdateToContext(this._client, update) if (!h.check || (await h.check(parsedContext as any, parsedState as never))) { result = await h.callback(parsedContext as any, parsedState as never) handled = true } else continue if (parsedState && this._scenes) { // check if scene transition was made const newScene = parsedState.scene if (parsedScene !== newScene) { const nextDp = newScene ? this._scenes.get(newScene) : this._parent if (!nextDp) { throw new MtArgumentError(`Scene ${newScene} not found`) } if (nextDp._sceneTransitionHandler) { const transition = new SceneTransitionContext(parsedScene, parsedContext) const transitionResult = await nextDp._sceneTransitionHandler?.( transition, parsedState, ) switch (transitionResult) { case 'stop': return true case 'continue': continue case 'scene': { const scene = parsedState.scene const dp = scene ? nextDp._scenes!.get(scene)! : nextDp._parent! return dp._dispatchUpdateNowImpl(update, undefined, scene, true) } } } } } switch (result) { case 'continue': continue case 'stop': break outer case 'stop-children': shouldDispatchChildren = false break outer case 'scene': { if (!parsedState) { throw new MtArgumentError('Cannot use ToScene without state') } const scene = parsedState.scene const dp = scene ? this._scenes!.get(scene)! : this._parent! return dp._dispatchUpdateNowImpl(update, undefined, scene, true) } } break } } catch (e: any) { if (this._errorHandler) { const handled = await this._errorHandler(e, update, parsedState as never) if (!handled) throw e } else { throw e } } } } } if (shouldDispatchChildren) { for (const child of this._children) { const childHandled = await child._dispatchUpdateNowImpl(update) handled ||= childHandled } } await this._postUpdateHandler?.(handled, update, parsedState as any) return handled } /** * Add an update handler to a given handlers group * * @param handler Update handler * @param group Handler group index */ addUpdateHandler(handler: UpdateHandler, group = 0): void { if (!this._groups.has(group)) { this._groups.set(group, new Map()) this._groupsOrder.push(group) this._groupsOrder.sort((a, b) => a - b) } if (!this._groups.get(group)!.has(handler.name)) { this._groups.get(group)!.set(handler.name, []) } this._groups.get(group)!.get(handler.name)!.push(handler) } /** * Remove an update handler (or handlers) from a given * handler group. * * @param handler Update handler to remove, its name or `'all'` to remove all * @param group Handler group index (null to affect all groups) */ removeUpdateHandler(handler: UpdateHandler | UpdateHandler['name'] | 'all', group: number | null = 0): void { if (group !== null && !this._groups.has(group)) { return } if (typeof handler === 'string') { if (handler === 'all') { if (group === null) { this._groups = new Map() } else { this._groups.delete(group) } } else if (group !== null) { this._groups.get(group)!.delete(handler) } return } if (group === null) return if (!this._groups.get(group)!.has(handler.name)) { return } const idx = this._groups.get(group)!.get(handler.name)!.indexOf(handler) if (idx > -1) { this._groups.get(group)!.get(handler.name)!.splice(idx, 1) } } /** * Register an error handler. * * This is used locally within this dispatcher * (does not affect children/parent) whenever * an error is thrown inside an update handler. * Not used for raw update handlers * * When an error is thrown, but there is no error * handler, it is propagated to `TelegramClient`. * * There can be at most one error handler. * Pass `null` to remove it. * * @param handler Error handler */ onError( handler: ((err: Error, update: ParsedUpdate & T, state?: UpdateState) => MaybePromise) | null, ): void { if (handler) this._errorHandler = handler else this._errorHandler = undefined } /** * Register pre-update middleware. * * This is used locally within this dispatcher * (does not affect children/parent) before processing * an update, and can be used to skip this update. * * There can be at most one pre-update middleware. * Pass `null` to remove it. * * @param handler Pre-update middleware */ onPreUpdate( handler: | ((update: ParsedUpdate & T, state?: UpdateState) => MaybePromise) | null, ): void { if (handler) this._preUpdateHandler = handler else this._preUpdateHandler = undefined } /** * Register post-update middleware. * * This is used locally within this dispatcher * (does not affect children/parent) after successfully * processing an update, and can be used for stats. * * There can be at most one post-update middleware. * Pass `null` to remove it. * * @param handler Pre-update middleware */ onPostUpdate( handler: | ((handled: boolean, update: ParsedUpdate & T, state?: UpdateState) => MaybePromise) | null, ): void { if (handler) this._postUpdateHandler = handler else this._postUpdateHandler = undefined } /** * Set error handler that will propagate * the error to the parent dispatcher */ propagateErrorToParent(err: Error, update: ParsedUpdate, state?: UpdateState): MaybePromise { if (!this.parent) { throw new MtArgumentError('This dispatcher is not a child') } if (this.parent._errorHandler) { return this.parent._errorHandler(err, update, state as any) } throw err } // children // /** * Get parent dispatcher if current dispatcher is a child. * Otherwise, return `null` */ get parent(): Dispatcher | null { return this._parent ?? null } private _prepareChild(child: Dispatcher): void { if (child._client) { throw new MtArgumentError( 'Provided dispatcher is ' + (child._parent ? 'already a child. Use parent.removeChild() before calling addChild()' : 'already bound to a client. Use unbind() before calling addChild()'), ) } child._parent = this as any child._client = this._client child._storage = this._storage child._deps = this._deps child._scenes = this._scenes child._stateKeyDelegate = this._stateKeyDelegate child._customStorage ??