const ts = require('typescript') const path = require('path') const fs = require('fs') const updates = require('./generate-updates.cjs') const schema = require('../../tl/api-schema.json') function findMethodAvailability(method) { const entry = schema.e.find((it) => it.kind === 'method' && === method) if (!entry) return null return entry.available ?? null } const targetDir = path.join(__dirname, '../src/highlevel') async function* getFiles(dir) { const dirents = await fs.promises.readdir(dir, { withFileTypes: true }) for (const dirent of dirents) { const res = path.resolve(dir, if (dirent.isDirectory()) { yield* getFiles(res) } else { yield res } } } function throwError(ast, file, text) { console.log( `An error encountered at ${path.relative(targetDir, file)}: > ${ast.getText()} ${text}`, ) process.exit(0) } function visitRecursively(ast, check, callback) { const visit = (node) => { if (!ts.isNode(node)) return // recursively continue visiting for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(node)) { if (!value || typeof value !== 'object' || key === 'parent') { continue } if (Array.isArray(value)) { value.forEach(visit) } else { visit(value) } } if (check(node)) { callback(node) } } visit(ast) } function findRawApiUsages(ast, fileName) { // find `{ _: '...', ...}) if (ast.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration) return [] const firstParamName = ast.parameters[0]?.name?.escapedText if (!firstParamName) return [] const usages = [] visitRecursively( ast, (node) => node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.CallExpression, (call) => { if (call.expression.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression) return const prop = call.expression if ( === 'call' && prop.expression.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier && prop.expression.escapedText === firstParamName ) { usages.push(call) } }, ) const methodUsages = [] for (const call of usages) { const arg = call.arguments[0] if (!arg || arg.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.ObjectLiteralExpression) { throwError( call, fileName, 'First argument to must be an object literal. Please use @available directive manually', ) } const method = => === '_') if (!method || method.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment) { throwError(call, fileName, 'First argument to must have a _ property') } const init = method.initializer if (init.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.StringLiteral) { methodUsages.push(init.text) } else if (init.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ConditionalExpression) { const whenTrue = init.whenTrue const whenFalse = init.whenFalse if (whenTrue.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.StringLiteral || whenFalse.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.StringLiteral) { throwError( call, fileName, 'Too complex, failed to extract method name, please use @available directive manually', ) } methodUsages.push(whenTrue.text, whenFalse.text) } else { throwError( call, fileName, 'Too complex, failed to extract method name, please use @available directive manually', ) } } return methodUsages } function findDependencies(ast) { const deps = new Set() visitRecursively( ast, (node) => node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.CallExpression, (call) => { if (call.expression.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression) return const prop = call.expression if ( !== 'call' && !== '_emitError' && !== '_cachePeersFrom' && !== 'importSession' && !== 'emit' && prop.expression.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword ) { deps.add( } }, ) return [...deps] } function determineCommonAvailability(methods, resolver = (v) => v) { let common = 'both' for (const method of methods) { const available = resolver(method) if (available === null) { console.log('availability null for ' + method) return null } if (common === 'both') { common = available } else if (available !== 'both' && common !== available) { return null } } return common } function runEslint(targetFile) { require('child_process').execSync(`pnpm exec eslint --fix ${targetFile}`, { stdio: 'inherit', }) } async function addSingleMethod(state, fileName) { const fileFullText = await fs.promises.readFile(fileName, 'utf-8') const program = ts.createSourceFile(path.basename(fileName), fileFullText, ts.ScriptTarget.ES2018, true) const relPath = path.relative(targetDir, fileName).replace(/\\/g, '/') // replace path delim to unix const module = `./${relPath.replace(/\.ts$/, '.js')}` state.files[relPath] = fileFullText function getLeadingComments(ast) { return (ts.getLeadingCommentRanges(fileFullText, ast.pos) || []) .map((range) => fileFullText.substring(range.pos, range.end)) .join('\n') } function checkForFlag(ast, flag) { return getLeadingComments(ast) .split('\n') .map((i) => i.replace(/^(\/\/|\s*\*+|\/\*\*+\s*)/g, '').trim()) .find((i) => i.startsWith(flag)) } const hasOverloads = {} for (const stmt of program.statements) { const isCopy = checkForFlag(stmt, '@copy') const isTypeExported = checkForFlag(stmt, '@exported') if (stmt.