
258 lines
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import Long from 'long'
const TWO_PWR_32_DBL = (1 << 16) * (1 << 16)
* Mapping of TL object names to writer functions.
export type TlWriterMap = Record<string, (w: any, val: any) => void>
type SerializableObject = { _: string }
export class TlSerializationCounter {
count = 0
constructor(readonly objectMap: TlWriterMap) {}
static countNeededBytes(
objectMap: TlWriterMap,
obj: SerializableObject
): number {
const cnt = new TlSerializationCounter(objectMap)
return cnt.count
static countBytesOverhead(size: number): number {
let res = 0
let padding
if (size <= 253) {
res += 1
padding = (size + 1) % 4
} else {
res += 4
padding = size % 4
if (padding > 0) res += 4 - padding
return res
boolean(): void {
this.count += 4
double(): void {
this.count += 8
float(): void {
this.count += 4
int128(): void {
this.count += 16
int256(): void {
this.count += 32
int(): void {
this.count += 4
uint(): void {
this.count += 4
int53(): void {
this.count += 8
long(): void {
this.count += 8
null(): void {
this.count += 4
raw(val: Buffer): void {
this.count += val.length
bytes(val: Buffer): void {
this.count +=
TlSerializationCounter.countBytesOverhead(val.length) + val.length
string(val: string): void {
const length = Buffer.byteLength(val, 'utf8')
this.count += TlSerializationCounter.countBytesOverhead(length) + length
object(obj: SerializableObject): void {
if (!this.objectMap[obj._]) throw new Error(`Unknown object ${obj._}`)
this.objectMap[obj._](this, obj)
vector(fn: Function, items: unknown[]): void {
this.count += 8
items.forEach((it) =>, it))
export class TlBinaryWriter {
buffer: Buffer
pos: number
readonly objectMap: TlWriterMap | undefined,
buffer: Buffer,
start = 0
) {
this.buffer = buffer
this.pos = start
static alloc(objectMap: TlWriterMap, size: number): TlBinaryWriter {
return new TlBinaryWriter(objectMap, Buffer.allocUnsafe(size))
static manual(buffer: Buffer, start = 0): TlBinaryWriter {
return new TlBinaryWriter(undefined, buffer, start)
static manualAlloc(size: number): TlBinaryWriter {
return new TlBinaryWriter(undefined, Buffer.allocUnsafe(size))
static serializeObject(
objectMap: TlWriterMap,
obj: SerializableObject,
knownSize = -1
): Buffer {
if (knownSize === -1)
knownSize = TlSerializationCounter.countNeededBytes(objectMap, obj)
const writer = TlBinaryWriter.alloc(objectMap, knownSize)
return writer.buffer
int(val: number): void {
this.buffer.writeInt32LE(val, this.pos)
this.pos += 4
uint(val: number): void {
this.buffer.writeUInt32LE(val, this.pos)
this.pos += 4
int53(val: number): void {
// inlined fromNumber from Long
this.buffer.writeInt32LE(val % TWO_PWR_32_DBL | 0, this.pos)
if (val < 0) {
(val / TWO_PWR_32_DBL - 1) | 0,
this.pos + 4
} else {
this.buffer.writeInt32LE((val / TWO_PWR_32_DBL) | 0, this.pos + 4)
this.pos += 8
null(): void {
long(val: Long): void {
this.buffer.writeInt32LE(val.low, this.pos)
this.buffer.writeInt32LE(val.high, this.pos + 4)
this.pos += 8
float(val: number): void {
this.buffer.writeFloatLE(val, this.pos)
this.pos += 4
double(val: number): void {
this.buffer.writeDoubleLE(val, this.pos)
this.pos += 8
boolean(val: boolean): void {
this.buffer.writeUInt32LE(val ? 0x997275b5 : 0xbc799737, this.pos)
this.pos += 4
raw(val: Buffer): void {
val.copy(this.buffer, this.pos)
this.pos += val.length
int128(val: Buffer): void {
val.copy(this.buffer, this.pos)
this.pos += 16
int256(val: Buffer): void {
val.copy(this.buffer, this.pos)
this.pos += 32
bytes(val: Buffer): void {
const length = val.length
let padding
if (length <= 253) {
this.buffer[this.pos++] = val.length
padding = (length + 1) % 4
} else {
this.buffer[this.pos++] = 254
this.buffer[this.pos++] = val.length & 0xff
this.buffer[this.pos++] = (val.length >> 8) & 0xff
this.buffer[this.pos++] = (val.length >> 16) & 0xff
padding = length % 4
val.copy(this.buffer, this.pos)
this.pos += val.length
if (padding > 0) {
padding = 4 - padding
while (padding--) this.buffer[this.pos++] = 0
string(val: string): void {
this.bytes(Buffer.from(val, 'utf-8'))
object(obj: SerializableObject): void {
const fn = this.objectMap![obj._]
if (!fn) throw new Error(`Unknown object ${obj._}`)
fn(this, obj)
vector(fn: Function, val: unknown[], bare?: boolean): void {
if (!bare) this.uint(0x1cb5c415)
val.forEach((it) =>, it, bare))
result(): Buffer {
return this.buffer.slice(0, this.pos)