= this._customStorage child._customStateKeyDelegate ??= this._customStateKeyDelegate } /** * Add a child dispatcher. * * Child dispatchers are called when dispatching updates * just like normal, except they can be controlled * externally. Additionally, child dispatcher have their own * independent handler grouping that does not interfere with parent's, * including `StopPropagation` (i.e. returning `StopPropagation` will * still call children. To entirely stop, use `StopChildrenPropagation`) * * Note that child dispatchers share the same TelegramClient and * storage binding as the parent, don't bind them manually. * * @param child Other dispatcher */ addChild(child: Dispatcher): void { if (this._children.includes(child)) return this._prepareChild(child) this._children.push(child) } /** * Add a dispatcher as a scene with a non-scoped state. * * Scoped storage for a scene means that the scene will * have its own storage, that is only available within * the scene and does not interfere with global state. * Non-scoped, on the other hand, is the same state as * the one used for the root dispatcher * * @param uid UID of the scene * @param scene Dispatcher representing the scene * @param scoped Whether to use scoped FSM storage for the scene */ addScene(scene: Dispatcher, scoped: false): void /** * Add a dispatcher as a scene with a scoped state * * Scoped storage for a scene means that the scene will * have its own storage, that is only available within * the scene and does not interfere with global state. * Non-scoped, on the other hand, is the same state as * the one used for the root dispatcher * * @param uid UID of the scene * @param scene Dispatcher representing the scene * @param scoped Whether to use scoped FSM storage for the scene (defaults to `true`) */ addScene(scene: Dispatcher, scoped?: true): void addScene(scene: Dispatcher, scoped = true): void { if (!this._scenes) this._scenes = new Map() if (!scene._scene) { throw new MtArgumentError( 'Non-scene dispatcher passed to addScene. Use `Dispatcher.scene()` to create one.', ) } if (this._scenes.has(scene._scene)) { throw new MtArgumentError(`Scene with name ${scene._scene} is already registered!`) } this._prepareChild(scene) scene._sceneScoped = scoped this._scenes.set(scene._scene, scene) } /** * Remove a child dispatcher. * * Removing child dispatcher will also remove * child dispatcher's client binding. * * If the provided dispatcher is not a child of current, * this function will silently fail. * * @param child Other dispatcher */ removeChild(child: Dispatcher): void { const idx = this._children.indexOf(child) if (idx > -1) { child._unparent() this._children.splice(idx, 1) } } private _unparent(): void { this._parent = this._client = undefined this._deps = {} // to avoid dangling references this._stateKeyDelegate = undefined this._storage = undefined } /** * Extend current dispatcher by copying other dispatcher's * handlers and children to the current. * * This might be more efficient for simple cases, but do note that the handler * groups, children and scenes will get merged (unlike {@link addChild}, * where they are independent). Also note that unlike with children, * when adding handlers to `other` *after* you extended * the current dispatcher, changes will not be applied. * * @param other Other dispatcher */ extend(other: Dispatcher): void { if (other._customStorage || other._customStateKeyDelegate) { throw new MtArgumentError('Provided dispatcher has custom storage and cannot be extended from.') } other._groupsOrder.forEach((group) => { if (!this._groups.has(group)) { this._groups.set(group, other._groups.get(group)!) this._groupsOrder.push(group) } else { const otherGrp = other._groups.get(group)! const selfGrp = this._groups.get(group)! for (const typ of otherGrp.keys()) { if (!selfGrp.has(typ)) { selfGrp.set(typ, otherGrp.get(typ)!) } else { // selfGrp[typ].push(...otherGrp[typ]) selfGrp.get(typ)!.push(...otherGrp.get(typ)!) } } } }) other._children.forEach((it) => { it._unparent() this.addChild(it as any) }) if (other._scenes) { const otherScenes = other._scenes if (!this._scenes) this._scenes = new Map() const myScenes = this._scenes for (const key of otherScenes.keys()) { otherScenes.get(key)!._unparent() if (myScenes.has(key)) { // will be overwritten myScenes.delete(key) } this.addScene(otherScenes.get(key) as any, otherScenes.get(key)!._sceneScoped as any) } } this._groupsOrder.sort((a, b) => a - b) } /** * Create a clone of this dispatcher, that has the same handlers, * but is not bound to a client or to a parent dispatcher. * * Custom Storage and key delegate are copied too. * * By default, child dispatchers (and scenes) are ignored, since * that requires cloning every single one of them recursively * and then binding them back. * * @param children Whether to also clone children and scenes */ clone(children = false): Dispatcher { const dp = new Dispatcher() // copy handlers. for (const key of this._groups.keys()) { const idx = key as any as number dp._groups.set(idx, new Map()) for (const type of this._groups.get(idx)!.keys()) { // dp._groups.get(idx)!.set(type, [...this._groups.get(idx)!].get(type)!]) dp._groups.get(idx)!.set(type, [...this._groups.get(idx)!.get(type)!]) } } dp._groupsOrder = [...this._groupsOrder] dp._errorHandler = this._errorHandler dp._customStateKeyDelegate = this._customStateKeyDelegate dp._customStorage = this._customStorage if (children) { this._children.forEach((it) => { const child = it.clone(true) dp.addChild(child as any) }) if (this._scenes) { for (const key of