const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const { convertTlToJson } = require('../../tl/scripts/generate-schema') const fetch = require('node-fetch') const qs = require('querystring') const { convertToArrays } = require('./prepare-data') const UNIX_0 = '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z' const CURRENT_FILE = 'Telegram/Resources/tl/' const FILES = [ 'Telegram/SourceFiles/mtproto/', 'Telegram/Resources/', CURRENT_FILE, ] async function getLastFetched() { return fs.promises .readFile(path.join(__dirname, '../data/history/last-fetched.json'), 'utf8') .then((res) => JSON.parse(res)) .catch(() => ({ ...FILES.reduce((a, b) => { a[b] = UNIX_0 return a }, {}), })) } async function updateLastFetched(file, time) { return getLastFetched().then((state) => fs.promises.writeFile( path.join(__dirname, '../data/history/last-fetched.json'), JSON.stringify({ ...state, [file]: time, }) ) ) } async function getFileContent(file, commit) { return fetch( `${commit}/${file}` ).then((r) => r.text()) } async function parseRemoteTl(file, commit) { let content = await getFileContent(file, commit) if (content === '404: Not Found') return null let layer = (function () { const m = content.match(/^\/\/ LAYER (\d+)/m) if (m) return m[1] return null })() if (!layer) { // older files did not contain layer number in comment. if (content.match(/invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d/)) { // if this is present, then the layer number is available in // Telegram/SourceFiles/mtproto/mtpCoreTypes.h let mtpCoreTypes = await getFileContent( 'Telegram/SourceFiles/mtproto/mtpCoreTypes.h', commit ) if (mtpCoreTypes === '404: Not Found') { mtpCoreTypes = await getFileContent( 'Telegram/SourceFiles/mtproto/core_types.h', commit ) } const m = mtpCoreTypes.match( /^static const mtpPrime mtpCurrentLayer = (\d+);$/m ) if (!m) throw new Error( `Could not determine layer number for file ${file} at commit ${commit}` ) layer = m[1] } else { // even older files on ancient layers // layer number is the largest available invokeWithLayerN constructor let max = 0 content.replace(/invokeWithLayer(\d+)#[0-f]+/g, (_, $1) => { $1 = parseInt($1) if ($1 > max) max = $1 }) if (max === 0) throw new Error( `Could not determine layer number for file ${file} at commit ${commit}` ) layer = max + '' } } if (content.match(/bad_server_salt#/)) { // this is an older file that contained both mtproto and api // since we are only interested in api, remove the mtproto part const lines = content.split('\n') const apiIdx = lines.indexOf('///////// Main application API') if (apiIdx === -1) throw new Error('Could not find split point for combined file') content = lines.slice(apiIdx).join('\n') } return { layer, content, tl: await convertTlToJson(content, 'api', true), } } function createTlDifference(old, mod) { const diff = { added: { classes: [], methods: [], unions: [] }, removed: { classes: [], methods: [], unions: [] }, modified: { classes: [], methods: [], unions: [] }, } old = convertToArrays( mod = convertToArrays( // create index for both old and mod const { oldIndex, modIndex } = (function () { function createIndex(it) { let ret = {} it.classes.forEach((obj) => { obj.uid = 'c_' + obj._type = 'classes' ret[obj.uid] = obj }) it.methods.forEach((obj) => { obj.uid = 'm_' + obj._type = 'methods' ret[obj.uid] = obj }) it.unions.forEach((obj) => { obj.uid = 'u_' + obj.type obj._type = 'unions' ret[obj.uid] = obj }) return ret } return { oldIndex: createIndex(old), modIndex: createIndex(mod), } })() // find difference between constructor arguments function createArgsDifference(old, mod) { const diff = { added: [], removed: [], modified: [], } const { oldIndex, modIndex } = (function () { function createIndex(obj) { const ret = {} if (obj.arguments) obj.arguments.forEach((arg) => (ret[] = arg)) return ret } return { oldIndex: createIndex(old), modIndex: createIndex(mod), } })() Object.keys(modIndex).forEach((argName) => { if (!(argName in oldIndex)) { diff.added.push(modIndex[argName]) } else { const old = oldIndex[argName] const mod = modIndex[argName] if ( old.type !== mod.type || old.optional !== mod.optional || mod.predicate !