import type { MtcuteWasmModule, SyncInitInput } from './types.js' export * from './types.js' export function getWasmUrl(): URL { // would be nice if we could just use `new URL('@mtcute/wasm/mtcute.wasm', import.meta.url)` // wherever this is used, but vite does some funky stuff with transitive dependencies // making it not work. probably related to, // but asking the user to deoptimize the entire @mtcute/web is definitely not a good idea // so we'll just use this hack for now return new URL('./mtcute.wasm', import.meta.url) } let wasm!: MtcuteWasmModule let compressor!: number let decompressor!: number let sharedOutPtr!: number let sharedKeyPtr!: number let sharedIvPtr!: number let cachedUint8Memory: Uint8Array | null = null function initCommon() { compressor = wasm.libdeflate_alloc_compressor(6) decompressor = wasm.libdeflate_alloc_decompressor() sharedOutPtr = wasm.__get_shared_out() sharedKeyPtr = wasm.__get_shared_key_buffer() sharedIvPtr = wasm.__get_shared_iv_buffer() } function getUint8Memory() { if (cachedUint8Memory === null || cachedUint8Memory.byteLength === 0) { cachedUint8Memory = new Uint8Array(wasm.memory.buffer) } return cachedUint8Memory } /* c8 ignore start */ /** * Init the WASM blob synchronously (e.g. by passing a `WebAssembly.Module` instance) */ export function initSync(module: SyncInitInput): void { if (wasm !== undefined) return if (!(module instanceof WebAssembly.Instance)) { if (!(module instanceof WebAssembly.Module)) { module = new WebAssembly.Module(module) } module = new WebAssembly.Instance(module) } wasm = module.exports as unknown as MtcuteWasmModule initCommon() } /* c8 ignore end */ /** * Deflate some data with zlib headers and max output size * * @returns null if the compressed data is larger than `size`, otherwise the compressed data */ export function deflateMaxSize(bytes: Uint8Array, size: number): Uint8Array | null { const outputPtr = wasm.__malloc(size) const inputPtr = wasm.__malloc(bytes.length) const mem = getUint8Memory() mem.set(bytes, inputPtr) const written = wasm.libdeflate_zlib_compress(compressor, inputPtr, bytes.length, outputPtr, size) wasm.__free(inputPtr) if (written === 0) { wasm.__free(outputPtr) return null } const result = mem.slice(outputPtr, outputPtr + written) wasm.__free(outputPtr) return result } /** * Try to decompress some data with zlib headers * * @throws Error if the data is invalid * @param defaultCapacity default capacity of the output buffer. Defaults to `bytes.length * 2` */ export function gunzip(bytes: Uint8Array): Uint8Array { const inputPtr = wasm.__malloc(bytes.length) getUint8Memory().set(bytes, inputPtr) const size = wasm.libdeflate_gzip_get_output_size(inputPtr, bytes.length) const outputPtr = wasm.__malloc(size) const ret = wasm.libdeflate_gzip_decompress(decompressor, inputPtr, bytes.length, outputPtr, size) /* c8 ignore next 3 */ if (ret === -1) throw new Error('gunzip error -- bad data') if (ret === -2) throw new Error('gunzip error -- short output') if (ret === -3) throw new Error('gunzip error -- short input') // should never happen const result = getUint8Memory().slice(outputPtr, outputPtr + size) wasm.__free(inputPtr) wasm.__free(outputPtr) return result } /** * Pefrorm AES-IGE-256 encryption * * @param data data to encrypt (must be a multiple of 16 bytes) * @param key encryption key (32 bytes) * @param iv initialization vector (32 bytes) */ export function ige256Encrypt(data: Uint8Array, key: Uint8Array, iv: Uint8Array): Uint8Array { const ptr = wasm.__malloc(data.length + data.length) const inputPtr = ptr const outputPtr = inputPtr + data.length const mem = getUint8Memory() mem.set(data, inputPtr) mem.set(key, sharedKeyPtr) mem.set(iv, sharedIvPtr) wasm.ige256_encrypt(inputPtr, data.length, outputPtr) const result = mem.slice(outputPtr, outputPtr + data.length) wasm.__free(ptr) return result } /** * Pefrorm AES-IGE-256 decryption * * @param data data to decrypt (must be a multiple of 16 bytes) * @param key encryption key (32 bytes) * @param iv initialization vector (32 bytes) */ export function ige256Decrypt(data: Uint8Array, key: Uint8Array, iv: Uint8Array): Uint8Array { const ptr = wasm.__malloc(data.length + data.length) const inputPtr = ptr const outputPtr = inputPtr + data.length const mem = getUint8Memory() mem.set(data, inputPtr) mem.set(key, sharedKeyPtr) mem.set(iv, sharedIvPtr) wasm.ige256_decrypt(inputPtr, data.length, outputPtr) const result = mem.slice(outputPtr, outputPtr + data.length) wasm.__free(ptr) return result } /** * Create a context for AES-CTR-256 en/decryption * * > **Note**: `freeCtr256` must be called on the returned context when it's no longer needed */ export function createCtr256(key: Uint8Array, iv: Uint8Array): number { getUint8Memory().set(key, sharedKeyPtr) getUint8Memory().set(iv, sharedIvPtr) return wasm.ctr256_alloc() } /** * Release a context for AES-CTR-256 en/decryption */ export function freeCtr256(ctx: number): void { wasm.ctr256_free(ctx) } /** * Pefrorm AES-CTR-256 en/decryption * * @param ctx context returned by `createCtr256` * @param data data to en/decrypt (must be a multiple of 16 bytes) */ export function ctr256(ctx: number, data: Uint8Array): Uint8Array { const { __malloc, __free } = wasm const inputPtr = __malloc(data.length) const outputPtr = __malloc(data.length) const mem = getUint8Memory() mem.set(data, inputPtr) wasm.ctr256(ctx, inputPtr, data.length, outputPtr) const result = mem.slice(outputPtr, outputPtr + data.length) __free(outputPtr) return result } /** * Calculate a SHA-256 hash * * @param data data to hash */ export function sha256(data: Uint8Array): Uint8Array { const { __malloc, __free } = wasm const inputPtr = __malloc(data.length) const mem = getUint8Memory() mem.set(data, inputPtr) wasm.sha256(inputPtr, data.length) __free(inputPtr) return mem.slice(sharedOutPtr, sharedOutPtr + 32) } /** * Calculate a SHA-1 hash * * @param data data to hash */ export function sha1(data: Uint8Array): Uint8Array { const { __malloc, __free } = wasm const inputPtr = __malloc(data.length) const mem = getUint8Memory() mem.set(data, inputPtr) wasm.sha1(inputPtr, data.length) __free(inputPtr) return mem.slice(sharedOutPtr, sharedOutPtr + 20) } /** * Get the WASM module instance. * * For debugging and testing purposes only */ export function __getWasm(): MtcuteWasmModule { return wasm }