import { describe, it } from 'mocha' import { expect } from 'chai' import { tl } from '@mtcute/tl' import { MessageEntity } from '@mtcute/client' import { MarkdownMessageEntityParser } from '../src' import bigInt from 'big-integer' const createEntity = ( type: T, offset: number, length: number, additional?: Omit< tl.FindByName, '_' | 'offset' | 'length' > ): tl.TypeMessageEntity => { return { _: type, offset, length, ...(additional ?? {}), } as any // idc really, its not that important } const createEntities = (entities: tl.TypeMessageEntity[]): MessageEntity[] => { return entities .map((it) => MessageEntity._parse(it)) .filter((it) => it !== null) as MessageEntity[] } describe('MarkdownMessageEntityParser', () => { const parser = new MarkdownMessageEntityParser() describe('unparse', () => { const test = ( text: string, entities: tl.TypeMessageEntity[], expected: string | string[], _parser = parser ): void => { const result = _parser.unparse(text, createEntities(entities)) if (Array.isArray(expected)) { expect(expected).to.include(result) } else { expect(result).eq(expected) } } it('should return the same text if there are no entities or text', () => { test('', [], '') test('some text', [], 'some text') }) it('should handle bold, italic, underline and strikethrough', () => { test( 'plain bold italic underline strikethrough plain', [ createEntity('messageEntityBold', 6, 4), createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 11, 6), createEntity('messageEntityUnderline', 18, 9), createEntity('messageEntityStrike', 28, 13), ], 'plain **bold** __italic__ --underline-- ~~strikethrough~~ plain' ) }) it('should handle code and pre', () => { test( 'plain code pre __ignored__ plain', [ createEntity('messageEntityCode', 6, 4), createEntity('messageEntityPre', 11, 3), createEntity('messageEntityCode', 15, 11), ], 'plain `code` ```\npre\n``` `\\_\\_ignored\\_\\_` plain' ) }) it('should handle links and text mentions', () => { test( 'plain google @durov Pavel Durov plain', [ createEntity('messageEntityTextUrl', 25, 6, { url: '', }), createEntity('messageEntityMention', 32, 6), createEntity('messageEntityMentionName', 39, 11, { userId: 36265675, }), createEntity('messageEntityEmail', 51, 12), ], 'plain [google]( @durov [Pavel Durov](tg://user?id=36265675) plain' ) }) it('should handle language in pre', () => { test( 'plain console.log("Hello, world!") some code plain', [ createEntity('messageEntityPre', 6, 28, { language: 'javascript', }), createEntity('messageEntityPre', 35, 9, { language: '' }), ], 'plain ```javascript\nconsole.log("Hello, world!")\n``` ```\nsome code\n``` plain' ) }) it('should support entities on the edges', () => { test( 'Hello, world', [ createEntity('messageEntityBold', 0, 5), createEntity('messageEntityBold', 7, 5), ], '**Hello**, **world**' ) }) it('should clamp out-of-range entities', () => { test( 'Hello, world', [ createEntity('messageEntityBold', -2, 7), createEntity('messageEntityBold', 7, 10), ], '**Hello**, **world**' ) }) it('should ignore entities outside the length', () => { test( 'Hello, world', [createEntity('messageEntityBold', 50, 5)], 'Hello, world' ) }) it('should support entities followed by each other', () => { test( 'plain Hello, world plain', [ createEntity('messageEntityBold', 6, 6), createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 12, 6), ], [ 'plain **Hello,**__ world__ plain', // not the most obvious order, but who cares :D // we support this syntax in parse() 'plain **Hello,__** world__ plain', ] ) }) it('should support nested entities', () => { test( 'Welcome to the gym zone!', [ createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 0, 24), createEntity('messageEntityBold', 15, 8), ], '__Welcome to the **gym zone**!__' ) }) it('should support nested entities with the same edges', () => { test( 'Welcome to the gym zone!', [ createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 0, 24), createEntity('messageEntityBold', 15, 9), ], [ '__Welcome to the **gym zone!