== mod.predicate ) { diff.modified.push({ name: argName, old: old, new: mod, }) } } }) Object.keys(oldIndex).forEach((argName) => { if (!(argName in modIndex)) { diff.removed.push(oldIndex[argName]) } }) return diff } Object.keys(modIndex).forEach((uid) => { if (!(uid in oldIndex)) { diff.added[modIndex[uid]._type].push(modIndex[uid]) } else { const old = oldIndex[uid] const mod = modIndex[uid] const localDiff = {} const argDiff = createArgsDifference(old, mod) if ( argDiff.removed.length || argDiff.added.length || argDiff.modified.length ) { localDiff.arguments = argDiff } if ( !== = { old:, new: } if (old.type !== mod.type) localDiff.type = { old: old.type, new: mod.type } if (old.returns !== mod.returns) localDiff.returns = { old: old.returns, new: mod.returns } if (Object.keys(localDiff).length) { = diff.modified[oldIndex[uid]._type].push(localDiff) } } }) Object.keys(oldIndex).forEach((uid) => { if (!(uid in modIndex)) { diff.removed[oldIndex[uid]._type].push(oldIndex[uid]) } }) return diff } function fileSafeDateFormat(date) { date = new Date(date) return date.toISOString().replace(/[\-:]|\.\d\d\d/g, '') } function shortSha(sha) { return sha.substr(0, 7) } async function fetchHistory(file, since, defaultParent = null) { const history = await (async function () { const ret = [] let page = 1 while (true) { const chunk = await fetch( `` + qs.stringify({ since, path: file, per_page: 100, page, }) ).then((r) => r.json()) if (!chunk.length) break ret.push(...chunk) page += 1 } return ret })() // should not happen if (history.length === 0) throw new Error('history is empty') const filename = (schema, commit) => `layer${schema.layer}-${fileSafeDateFormat( )}-${shortSha(commit.sha)}.json` function writeSchemaToFile(schema, commit) { return fs.promises.writeFile( path.join(__dirname, `../data/history/${filename(schema, commit)}`), JSON.stringify({ tl: JSON.stringify(, layer: parseInt(schema.layer), content: schema.content, // idk where parent: '00' comes from but whatever parent: schema.parent && schema.parent !== '00' ? schema.parent : defaultParent, source: { file, date:, commit: commit.sha, message: commit.message, }, }) ) } let base = history.pop() let baseSchema = await parseRemoteTl(file, base.sha) let baseFilename = () => filename(baseSchema, base) try { await fs.promises.access( path.join(__dirname, `../data/history/${baseFilename()}`), fs.F_OK ) } catch (e) { await writeSchemaToFile(baseSchema, base) } while (history.length) { const next = history.pop() const nextSchema = await parseRemoteTl(file, next.sha) if (!nextSchema) break const diff = createTlDifference(baseSchema, nextSchema) await fs.promises.writeFile( path.join( __dirname, `../data/diffs/${shortSha(base.sha)}-${shortSha(next.sha)}.json` ), JSON.stringify({ ...diff, // yeah they sometimes update schema w/out changing layer number layer: baseSchema.layer === nextSchema.layer ? undefined : nextSchema.layer, }) ) nextSchema.parent = baseFilename() base = next baseSchema = nextSchema await updateLastFetched(file, await writeSchemaToFile(baseSchema, base) console.log( 'Fetched commit %s, file %s (%s)', shortSha(base.sha), file, ) } if (file !== CURRENT_FILE) { await updateLastFetched(file, 'DONE:' + baseFilename()) } console.log('No more commits for %s', file) } async function main() { const last = await getLastFetched() for (let i = 0; i < FILES.length; i++) { const file = FILES[i] const prev = FILES[i - 1] if (!last[file].startsWith('DONE')) { let parent = prev ? last[prev].split(':')[1] : null await fetchHistory(file, last[file], parent) } } console.log('Creating reverse links ("next" field)') for (const file of await fs.promises.readdir( path.join(__dirname, '../data/history') )) { if (!file.startsWith('layer')) continue const fullPath = path.join(__dirname, '../data/history', file) const json = JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(fullPath, 'utf-8')) if (json.parent) { const parentPath = path.join(__dirname, '../data/history', json.parent) const parentJson = JSON.parse( await fs.promises.readFile( parentPath, 'utf-8' ) ) = parentPath await fs.promises.writeFile(parentPath, JSON.stringify(parentJson)) } } } main().catch(console.error)