2025-01-12 20:20:36 +03:00

193 lines
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// based on
// but modified to support `?external` imports
import type { Plugin as EsbuildPlugin, OnResolveArgs, PluginBuild } from 'esbuild'
import type { Plugin, ResolvedConfig, UserConfig } from 'vite'
type ExternalCriteria = string | RegExp | ((id: string) => boolean)
interface ModulePrefixTransformPluginOptions {
/** The base path of the vite configuration */
base: string
interface PluginOptions {
externals: ExternalCriteria[]
const resolvedExternals = new Set<string>()
function isExternal(id: string, externals: ExternalCriteria[]): boolean {
if (id.endsWith('?external')) return true
return externals.some((external) => {
if (typeof external === 'string') {
return id === external || id.startsWith(`${external}/`)
if (external instanceof RegExp) {
return external.test(id)
if (typeof external === 'function') {
return external(id)
return false
* Creates a plugin for esbuild to externalize specific modules.
* esbuild is used by Vite during development.
* This plugin is injected into optimizeDeps.esbuildOptions.plugins, and runs during the dependency scanning / optimization phase.
* @param options - Plugin options
* @returns The esbuild plugin
function esbuildPluginExternalize(externals: ExternalCriteria[]): EsbuildPlugin {
return {
name: 'externalize',
setup(build: PluginBuild) {
build.onResolve({ filter: /.*/ }, (args: OnResolveArgs) => {
if (
isExternal(args.path, externals)
&& args.kind === 'import-statement'
) {
return {
path: args.path,
external: true,
// Supresses the following error:
// The entry point [moduleName] cannot be marked as external
if (isExternal(args.path, externals) && args.kind === 'entry-point') {
return { path: args.path, namespace: 'externalized-modules' }
return null
// Supresses the following error:
// Do not know how to load path: [namespace:moduleName]
build.onLoad({ filter: /.*/ }, (args) => {
if (isExternal(args.path, externals)) {
return { contents: '' }
return null
* Creates a plugin to remove prefix from imports injected by Vite.
* If module is externalized, Vite will prefix imports with "/\@id/" during development.
* @param options - The plugin options
* @returns Vite plugin to remove prefix from imports
function modulePrefixTransform({
}: ModulePrefixTransformPluginOptions): Plugin {
return {
name: 'vite-plugin-remove-prefix',
transform: (code: string): string => {
// Verify if there are any external modules resolved to avoid having /\/@id\/()/g regex
if (resolvedExternals.size === 0) return code
const viteImportAnalysisModulePrefix = '@id/'
const prefixedImportRegex = new RegExp(
.map(it => it.replace(/\?/g, '\\?'))
if (prefixedImportRegex.test(code)) {
return code.replace(
(_: string, externalName: string) => externalName.replace(/\?external$/g, ''),
return code
* Creates a Vite plugin to externalize specific modules.
* This plugin is only used during development.
* To externalize modules in production, configure build.rollupOptions.external.
* @param externals - The list of modules to externalize.
* @returns The Vite plugin.
function vitePluginExternalize(options: PluginOptions): Plugin {
return {
name: 'vite-plugin-externalize',
enforce: 'pre',
apply: 'serve',
config: (config: UserConfig): Omit<UserConfig, 'plugins'> | null | void => {
config.optimizeDeps ??= {}
config.optimizeDeps.esbuildOptions ??= {}
config.optimizeDeps.esbuildOptions.plugins ??= []
// Prevent the plugin from being inserted multiple times
const pluginName = 'externalize'
const isPluginAdded = config.optimizeDeps.esbuildOptions.plugins.some(
(plugin: any) => === pluginName,
if (!isPluginAdded) {
esbuildPluginExternalize(options.externals) as any,
return null
configResolved: (resolvedConfig: ResolvedConfig) => {
// Plugins are read-only, and should not be modified,
// however modulePrefixTransformPlugin MUST run after vite:import-analysis (which adds the prefix to imports)
(resolvedConfig.plugins as Plugin[]).push(
modulePrefixTransform({ base: resolvedConfig.base ?? '/' }),
// Supresses the following warning:
// Failed to resolve import [dependency] from [sourceFile]. Does the file exist?
resolveId: (id: string) => {
if (resolvedExternals.has(id)) {
return { id, external: true }
// During subsequent runs after the dependency optimization is completed, esbuild plugin might not be called.
// This will cause the resolvedExternals to be empty, and the plugin will not be able to resolve the external modules, which is why a direct check is required.
if (isExternal(id, options.externals)) {
return { id, external: true }
return null
// Supresses the following warning:
// The following dependencies are imported but could not be resolved: [dependency] (imported by [sourceFile])
load: (id: string) => {
if (resolvedExternals.has(id)) {
return { code: 'export default {};' }
return null
// Justification: Vite plugins are expected to provide a default export
export default vitePluginExternalize