this._scenes.keys()) { const scene = this._scenes.get(key)!.clone(true) dp.addScene(scene as any, this._scenes.get(key)!._sceneScoped as any) } } } return dp } /** * Get update state object for the given key. * * For custom keys, use prefix starting with `$` to avoid * clashing with other keys (scene name can't start with `$`) * * @param key State storage key * @template S State type, defaults to dispatcher's state type. Only checked at compile-time */ getState(key: string): UpdateState /** * Get update state object for the given object. * * Equivalent to `getState(string)`, but derives * the key with the registered {@link StateKeyDelegate}, * and since it could be async, this method is async too. * * @param object Object for which the state should be fetched * @template S State type, defaults to dispatcher's state type. Only checked at compile-time */ getState(object: Parameters[0]): Promise> getState(object: string | Parameters[0]): MaybePromise> { if (!this._storage) { throw new MtArgumentError('Cannot use getUpdateState() filter without state storage') } if (typeof object === 'string') { return new UpdateState(this._storage, object, this._scene ?? null, this._sceneScoped, this._customStorage) } return Promise.resolve(this._stateKeyDelegate!(object)).then((key) => { if (!key) { throw new MtArgumentError('Cannot derive key from given object') } if (!this._customStateKeyDelegate) { return new UpdateState(this._storage!, key, this._scene ?? null, this._sceneScoped, this._customStorage) } return Promise.resolve(this._customStateKeyDelegate(object)).then((customKey) => { if (!customKey) { throw new MtArgumentError('Cannot derive custom key from given object') } return new UpdateState( this._storage!, key, this._scene ?? null, this._sceneScoped, this._customStorage, customKey, ) }) }) } /** * Get global state. * * This will load the state for the given object * ignoring local custom storage, key delegate and scene scope. */ getGlobalState(object: Parameters[0]): Promise> { if (!this._parent) { throw new MtArgumentError('This dispatcher does not have a parent') } return Promise.resolve(this._stateKeyDelegate!(object)).then((key) => { if (!key) { throw new MtArgumentError('Cannot derive key from given object') } return new UpdateState(this._storage!, key, this._scene ?? null, false) }) } // addUpdateHandler convenience wrappers // private _addKnownHandler(name: UpdateHandler['name'], filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { if (typeof handler === 'number' || typeof handler === 'undefined') { this.addUpdateHandler( { name: name, callback: filter, } as UpdateHandler, handler, ) } else { this.addUpdateHandler( { name, callback: handler, check: filter, } as UpdateHandler, group, ) } } /** * Register a raw update handler without any filters * * @param handler Raw update handler * @param group Handler group index */ onRawUpdate(handler: RawUpdateHandler['callback'], group?: number): void /** * Register a raw update handler without any filters * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Raw update handler * @param group Handler group index */ onRawUpdate(filter: RawUpdateHandler['check'], handler: RawUpdateHandler['callback'], group?: number): void /** @internal */ onRawUpdate(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('raw', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register a scene transition handler * * This handler is called whenever a scene transition occurs * in the context of the scene that is being entered, * and before any of the its own handlers are called, * and can be used to customize the transition behavior: * - `Stop` to prevent dispatching the update any further **even if ToScene/ToRoot was used** * - `Continue` same as Stop, but still dispatch the update to children * - `ToScene` to prevent the transition and dispatch the update to the scene entered in the transition handler * * > **Note**: if multiple `state.enter()` calls were made within the same update, * > this handler will only be called for the last one. * * @param handler Raw update handler * @param group Handler group index */ onSceneTransition( handler: | ((ctx: SceneTransitionContext, state: UpdateState) => MaybePromise) | null, ): void { if (handler) this._sceneTransitionHandler = handler else this._sceneTransitionHandler = undefined } /** * Register a callback query (both inline and non-inline) handler without any filters * * @param handler Callback query handler * @param group Handler group index */ onAnyCallbackQuery( handler: CallbackQueryHandler< CallbackQueryContext | InlineCallbackQueryContext | BusinessCallbackQueryContext, State extends never ? never : UpdateState >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** * Register a callback query (both inline and non-inline) handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Callback query handler * @param group Handler group index */ onAnyCallbackQuery( filter: UpdateFilter< CallbackQueryContext | InlineCallbackQueryContext | BusinessCallbackQueryContext, Mod, State >, handler: CallbackQueryHandler< filters.Modify, State extends never ? never : UpdateState >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** * Register a callback query (both inline and non-inline) handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Callback query handler * @param group Handler group index */ onAnyCallbackQuery( filter: UpdateFilter, handler: CallbackQueryHandler< filters.Modify, State extends never ? never : UpdateState >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onAnyCallbackQuery(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('callback_query', filter, handler, group) this._addKnownHandler('inline_callback_query', filter, handler, group) this._addKnownHandler('business_callback_query', filter, handler, group) } // begin-codegen /** * Register a new message handler without any filters * * @param handler New message handler * @param group Handler group index */ onNewMessage( handler: NewMessageHandler>['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** * Register a new message handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler New message handler * @param group Handler group index */ onNewMessage( filter: UpdateFilter, handler: NewMessageHandler< filters.Modify, State extends never ? never : UpdateState >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** * Register a new message handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler New message handler * @param group Handler group index */ onNewMessage( filter: UpdateFilter, handler: NewMessageHandler< filters.Modify, State extends never ? never : UpdateState >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onNewMessage(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('new_message', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register an edit message handler without any filters * * @param handler Edit message handler * @param group Handler group index */ onEditMessage( handler: EditMessageHandler>['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** * Register an edit message handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Edit message handler * @param group Handler group index */ onEditMessage( filter: UpdateFilter, handler: EditMessageHandler< filters.Modify, State extends never ? never : UpdateState >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** * Register an edit message handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Edit message handler * @param group Handler group index */ onEditMessage( filter: UpdateFilter, handler: EditMessageHandler< filters.Modify, State extends never ? never : UpdateState >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onEditMessage(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('edit_message', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register a message group handler without any filters * * @param handler Message group handler * @param group Handler group index */ onMessageGroup( handler: MessageGroupHandler>['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** * Register a message group handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Message group handler * @param group Handler group index */ onMessageGroup( filter: UpdateFilter, handler: MessageGroupHandler< filters.Modify, State extends never ? never : UpdateState >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** * Register a message group handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Message group handler * @param group Handler group index */ onMessageGroup( filter: UpdateFilter, handler: MessageGroupHandler< filters.Modify, State extends never ? never : UpdateState >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onMessageGroup(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('message_group', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register a delete message handler without any filters * * @param handler Delete message handler * @param group Handler group index */ onDeleteMessage(handler: DeleteMessageHandler['callback'], group?: number): void /** * Register a delete message handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Delete message handler * @param group Handler group index */ onDeleteMessage( filter: UpdateFilter, Mod>, handler: DeleteMessageHandler, Mod>>['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onDeleteMessage(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('delete_message', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register a chat member update handler without any filters * * @param handler Chat member update handler * @param group Handler group index */ onChatMemberUpdate(handler: ChatMemberUpdateHandler['callback'], group?: number): void /** * Register a chat member update handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Chat member update handler * @param group Handler group index */ onChatMemberUpdate( filter: UpdateFilter, Mod>, handler: ChatMemberUpdateHandler, Mod>>['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onChatMemberUpdate(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('chat_member', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register an inline query handler without any filters * * @param handler Inline query handler * @param group Handler group index */ onInlineQuery(handler: InlineQueryHandler['callback'], group?: number): void /** * Register an inline query handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Inline query handler * @param group Handler group index */ onInlineQuery( filter: UpdateFilter, handler: InlineQueryHandler>['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onInlineQuery(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('inline_query', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register a chosen inline result handler without any filters * * @param handler Chosen inline result handler * @param group Handler group index */ onChosenInlineResult(handler: ChosenInlineResultHandler['callback'], group?: number): void /** * Register a chosen inline result handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Chosen inline result handler * @param group Handler group index */ onChosenInlineResult( filter: UpdateFilter, handler: ChosenInlineResultHandler>['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onChosenInlineResult(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('chosen_inline_result', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register