**__', '__Welcome to the **gym zone!__**', ] ) test( 'Welcome to the gym zone!', [ createEntity('messageEntityBold', 0, 24), createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 15, 9), ], [ '**Welcome to the __gym zone!__**', '**Welcome to the __gym zone!**__', ] ) test( 'Welcome to the gym zone!', [ createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 0, 24), createEntity('messageEntityBold', 0, 7), ], [ '__**Welcome** to the gym zone!__', '**__Welcome** to the gym zone!__', ] ) test( 'Welcome to the gym zone!', [ createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 0, 24), createEntity('messageEntityBold', 0, 24), ], [ '__**Welcome to the gym zone!**__', '__**Welcome to the gym zone!__**', '**__Welcome to the gym zone!**__', '**__Welcome to the gym zone!__**', ] ) }) it('should support overlapping entities', () => { test( 'Welcome to the gym zone!', [ createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 0, 14), createEntity('messageEntityBold', 8, 10), ], '__Welcome **to the__ gym** zone!' ) test( 'plain bold bold!italic bold!italic!underline underline plain', [ createEntity('messageEntityBold', 6, 38), createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 11, 33), createEntity('messageEntityUnderline', 23, 31), ], [ 'plain **bold __bold!italic --bold!italic!underline**__ underline-- plain', 'plain **bold __bold!italic --bold!italic!underline__** underline-- plain', ] ) test( 'plain bold bold!italic bold!italic!underline italic!underline underline plain', [ createEntity('messageEntityBold', 6, 38), createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 11, 50), createEntity('messageEntityUnderline', 23, 48), ], 'plain **bold __bold!italic --bold!italic!underline** italic!underline__ underline-- plain' ) }) it('should properly handle emojis', () => { test( "best flower: 🌸. don't you even doubt it.", [ createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 0, 11), createEntity('messageEntityBold', 13, 2), createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 17, 5), ], "__best flower__: **🌸**. __don't__ you even doubt it." ) }) it('should escape reserved symbols', () => { test( '* ** *** _ __ ___ - -- --- ~ ~~ ~~~ [ [[ ` `` ``` ```` \\ \\\\', [createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 9, 8)], // holy shit '/* /*/* /*/*/* __/_ /_/_ /_/_/___ /- /-/- /-/-/- /~ /~/~ /~/~/~ /[ /[/[ /` /`/` /`/`/` /`/`/`/` // ////' // so we don't have to escape every single backslash lol .replace(/\//g, '\\') ) test( '* ** *** _ __ ___ - -- ---', [ // here we test that the order of the entities does not matter createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 18, 4), createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 9, 8), ], '/* /*/* /*/*/* __/_ /_/_ /_/_/___ __/- /-/-__ /-/-/-'.replace( /\//g, '\\' ) ) }) }) describe('parse', () => { const test = ( texts: string | string[], expectedEntities: tl.TypeMessageEntity[], expectedText: string ): void => { if (!Array.isArray(texts)) texts = [texts] for (const text of texts) { const [_text, entities] = parser.parse(text) expect(_text).eql(expectedText) expect(entities).eql(expectedEntities) } } it('should handle bold, italic, underline and strikethrough', () => { test( 'plain **bold** __italic__ --underline-- ~~strikethrough~~ plain', [ createEntity('messageEntityBold', 6, 4), createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 11, 6), createEntity('messageEntityUnderline', 18, 9), createEntity('messageEntityStrike', 28, 13), ], 'plain bold italic underline strikethrough plain' ) }) it('should handle code and pre', () => { test( [ 'plain `code` ```\npre\n``` `__ignored__` plain', 'plain `code` ```\npre\n``` `\\_\\_ignored\\_\\_` plain', 'plain `code` ```\npre``` `\\_\\_ignored\\_\\_` plain', ], [ createEntity('messageEntityCode', 