fix(client): file download cancellation issues

This commit is contained in:
alina 🌸 2023-12-22 23:17:40 +03:00
parent 3eaceedb8b
commit 391049b86f
Signed by: teidesu
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:uNeCpw6aTSU4aIObXLvHfLkDa82HWH9EiOj9AXOIRpI

View file

@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ export async function* downloadAsIterable(
let dcId = params?.dcId
let fileSize = params?.fileSize
const abortSignal = params?.abortSignal
let aborted = false
let location: tl.TypeInputFileLocation | tl.TypeInputWebFileLocation
if (input instanceof FileLocation) {
let locationInner = input.location
@ -102,6 +105,10 @@ export async function* downloadAsIterable(
const downloadChunk = async (chunk = nextWorkerChunkIdx++): Promise<void> => {
let result: tl.RpcCallReturn['upload.getFile'] | tl.RpcCallReturn['upload.getWebFile']
if (aborted) {
try {
result = await
@ -111,9 +118,15 @@ export async function* downloadAsIterable(
offset: chunkSize * chunk,
limit: chunkSize,
{ dcId, kind: connectionKind, abortSignal: params?.abortSignal },
kind: connectionKind,
maxRetryCount: Infinity, // retry until explicitly aborted (or finished)
} catch (e: unknown) {
if (e instanceof DOMException && === 'AbortError') return
if (! throw e
if ('FILE_MIGRATE_%d')) {
@ -134,6 +147,10 @@ export async function* downloadAsIterable(
throw new MtUnsupportedError('Received CDN redirect, which is not supported (yet)')
if (aborted) {
if (result._ === 'upload.webFile' && result.size && limitBytes === Infinity) {
limitBytes = result.size
numChunks = ~~((limitBytes + chunkSize - offset - 1) / chunkSize)
@ -155,12 +172,22 @@ export async function* downloadAsIterable(
.catch((e) => {
client.log.debug('download workers errored: %s', e.message)
error = e
aborted = true // not really aborted, but we dont want to download more chunks
.then(() => {
client.log.debug('download workers finished')
// to avoid MaxListenersExceededWarning we do this instead
// already sent requests can go to hell (they will get ignored)
abortSignal?.addEventListener('abort', () => {
client.log.debug('download aborted')
error = abortSignal.reason
aborted = true
let position = offset
while (position < limitBytes) {