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration) { if (!isCopy) continue if ( !stmt.importClause.namedBindings || stmt.importClause.namedBindings.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.NamedImports ) { throwError(stmt, fileName, 'Only named imports are supported!') } let module = stmt.moduleSpecifier.text if (module[0] === '.') { // relative, need to resolve const modFullPath = path.join(path.dirname(fileName), stmt.moduleSpecifier.text) const modPath = path.dirname(modFullPath) const modName = path.basename(modFullPath) module = path.join(path.relative(targetDir, modPath), modName).replace(/\\/g, '/') // replace path delim to unix if (module[0] !== '.') module = './' + module } if (module === './client') { throwError(stmt, fileName, "You can't copy an import from ./client") } if (!(module in state.imports)) { state.imports[module] = new Set() } for (const el of stmt.importClause.namedBindings.elements) { state.imports[module].add( } } else if (stmt.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration) { const name = if (checkForFlag(stmt, '@skip')) { continue } if (stmt.body && name in state.methods.used) { throwError(, fileName, `Function name "${name}" was already used in file ${state.methods.used[name]}`, ) } const isExported = (stmt.modifiers || []).find((mod) => mod.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword) const isDeclare = (stmt.modifiers || []).find((mod) => mod.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword) const isInitialize = checkForFlag(stmt, '@initialize') const isManualImpl = checkForFlag(stmt, '@manual-impl') const isInitializeSuper = isInitialize === 'super' const aliases = (function () { const flag = checkForFlag(stmt, '@alias') if (!flag) return [] const [, aliases] = flag.split('=') if (!aliases || !aliases.length) return [] return aliases.split(',') })() const available = (function () { const flag = checkForFlag(stmt, '@available') if (!flag) return null const [, available] = flag.split('=') if (!available || !available.length) return null if (available !== 'user' && available !== 'bot' && available !== 'both') { throwError(stmt, fileName, `Invalid value for @available flag: ${available}`) } return available })() const rawApiMethods = available === null && findRawApiUsages(stmt, fileName) const dependencies = findDependencies(stmt).filter((it) => it !== name) if (isInitialize && isExported) { throwError(isExported, fileName, 'Initialization methods must not be exported') } if (isInitialize) { let code = stmt.body.getFullText() // strip leading { and trailing } while (code[0] !== '{') code = code.slice(1) while (code[code.length - 1] !== '}') code = code.slice(0, -1) code = code.slice(1, -1).trim() if (isInitializeSuper) { state.init.unshift(code) } else { state.init.push(code) } } if (isManualImpl) { state.impls.push({ name: isManualImpl.split('=')[1], code: stmt.getFullText(), }) } if (!isExported && !isDeclare) continue const firstArg = stmt.parameters[0] if (isExported && (!firstArg || firstArg.type.getText() !== 'ITelegramClient')) { continue } // overloads const isOverload = !stmt.body if (isOverload) { hasOverloads[name] = true } else { state.methods.used[name] = relPath } const isPrivate = checkForFlag(stmt, '@internal') const isManual = checkForFlag(stmt, '@manual') const isNoemit = checkForFlag(stmt, '@noemit') const shouldEmit = !isNoemit && !(isPrivate && !isOverload && !Object.keys(hasOverloads).length) if (shouldEmit) { state.methods.list.push({ from: relPath, module, name, isPrivate, isManual, isNoemit, isDeclare, shouldEmit, func: stmt, comment: getLeadingComments(stmt), aliases, available, rawApiMethods, dependencies, overload: isOverload, hasOverloads: hasOverloads[name] && !isOverload, }) if (!isDeclare) { if (!(module in state.imports)) { state.imports[module] = new Set() } if (!isManual || isManual.split('=')[1] !== 'noemit') { state.imports[module].add(name) } } } } else if (stmt.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration) { if (isCopy) { state.copy.push({ from: relPath, code: stmt.getText(), }) continue } const isExported = (stmt.modifiers || []).find((mod) => mod.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword) if (isTypeExported) { if (!isExported) { throwError(stmt, fileName, 'Exported interfaces must be exported') } if (!(module in state.imports)) { state.imports[module] = new Set() } state.imports[module].add( state.exported[module] = state.exported[module] || new Set() state.exported[module].add( continue } if (!checkForFlag(stmt, '@extension')) continue if (isExported) { throwError(isExported, fileName, 'Extension interfaces must not be imported') } if (stmt.heritageClauses && stmt.heritageClauses.length) { throwError(stmt.heritageClauses[0], fileName, 'Extension interfaces must not be extended') } for (const member of stmt.members || []) { state.fields.push({ from: relPath, code: member.getText(), }) } } else if (stmt.