6, 4), createEntity('messageEntityPre', 11, 3, { language: '' }), createEntity('messageEntityCode', 15, 11), ], 'plain code pre __ignored__ plain' ) test( 'plain ```\npre with ` and ``\n``` plain', [createEntity('messageEntityPre', 6, 17, { language: '' })], 'plain pre with ` and `` plain' ) test( 'plain ```\npre with \n`\n and \n``\nend\n``` plain', [createEntity('messageEntityPre', 6, 24, { language: '' })], 'plain pre with \n`\n and \n``\nend plain' ) }) it('should handle links and text mentions', () => { test( 'plain [google]( @durov [Pavel Durov](tg://user?id=36265675) plain', [ createEntity('messageEntityTextUrl', 25, 6, { url: '', }), createEntity('messageEntityMentionName', 39, 11, { userId: 36265675, }), ], 'plain google @durov Pavel Durov plain' ) test( '[user](tg://user?id=1234567&hash=aabbccddaabbccdd)', [ createEntity('inputMessageEntityMentionName', 0, 4, { userId: { _: 'inputUser', userId: 1234567, accessHash: bigInt('aabbccddaabbccdd', 16), }, }), ], 'user' ) }) it('should handle language in pre', () => { test( 'plain ```javascript\nconsole.log("Hello, world!")\n``` ```\nsome code\n``` plain', [ createEntity('messageEntityPre', 6, 28, { language: 'javascript', }), createEntity('messageEntityPre', 35, 9, { language: '' }), ], 'plain console.log("Hello, world!") some code plain' ) }) it('should support entities on the edges', () => { test( '**Hello**, **world**', [ createEntity('messageEntityBold', 0, 5), createEntity('messageEntityBold', 7, 5), ], 'Hello, world' ) }) it('should return empty array if there are no entities', () => { test('Hello, world', [], 'Hello, world') }) it('should support overlapping entities', () => { test( '__Welcome **to the__ gym** zone!', [ createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 0, 14), createEntity('messageEntityBold', 8, 10), ], 'Welcome to the gym zone!' ) // resulting order will depend on the order in which the closing ** or __ are passed, // thus we use separate tests test( 'plain **bold __bold-italic --bold-italic-underline**__ underline-- plain', [ createEntity('messageEntityBold', 6, 38), createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 11, 33), createEntity('messageEntityUnderline', 23, 31), ], 'plain bold bold-italic bold-italic-underline underline plain' ) test( 'plain **bold __bold-italic --bold-italic-underline__** underline-- plain', [ createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 11, 33), createEntity('messageEntityBold', 6, 38), createEntity('messageEntityUnderline', 23, 31), ], 'plain bold bold-italic bold-italic-underline underline plain' ) test( 'plain **bold __bold-italic --bold-italic-underline** italic-underline__ underline-- plain', [ createEntity('messageEntityBold', 6, 38), createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 11, 50), createEntity('messageEntityUnderline', 23, 48), ], 'plain bold bold-italic bold-italic-underline italic-underline underline plain' ) }) it('should support entities followed by each other', () => { test( [ 'plain **Hello,**__ world__ plain', 'plain **Hello,__** world__ plain', ], [ createEntity('messageEntityBold', 6, 6), createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 12, 6), ], 'plain Hello, world plain' ) }) it('should support nested entities', () => { test( '__Welcome to the **gym zone**!__', [ createEntity('messageEntityBold', 15, 8), createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 0, 24), ], 'Welcome to the gym zone!' ) test( 'plain [__google__]( plain', [ createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 6, 6), createEntity('messageEntityTextUrl', 6, 6, { url: '', }), ], 'plain google plain' ) test( 'plain [plain __google__ plain]( plain', [ createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 12, 6), createEntity('messageEntityTextUrl', 6, 18, { url: '', }), ], 'plain plain google plain plain' ) }) it('should support nested entities with the same edges', () => { // again, order of the entities depends on which closing tag goes first. test( '__Welcome to the **gym zone!