a callback query handler without any filters * * @param handler Callback query handler * @param group Handler group index */ onCallbackQuery( handler: CallbackQueryHandler< CallbackQueryContext, State extends never ? never : UpdateState >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** * Register a callback query handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Callback query handler * @param group Handler group index */ onCallbackQuery( filter: UpdateFilter, handler: CallbackQueryHandler< filters.Modify, State extends never ? never : UpdateState >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** * Register a callback query handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Callback query handler * @param group Handler group index */ onCallbackQuery( filter: UpdateFilter, handler: CallbackQueryHandler< filters.Modify, State extends never ? never : UpdateState >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onCallbackQuery(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('callback_query', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register an inline callback query handler without any filters * * @param handler Inline callback query handler * @param group Handler group index */ onInlineCallbackQuery( handler: InlineCallbackQueryHandler< InlineCallbackQueryContext, State extends never ? never : UpdateState >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** * Register an inline callback query handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Inline callback query handler * @param group Handler group index */ onInlineCallbackQuery( filter: UpdateFilter, handler: InlineCallbackQueryHandler< filters.Modify, State extends never ? never : UpdateState >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** * Register an inline callback query handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Inline callback query handler * @param group Handler group index */ onInlineCallbackQuery( filter: UpdateFilter, handler: InlineCallbackQueryHandler< filters.Modify, State extends never ? never : UpdateState >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onInlineCallbackQuery(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('inline_callback_query', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register a business callback query handler without any filters * * @param handler Business callback query handler * @param group Handler group index */ onBusinessCallbackQuery( handler: BusinessCallbackQueryHandler< BusinessCallbackQueryContext, State extends never ? never : UpdateState >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** * Register a business callback query handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Business callback query handler * @param group Handler group index */ onBusinessCallbackQuery( filter: UpdateFilter, handler: BusinessCallbackQueryHandler< filters.Modify, State extends never ? never : UpdateState >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** * Register a business callback query handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Business callback query handler * @param group Handler group index */ onBusinessCallbackQuery( filter: UpdateFilter, handler: BusinessCallbackQueryHandler< filters.Modify, State extends never ? never : UpdateState >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onBusinessCallbackQuery(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('business_callback_query', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register a poll update handler without any filters * * @param handler Poll update handler * @param group Handler group index */ onPollUpdate(handler: PollUpdateHandler['callback'], group?: number): void /** * Register a poll update handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Poll update handler * @param group Handler group index */ onPollUpdate( filter: UpdateFilter, Mod>, handler: PollUpdateHandler, Mod>>['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onPollUpdate(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('poll', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register a poll vote handler without any filters * * @param handler Poll vote handler * @param group Handler group index */ onPollVote(handler: PollVoteHandler['callback'], group?: number): void /** * Register a poll vote handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Poll vote handler * @param group Handler group index */ onPollVote( filter: UpdateFilter, Mod>, handler: PollVoteHandler, Mod>>['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onPollVote(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('poll_vote', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register an user status update handler without any filters * * @param handler User status update handler * @param group Handler group index */ onUserStatusUpdate(handler: UserStatusUpdateHandler['callback'], group?: number): void /** * Register an user status update handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler User status update handler * @param group Handler group index */ onUserStatusUpdate( filter: UpdateFilter, Mod>, handler: UserStatusUpdateHandler, Mod>>['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onUserStatusUpdate(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('user_status', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register an user typing handler without any filters * * @param handler User typing handler * @param group Handler group index */ onUserTyping(handler: UserTypingHandler['callback'], group?: number): void /** * Register