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration && isTypeExported) { const isExported = (stmt.modifiers || []).find((mod) => mod.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword) if (!isExported) { throwError(stmt, fileName, 'Exported type aliases must be exported') } if (!(module in state.imports)) { state.imports[module] = new Set() } state.imports[module].add( state.exported[module] = state.exported[module] || new Set() state.exported[module].add( } else if (isCopy) { state.copy.push({ from: relPath, code: stmt.getFullText().trim() }) } else if (isTypeExported) { throwError(stmt, fileName, 'Only functions and interfaces can be exported') } } } async function main() { const targetFile = path.join(__dirname, '../src/highlevel/client.ts') const output = fs.createWriteStream(targetFile) const state = { imports: {}, exported: {}, fields: [], init: [], methods: { used: {}, list: [], }, impls: [], copy: [], files: {}, } for await (const file of getFiles(path.join(__dirname, '../src/highlevel/methods'))) { if (!file.startsWith('.') && file.endsWith('.ts') && !file.endsWith('.web.ts') && !file.endsWith('.test.ts')) { await addSingleMethod(state, file) } } output.write( '/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-declaration-merging, @typescript-eslint/unified-signatures */\n' + '/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument */\n' + '/* THIS FILE WAS AUTO-GENERATED */\n' + "import EventEmitter from 'events'\n" + "import Long from 'long'\n", ) Object.entries(state.imports).forEach(([module, items]) => { items = [...items] if (!items.length) return output.write(`import { ${items.sort().join(', ')} } from '${module}'\n`) }) output.write("import { withParams } from './methods/misc/with-params.js'") output.write('\n') state.copy.forEach(({ from, code }) => { output.write(`// from ${from}\n${code}\n`) }) output.write('\nexport interface TelegramClient extends ITelegramClient {\n') output.write(`/** * Register a raw update handler * * @param name Event name * @param handler Raw update handler */ on(name: 'raw_update', handler: ((upd: tl.TypeUpdate | tl.TypeMessage, peers: PeersIndex) => void)): this /** * Register a parsed update handler * * @param name Event name * @param handler Raw update handler */ on(name: 'update', handler: ((upd: ParsedUpdate) => void)): this\n`) updates.types.forEach((type) => { output.write(`/** * Register ${updates.toSentence(type, 'inline')} * * @param name Event name * @param handler ${updates.toSentence(type, 'full')} */ on(name: '${type.typeName}', handler: ((upd: ${type.updateType}) => void)): this\n`) }) output.write(` // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any on(name: string, handler: (...args: any[]) => void): this\n /** * Wrap this client so that all RPC calls will use the specified parameters. * * @param params Parameters to use * @returns Wrapped client */ withParams(params: RpcCallOptions): this\n`) const printer = ts.createPrinter() const classContents = [] const classProtoDecls = [] state.methods.list.forEach( ({ name: origName, // isPrivate, isManual, func, comment, aliases, overload, hasOverloads, available, rawApiMethods, dependencies, isDeclare, }) => { if (!available && !overload) { // no @available directive // try to determine it automatically const checkDepsAvailability = (deps) => { return determineCommonAvailability(deps, (name) => { const method = state.methods.list.find((it) => === name && !it.overload) if (!method) { throwError( func, origName, `Cannot determine availability of ${name}, is it a client method? Please use @available directive manually`, ) } if (method.available === null) { return determineCommonAvailability([ determineCommonAvailability(method.rawApiMethods, findMethodAvailability), checkDepsAvailability(method.dependencies), ]) } return method.available }) } available = determineCommonAvailability([ determineCommonAvailability(rawApiMethods, findMethodAvailability), checkDepsAvailability(dependencies), ]) } // create method that calls that function and passes `this` // first let's determine the signature const returnType = func.type ? ': ' + func.type.getText() : '' const generics = func.typeParameters ? `<${ => it.getFullText()).join(', ')}>` : '' const rawParams = (func.parameters || []).filter( (it) => !it.type || it.type.getText() !== 'ITelegramClient', ) const parameters = rawParams .map((it) => { if (it.initializer) { // has default value it._savedDefault = it.initializer.getFullText() if (!it.type) { // no explicit type. // infer from initializer if ( it.initializer.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword || it.initializer.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword ) { it.type = { kind: ts.SyntaxKind.BooleanKeyword } } else if (it.initializer.