**__', [ createEntity('messageEntityBold', 15, 9), createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 0, 24), ], 'Welcome to the gym zone!' ) test( '__Welcome to the **gym zone!__**', [ createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 0, 24), createEntity('messageEntityBold', 15, 9), ], 'Welcome to the gym zone!' ) test( '**Welcome to the __gym zone!__**', [ createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 15, 9), createEntity('messageEntityBold', 0, 24), ], 'Welcome to the gym zone!' ) test( '**Welcome to the __gym zone!**__', [ createEntity('messageEntityBold', 0, 24), createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 15, 9), ], 'Welcome to the gym zone!' ) test( [ '__**Welcome** to the gym zone!__', '**__Welcome** to the gym zone!__', ], [ createEntity('messageEntityBold', 0, 7), createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 0, 24), ], 'Welcome to the gym zone!' ) test( [ '__**Welcome to the gym zone!**__', '**__Welcome to the gym zone!**__', ], [ createEntity('messageEntityBold', 0, 24), createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 0, 24), ], 'Welcome to the gym zone!' ) test( [ '__**Welcome to the gym zone!__**', '**__Welcome to the gym zone!__**', ], [ createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 0, 24), createEntity('messageEntityBold', 0, 24), ], 'Welcome to the gym zone!' ) }) it('should properly handle emojis', () => { test( "__best flower__: **🌸**. __don't__ you even doubt it.", [ createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 0, 11), createEntity('messageEntityBold', 13, 2), createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 17, 5), ], "best flower: 🌸. don't you even doubt it." ) }) it('should handle escaped reserved symbols', () => { test( '/* /*/* /*/*/* __/_ /_/_ /_/_/___ /- /-/- /-/-/- /~ /~/~ /~/~/~ /[ /[/[ /` /`/` /`/`/` /`/`/`/` // ////'.replace( /\//g, '\\' ), [createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 9, 8)], '* ** *** _ __ ___ - -- --- ~ ~~ ~~~ [ [[ ` `` ``` ```` \\ \\\\' ) test( '/* /*/* /*/*/* __/_ /_/_ /_/_/___ __/- /-/-__ /-/-/-'.replace( /\//g, '\\' ), [ createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 9, 8), createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 18, 4), ], '* ** *** _ __ ___ - -- ---' ) }) it('should ignore empty urls', () => { test('[link]() [link]', [], 'link link') }) it('should ignore unclosed tags', () => { test( 'plain ```\npre closed with single backtick`', [], 'plain pre closed with single backtick`' ) test( 'plain ```\npre closed with single backtick\n`', [], 'plain pre closed with single backtick\n`' ) test( 'plain ```\npre closed with double backticks`', [], 'plain pre closed with double backticks`' ) test( 'plain ```\npre closed with double backticks\n`', [], 'plain pre closed with double backticks\n`' ) test('plain __italic but unclosed', [], 'plain italic but unclosed') test( 'plain __italic and **also bold but both unclosed', [], 'plain italic and also bold but both unclosed' ) test( 'plain __italic and **also bold but italic closed__', [createEntity('messageEntityItalic', 6, 38)], 'plain italic and also bold but italic closed' ) test( 'plain __italic and **also bold but bold closed**', [createEntity('messageEntityBold', 17, 25)], 'plain italic and also bold but bold closed' ) }) describe('malformed input', () => { const testThrows = (input: string) => expect(() => parser.parse(input)).throws(Error) it('should throw an error on malformed links', () => { testThrows('plain [link]( but unclosed') }) it('should throw an error on malformed pres', () => { testThrows('plain ```pre without linebreaks```') testThrows( 'plain ``` pre without linebreaks but with spaces instead ```' ) }) }) }) })