an user typing handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler User typing handler * @param group Handler group index */ onUserTyping( filter: UpdateFilter, Mod>, handler: UserTypingHandler, Mod>>['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onUserTyping(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('user_typing', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register a history read handler without any filters * * @param handler History read handler * @param group Handler group index */ onHistoryRead(handler: HistoryReadHandler['callback'], group?: number): void /** * Register a history read handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler History read handler * @param group Handler group index */ onHistoryRead( filter: UpdateFilter, Mod>, handler: HistoryReadHandler, Mod>>['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onHistoryRead(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('history_read', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register a bot stopped handler without any filters * * @param handler Bot stopped handler * @param group Handler group index */ onBotStopped(handler: BotStoppedHandler['callback'], group?: number): void /** * Register a bot stopped handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Bot stopped handler * @param group Handler group index */ onBotStopped( filter: UpdateFilter, Mod>, handler: BotStoppedHandler, Mod>>['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onBotStopped(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('bot_stopped', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register a bot chat join request handler without any filters * * @param handler Bot chat join request handler * @param group Handler group index */ onBotChatJoinRequest(handler: BotChatJoinRequestHandler['callback'], group?: number): void /** * Register a bot chat join request handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Bot chat join request handler * @param group Handler group index */ onBotChatJoinRequest( filter: UpdateFilter, handler: BotChatJoinRequestHandler>['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onBotChatJoinRequest(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('bot_chat_join_request', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register a chat join request handler without any filters * * @param handler Chat join request handler * @param group Handler group index */ onChatJoinRequest(handler: ChatJoinRequestHandler['callback'], group?: number): void /** * Register a chat join request handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Chat join request handler * @param group Handler group index */ onChatJoinRequest( filter: UpdateFilter, Mod>, handler: ChatJoinRequestHandler, Mod>>['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onChatJoinRequest(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('chat_join_request', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register a pre checkout query handler without any filters * * @param handler Pre checkout query handler * @param group Handler group index */ onPreCheckoutQuery(handler: PreCheckoutQueryHandler['callback'], group?: number): void /** * Register a pre checkout query handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Pre checkout query handler * @param group Handler group index */ onPreCheckoutQuery( filter: UpdateFilter, handler: PreCheckoutQueryHandler>['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onPreCheckoutQuery(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('pre_checkout_query', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register a story update handler without any filters * * @param handler Story update handler * @param group Handler group index */ onStoryUpdate(handler: StoryUpdateHandler['callback'], group?: number): void /** * Register a story update handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Story update handler * @param group Handler group index */ onStoryUpdate( filter: UpdateFilter, Mod>, handler: StoryUpdateHandler, Mod>>['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onStoryUpdate(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('story', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register a delete story handler without any filters * * @param handler Delete story handler * @param group Handler group index */ onDeleteStory(handler: DeleteStoryHandler['callback'], group?: number): void /** * Register a delete story handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Delete story handler * @param group Handler group index */ onDeleteStory( filter: UpdateFilter, Mod>, handler: DeleteStoryHandler, Mod>>['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onDeleteStory(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('delete_story', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register a bot reaction update handler without any filters * * @param handler Bot reaction update handler * @param group Handler group index */ onBotReactionUpdate(handler: BotReactionUpdateHandler['callback'], group?: number): void /** * Register a bot reaction update handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Bot reaction update handler * @param group Handler group index */ onBotReactionUpdate( filter: UpdateFilter, Mod>, handler: BotReactionUpdateHandler, Mod>>['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onBotReactionUpdate(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('bot_reaction', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register a bot reaction count update handler without any filters * * @param handler Bot reaction count update handler * @param