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.StringLiteral) { it.type = { kind: ts.SyntaxKind.StringKeyword } } else if ( it.initializer.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral || (it.initializer.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier && (it.initializer.escapedText === 'NaN' || it.initializer.escapedText === 'Infinity')) ) { it.type = { kind: ts.SyntaxKind.NumberKeyword } } else { throwError(it, state.methods.used[origName], 'Cannot infer parameter type') } } it.initializer = undefined const deleteParents = (obj) => { if (Array.isArray(obj)) { return obj.forEach((it) => deleteParents(it)) } if (obj.parent) delete obj.parent for (const k of Object.keys(obj)) { if (obj[k] && typeof obj[k] === 'object') { deleteParents(obj[k]) } } } deleteParents(it) it.questionToken = { kind: ts.SyntaxKind.QuestionToken } return printer.printNode( ts.EmitHint.Unspecified, it, // state.files[state.methods.used[origName]] ) } return it.getFullText() }) .join(', ') // remove @internal mark and set default values for parameters comment = comment .replace(/^\s*\/\/+\s*@(alias|available|manual).*$/gm, '') .replace(/(\n^|\/\*)\s*\*\s*@internal.*/m, '') .replace(/((?:\n^|\/\*)\s*\*\s*@param )([^\s]+?)($|\s+)/gm, (_, pref, arg, post) => { const param = rawParams.find((it) => === arg) if (!param) return _ if (!param._savedDefault) return _ return `${pref}[${arg}=${param._savedDefault.trim()}]${post}` }) .replace(/(?<=\/\*.*)(?=\n\s*\*\s*(?:@[a-z]+|\/))/s, () => { switch (available) { case 'user': return '\n * **Available**: 👤 users only\n *' case 'bot': return '\n * **Available**: 🤖 bots only\n *' case 'both': return '\n * **Available**: ✅ both users and bots\n *' } return '' }) for (const name of [origName, ...aliases]) { if (!hasOverloads) { if (!comment.match(/\/\*\*?\s*\*\//)) { // empty comment, no need to write it output.write(comment + '\n') } output.write(`${name}${generics}(${parameters})${returnType}\n`) } if (!overload && !isManual && !isDeclare) { if (hasOverloads) { classProtoDecls.push('// @ts-expect-error this kinda breaks typings for overloads, idc') } classProtoDecls.push(`TelegramClient.prototype.${name} = function(...args) {`) if (hasOverloads) { classProtoDecls.push('// @ts-expect-error this kinda breaks typings for overloads, idc') } classProtoDecls.push(` return ${origName}(this._client, ...args);`) classProtoDecls.push('}') } } }, ) output.write('}\n') output.write('\nexport type { TelegramClientOptions }\n') output.write('\nexport * from "./base.js"\n') output.write('\nexport class TelegramClient extends EventEmitter implements ITelegramClient {\n') output.write(' _client: ITelegramClient\n') state.fields.forEach(({ code }) => output.write(`protected ${code}\n`)) output.write('constructor(opts: TelegramClientOptions) {\n') output.write(' super()\n') state.init.forEach((code) => { output.write(code + '\n') }) output.write('}\n') classContents.forEach((line) => output.write(line + '\n')) output.write(` withParams(params: RpcCallOptions): this { return withParams(this, params) }\n`) output.write('}\n') classProtoDecls.forEach((line) => output.write(line + '\n')) // proxied methods ;[ 'prepare', 'connect', 'close', 'notifyLoggedIn', 'notifyLoggedOut', 'notifyChannelOpened', 'notifyChannelClosed', 'startUpdatesLoop', 'stopUpdatesLoop', 'call', 'importSession', 'exportSession', 'onError', 'emitError', 'handleClientUpdate', 'getApiCrenetials', 'getPoolSize', 'getPrimaryDcId', 'computeSrpParams', 'computeNewPasswordHash', 'onConnectionState', 'getServerUpdateHandler', 'changePrimaryDc', ].forEach((name) => { output.write( `TelegramClient.prototype.${name} = function(...args) {\n` + ` return this._client.${name}(...args)\n` + '}\n', ) }) // disabled methods - they are used internally and we don't want to expose them // if the user *really* needs them, they can use `client._client` to access the underlying client ;['onServerUpdate', 'onUpdate'].forEach((name) => { output.write( `TelegramClient.prototype.${name} = function() {\n` + ` throw new Error('${name} is not available for TelegramClient, use .on() methods instead')\n` + '}\n', ) }) state.impls.forEach(({ name, code }) => output.write(`TelegramClient.prototype.${name} = ${code}\n`)) // write methods re-exports to separate file const targetFileMethods = path.join(__dirname, '../src/highlevel/methods.ts') const outputMethods = fs.createWriteStream(targetFileMethods) outputMethods.write('/* THIS FILE WAS AUTO-GENERATED */\n') state.methods.list.forEach(({ module, name, overload, isDeclare }) => { if (overload || isDeclare) return outputMethods.write(`export { ${name} } from '${module}'\n`) if (state.exported[module]) { outputMethods.write(`export type { ${[...state.exported[module]].join(', ')} } from '${module}'\n`) delete state.exported[module] } }) await new Promise((resolve) => { outputMethods.end(resolve) }) await new Promise((resolve) => { output.end(resolve) }) runEslint(targetFile) runEslint(targetFileMethods) } main().catch(console.error)