group Handler group index */ onBotReactionCountUpdate(handler: BotReactionCountUpdateHandler['callback'], group?: number): void /** * Register a bot reaction count update handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Bot reaction count update handler * @param group Handler group index */ onBotReactionCountUpdate( filter: UpdateFilter, Mod>, handler: BotReactionCountUpdateHandler, Mod>>['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onBotReactionCountUpdate(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('bot_reaction_count', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register a business connection update handler without any filters * * @param handler Business connection update handler * @param group Handler group index */ onBusinessConnectionUpdate(handler: BusinessConnectionUpdateHandler['callback'], group?: number): void /** * Register a business connection update handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Business connection update handler * @param group Handler group index */ onBusinessConnectionUpdate( filter: UpdateFilter, Mod>, handler: BusinessConnectionUpdateHandler, Mod>>['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onBusinessConnectionUpdate(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('business_connection', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register a new business message handler without any filters * * @param handler New business message handler * @param group Handler group index */ onNewBusinessMessage( handler: NewBusinessMessageHandler< BusinessMessageContext, State extends never ? never : UpdateState >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** * Register a new business message handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler New business message handler * @param group Handler group index */ onNewBusinessMessage( filter: UpdateFilter, handler: NewBusinessMessageHandler< filters.Modify, State extends never ? never : UpdateState >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** * Register a new business message handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler New business message handler * @param group Handler group index */ onNewBusinessMessage( filter: UpdateFilter, handler: NewBusinessMessageHandler< filters.Modify, State extends never ? never : UpdateState >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onNewBusinessMessage(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('new_business_message', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register an edit business message handler without any filters * * @param handler Edit business message handler * @param group Handler group index */ onEditBusinessMessage( handler: EditBusinessMessageHandler< BusinessMessageContext, State extends never ? never : UpdateState >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** * Register an edit business message handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Edit business message handler * @param group Handler group index */ onEditBusinessMessage( filter: UpdateFilter, handler: EditBusinessMessageHandler< filters.Modify, State extends never ? never : UpdateState >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** * Register an edit business message handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Edit business message handler * @param group Handler group index */ onEditBusinessMessage( filter: UpdateFilter, handler: EditBusinessMessageHandler< filters.Modify, State extends never ? never : UpdateState >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onEditBusinessMessage(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('edit_business_message', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register a business message group handler without any filters * * @param handler Business message group handler * @param group Handler group index */ onBusinessMessageGroup( handler: BusinessMessageGroupHandler< BusinessMessageContext, State extends never ? never : UpdateState >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** * Register a business message group handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Business message group handler * @param group Handler group index */ onBusinessMessageGroup( filter: UpdateFilter, handler: BusinessMessageGroupHandler< filters.Modify, State extends never ? never : UpdateState >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** * Register a business message group handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Business message group handler * @param group Handler group index */ onBusinessMessageGroup( filter: UpdateFilter, handler: BusinessMessageGroupHandler< filters.Modify, State extends never ? never : UpdateState >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onBusinessMessageGroup(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('business_message_group', filter, handler, group) } /** * Register a delete business message handler without any filters * * @param handler Delete business message handler * @param group Handler group index */ onDeleteBusinessMessage(handler: DeleteBusinessMessageHandler['callback'], group?: number): void /** * Register a delete business message handler with a filter * * @param filter Update filter * @param handler Delete business message handler * @param group Handler group index */ onDeleteBusinessMessage( filter: UpdateFilter, Mod>, handler: DeleteBusinessMessageHandler< filters.Modify, Mod> >['callback'], group?: number, ): void /** @internal */ onDeleteBusinessMessage(filter: any, handler?: any, group?: number): void { this._addKnownHandler('delete_business_message', filter, handler, group) } // end-codegen }